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Stereoscopic 3D Web Community Group

The Stereoscopic 3D Web Community Group is focused on determining the requirements, available options, and use cases for the addition of stereoscopic depth into the W3C technology stack. The group also evaluates areas where S3D can be interesting to apply focusing on perception and interaction in different scenarios. The main objective is to evaluate the necessary requirements for a successful implementation of a declarative approach to stereoscopic 3D depth as part of HTML documents.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

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Stereo 3D TVs recognizing side by side stereo web content?

I’d like to report on another interesting case that has happened several times in the lab while testing 3D stimuli.

To set the context, we (Alexey and myself) have created a set of tools that create side by side stimuli for the web.These tools use HTML5 canvas and jQuery+HTML5. It generally happens that when we connect via HDMI the PC to the TV (in our case, Active 46”) if the content is side by side (HTML, Canvas, etc) the TV automatically changes to 3D mode.

We find this  interesting since there is no indication from the webpage that tells the TV it is displaying “stereoscopic content”.

Auto Stereo hardware recognition in IE and Chrome

While most of the ideas and suggestions that my colleagues and me have had are already specified in the draft, we want to note that we’ve come across web pages that use WebGL on latest versions of IE and Chrome running on a Windows 8 machine with an ASUS display. In these cases (and maybe on a proprietary move by NVIDIA since the PC is coupled with 3D ision tech) the browser is able to automatically switch and display -though different interpretations of the same content in each browser- the 3D content.

No permission is asked, and the switching is a bit annoying, but once up it works decently.

We’ve activted the effect by putting some WebGL content on a website, nonetheless it doesn’t work every time and we are not sure how to effectively trigger it.

Any ideas or similar scenarios you might have experienced?

Member Presentation


My name is Alexey Chistyakov. I’m a graphical user interface designer and developer, Computer Science PhD candidate at Universitat Autonomà de Barcelona, and a head designer/developer of 3DSjQ framework.

My PhD Thesis is centered on interactions with stereoscopic displays. So far me and my colleague Luis Diego Gonzàlez Zùñiga presented two papers on this topic. The first one called Breaking the Pattern: Study on Stereoscopic Web Perception [1] describes results of the experiment on perception of web-pages which were converted into stereoscopic 3D. The results indicate disturbance of eye gaze distribution on search engine results page (SERP) converted into S3D compared to conventional (flat) SERP. The second paper  called Bringing the Web Closer: Stereoscopic 3D Web Conversion [2] is about the Algorithm behind the tool that was used in order to create stimuli for the paper described above. This Algorithm is exploited by 3DSjQ framework which does stable conversion of any web-pages into S3D.

I would also like to say that 3DSjQ is still in development and we’re looking forward to attract more and more developers in order to make it better and more stable. We want to implement new features one of which is to make the framework to support the Requirements for S3D web presented in the proposal by Soonbo Han and Dong-Young Lee from LG Electronics [3]. It should help us to challenge the possibilities of 3DSjQ and test-drive the Requirements.

I will keep this group updated with all the new stuff I’ll get.



Member presentation, LGE

Hi everyone,

I’m Soonbo Han, one of the co-chairs of the Stereoscopic 3D Web CG, and working for LG Electronics.

My colleague Dong-Young Lee and I have been working on both standardization and implementation of stereoscopic 3D on the web. We believe that there must be a need for the Stereoscopic 3D web as stereo 3D devices become widely available.

We had initiated the Stereoscopic 3D web TF [1] in the Web and TV IG at TPAC 2012, of which the main goal was to discuss use cases and requirements. We also proposed an initial draft of the Extensions for Stereoscopic 3D support [2], in which several new CSS properties that enable existing web content such as HTML elements or stereo images to render in stereoscopic 3D were introduced.

We believe this CG would be the best place to discuss any topic related to stereoscopic 3D on the web and will contribute as much as possible.


Member presentation, general welcoming

Hello Everyone,

I’d like to kick-off this group by thanking you for your interest and proposing a presentation of each of us. So I’ll start.

As exposed this group is intended for people that want to see stereo on the web. I’d like to see posts and discussions on implementations, state of the art and some such. I’m Diego González, a computer engineer doing a PhD thesis on stereoscopic UIs at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. I’ve started diving a bit into creating a toolkit that allows for stereo drawing in HTML5’s canvas. Right now I’m doing some basic experiments on depth and gestalt design principles, I’ll be happy to share and comment when they’re done.

My areas of interest are stereo for UIs, mobile development, and user experience in general.

Again, welcome to the group.