Editorial errors in XHTML Moduralization 1.1 PR


I've found some typos in XHTML Moduralization 1.1
(Proposed Recommendation 2006-02-13) [1].

1) In "F.2. XHTML Modular Framework", notations module is ignored by
   > <!ENTITY % xhtml-notations.module "IGNORE" >

   But in the same section:
   >      This required module instantiates the modules needed
   >      to support the XHTML modularization model, including:
   >         +  notations

   '+ notations' should be removed.

2) In "F.2.4. XHTML Common Attribute Definitions":
   > Note that this file was extended in XHTML Modularization Second
Edition to ...

   This is a typo of "XHTML Modularization 1.1".

3) In "5.1. Attribute Collections", 'Core' is defined as:
   > Core    class ( NMTOKENS ), id ( ID ), title ( CDATA )

   'xml:space="preserve"' is lacking.

   And in some element type definitions in section 5:
   > pre     Common , xml:space="preserve"  (PCDATA | Inline)*
   > script  charset ( Charset ), defer ("defer"), src ( URI ),
             type* ( ContentType ), xml:space="preserve"
   > style   I18N , media ( MediaDesc ), title ( Text ),
             type* ( ContentType ), xml:space="preserve"

   These 'xml:space="preserve"' should be removed.

And some more editorial errors still exist. See:
Especially 4), 5), 7) are not modified.


Satoshi ISHIKAWA <webmaster@satoshii.org>

Received on Tuesday, 14 February 2006 20:15:15 UTC