Scope of the Extensible Web Community Group
Posted on:Hi everybody! Firstly, welcome in this group.
At nExtWeb, we have the following missions :
- Collect good samples of prolyfills and get the prolyfill concept “known”.
- Analyze existing prolyfills and spec new browser’s features that would make them easier to create.
- Create samples and guidelines for prolyfills writers.
- Get the concept of “forward polyfill” known by the other W3C groups and encourage spec editors to create prototypes using prolyfills.
To get all those things done, we need your help! If you can do one of those things, we would love to hear from you:
- Writing shim or polyfills
- Sharing your coding experience and pitfalls
- Reading and editing web specifications
We’re using our public mailling list ( and (from time to time) our IRC channel to discuss polyfills and web technologies, so you may be interested in coming along to see what’s going on!
This is an example of a piano in Padua.
As a side note, our group doesn’t have the following missions:
- Replace existing working groups by making normative specifications related to their scope (even if we reserve ourself the right to publish unofficial drafts and expose them to the relevant working groups)
- Standardize the extensions added by prolyfills to the existing web specifications (we only standardize the way prolyfills can be written, and we propose tools to other working groups we think they should implement to make prolyfill writers life easier)
Any question? Feel free to leave a comment!