Timer: 0

Copyright: Copyright 1998-2001 W3C (MIT, INRIA, Keio), All Rights Reserved.
See http://www.w3.org/Consortium/Legal/.
Author: Muriel Jourdan (Muriel.Jourdan@inrialpes.fr)
Version: APr. 11, 2000, v1        
Module: SMIL Timing & Sync Module 
Attribute: begin attribute
Feature: begin attribute and Negative Delay 
File Name: Negative_Delay9.smil
Media Components: 1 MPG (dur = 5.6s), 1JPG
Expected Behavior: foo is shown for 10s. 
When/if foo is clicked 
then the video starts to play 
but its three first seconds are skipped 
(we only see vid during 2.6s) 
and frown is displayed for 6s.
<t:img style="width:100;height:100" id="foo" src="../images/smile.jpg" dur="10s" />
<t:video style="width:100;height:100" id="vid" src="../videos/nist.mpg" begin="foo.click - 3s"
fill="remove" />
<t:img style="width:100;height:100" id="frown" src="../images/frown.jpg" dur="6s" begin="vid.begin +3s" />