Posted on:First virtual meeting to be held November 2012 (date to be agreed)
1. Governance of this group
– Need to elect Chair and Vicechair and decide a term for the appointment
– Agree on a few goals and norms
2.. Mission, activities and schedule
– Make an action/activity plan for the next 12 months, consisting possibly of reviewing, integrating and issuing a general recommendation for SWI Based on existing resources (the journal, workshops, other activities etc)
3. Funding
Should we try to get some funding for this work? Options?
4. Editing this page
Group members, please try to edit this page and enter something here to see if it works
[Benji] The TinyMCE editor is loading itself from http (not https, like its page container), so it gets blocked in Chrome, and editing posts doesn’t work. Firefox is less strict here, it seems (which I’m using right now).
[PDM] Managed to EDIT using chrome by clicking on the shield ICON on the right of the browser address bar
[PZH] Tested