

@@add links to RDF/n3, RDF/xml versions, also PNG and postscript.

@@RDF/Graphviz thoughts

hmm... EdgeProperty isn't really a class; it's a relationship between a property and a diagram.

or... hmm... actually, there should be even more fine-grained control, down to the individual triple. so... use :thisGraph g:hasArc [ r:subject :s; r:predicate :p; r:object :o; g:label "xyz"; g:color "abc" ].


@@@@@@@ lists/collectionsdomain-dependent range (age of senior over59) cardinality uniqueproperty, unambiguousproperty intersection, union datatypes (age 13) ...@@ ...@@ @@@@@@@
Last modified: Wed May 2 02:22:02 CDT 2001