
How to Use Annotations

To use annotations you need an annotation client, such as Amaya (C1) and a service, such as the W3C public annotation service (S1). Follow first the instructions for the service (S1) and then for the client (C1).

You may also want to try annotea-show XSLT script (C2) or the interactive Web user interface (C3) with the same W3C trial service (S1).

S1. W3C public annotation service

You can easily try out annotations with the W3C public annotation service http://annotest.w3.org/annotations that is available for testing purposes. Annotations can be retrieved without authentication but for posting them you need to:

C1. Amaya client

To try out annotations with Amaya client and the W3C public annotation service you need to do the following:

C2. Annotea-show XSLT annotation script

Easiest way to see the annotations on a HTML page is to use the annotea-show XSLT script for annotations. Currently some restrictions apply.

C3. Interactive Web query user interface

You can also use an interactive Web query user interface for the annotest service. It lets you query the annotation database and see the RDF that is stored in there. if If you are going to create new annotations or change existing ones with this interface you also need the annotest access database user id and password.

Other Annotea clients or servers

You can also try out other Annotea clients or other servers.

Marja-Riitta Koivunen

Last updated $Date: 2004/01/05 00:18:47 $