Web App Source Code Protection CG is trending in Social Media
Posted on:As part of my work in the W3C Communications Team, I monitor the social media and the press for W3C technology and stories. The Web App Source Code Protection Community Group has been much written about in the past few weeks.
See for example this Topsy graph. It shows the number of tweets per day that mentioned “Web App Source Code Protection Community Group”:

A more remarkable example is this Topsy search for tweets that mentioned the URI of this group‘s homepage:

The sentiments people share are that of worry and concerns, to say the least.
Another part of my work is to help run —and assess— the W3C Community Groups operations. Community Groups are run by the community and hosted by W3C. They do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff, and this is a clarification that we can not emphasise enough.
I gave a quick look at the number of blog posts of this Community Group, the traffic in its mailing list archives and its (unused) wiki (both linked from the side menu), and the contrast with the trend in social media is striking.
The proposed work may get traction, or not, this is entirely up to this community group with 39 participants, many of whom, I suspect, are observers.