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7.2 - Bulleted Lists
Bulleted lists are represented with the UL and LI elements:
<LI>Wake up
<LI>Get dressed
<LI>Have breakfast
<LI>Drive to work
which is usually rendered as:
- Wake up
- Get dressed
- Have breakfast
- Drive to work
The COMPACT attribute when present e.g. <UL COMPACT> has the effect of reducing inter-item spacing. The bullet style is the responsibility of the browser, and normally an unordered list nested within a list of the same type is given a different style (bullet, dash, box or check). Authors can instead use the SRC attribute for the LI element to specify an icon with a URL or URN, e.g. <LI SRC="folder.gif">. List item text can't include headers, see the HTML+ DTD in Appendix I for details.
HTML+ Discussion Document - November 8, 1993
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