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Task Forces

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List of current DIGPUB IG Task Forces

Current Goals Publications Leader(s) Repository Resources, Use Cases
Layout & Styling Expand coverage of latinreq; document spreads and bleeds, find material on STEM and higher-ed publications; looking at issues around pagination "Requirements for Latin Text Layout and Pagination" Dave Cramer github repository, github paged view, TF wiki, TF wiki, Styling Use Cases 1., I18N Use Cases 2., Pagination Use Cases
Content & Markup Review existing lists of structural vocabulary terms. Provide selected terms to PF for inclusion as digital publishing module of ARIA. Tzviya Siegman github repository, github paged view, TF wiki, Use Cases
Accessibility Review UAAG, EPUB 3 a11y features/guidelines (particularly media overlays, CSS Speech, Braille, and SVG) Deborah Kaplan, Charles LaPierre github repository, github paged view, TF wiki, Use Cases
STEM Review STEM-specific requirements, usage, deployments, etc, of W3C standards (HTML, MathML etc), web technology, markup and data formats. In particular, undertake kick-off interviews with specialists followed by a wider survey among practitioners, and summarize results in a report and the use cases. Peter Krautzberger github repository, github paged view, TF wiki, Use Cases
(PWP) Locators Establish principles and mechanism locators in the context of Portable Web Publications. Ben De Meester TF wiki
Archival (To be defined in more details.) Tim Cole TF wiki

Closed task forces

Current Goals Publications Leader(s) Repository Resources, Use Cases
Annotation Collect community feedback, then produce updated version; feed the results to the general Annotation work at W3C "Annotation Use Cases" Robert Sanderson github repository, github paged view, TF Wiki, Use Cases
Metadata Set up two committees of volunteers, one to research current informational resources available from the W3C and elsewhere regarding RDF, and the other to research identifiers that are or should be expressed as URIs and consult with their governing organizations to see what instructions or guidance they are providing and what level of URI usage they are currently experiencing. Also, finalize report in GitHub and turn it into a W3C Note by December 20. Task force report Bill Kasdorf, Madi Solomon github repository, github paged view, TF wiki, Use Cases
Identifiers Explore the technical challenges and requirements on identifiers with reference to EPUB-WEB Bill Kasdorf github repository, github paged view, TF wiki, Use Cases

Other task forces considered by the group

These task forces are currently not existing or active; they may be subject of future work.

Group(s) of Use Cases
Security Use Cases
Packaging and Distribution

Other document for the DPUB industry

F2F Meetings