Participants in the Hydra Community Group
More on how to choose chairs-
Markus Lanthaler
Google LLC
Karol Szczepański
Individual CLA commitment
Vagif Abilov
Individual CLA commitment
kartik adur
Individual CLA commitment
Kwame Akuffo
Individual CLA commitment
Paul Alagna
Individual CLA commitment
Benjamin Albritton
Stanford University
Amber gautam amber
Individual CLA commitment
Mike Amundsen
Individual CLA commitment
James Anderson
Datagraph GmbH
Victor Andrée
Individual CLA commitment
Chris Andrew
Individual CLA commitment
Peb Ruswono Aryan
Individual CLA commitment
Martin Bailey
Individual CLA commitment
Luis Baquera
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of California, Riverside
Manos Batsis
Individual CLA commitment
Danny Bergsma
Troy Bergstrand
LaMotte Company
James Birmingham
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with ITV
Parables Boltnoel
Individual CLA commitment
Renoir Boulanger
Individual CLA commitment
Stefan Bourlon
Individual CLA commitment
Kristoffer Lie Braathen
Individual CLA commitment
giles bradshaw
DK Computer Systems Ltd
Cedric Brancourt
Individual CLA commitment
Aymeric Brisse
Perfect Memory
Johann Brocail
Individual CLA commitment
Ryan Brown
Individual CLA commitment
Edward Byne
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with codecentric AG
grant callaghan
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Bracket Computing
Melvin Carvalho
Individual CLA commitment
R. Michael Cary
IHS Markit
Ananda Chakraborti
Tampere University
Gaurav Chandra
Individual CLA commitment
Chris Chapman
Pentandra Research Solutions, Inc.
Vaibhav Chellani
Individual CLA commitment
Individual CLA commitment
Antoine Cheron
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique (Inria)
Imani Chilongani
Individual CLA commitment
Gaurav Chitransh
Individual CLA commitment
Adam Christie
Digirati Ltd
Ricardo Cid
PlantRobot LLC
Tory Clasen
Individual CLA commitment
Rem Collier
University College Dublin
Graham Conzett
Jachim Coudenys
Individual CLA commitment
Pierre Coupet
Virtual Organization Management Institute
Graham Cox
Individual CLA commitment
Stefano Da Ros
Individual CLA commitment
Nir Dagan
Individual CLA commitment
Giovanni De Facci
Individual CLA commitment
Nick Denny
Vishal Desai
Individual CLA commitment
Jason Desrosiers
Individual CLA commitment
Felipe Diniz
Diretoria de Serviço Geografico
Pablo Dorgambide
Individual CLA commitment
Kévin Dunglas
Kévin Dunglas
David Duran
Dan Duvall
Individual CLA commitment
Geoffrey Emery
Individual CLA commitment
Roman Evstifeev
Individual CLA commitment
Anna Fensel
University of Innsbruck
Achim Friedland
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Belectric IT Solutions GmbH
Kristoffer Garcia
IHS Markit
Rosario Garcia de Zuniga
Individual CLA commitment
Aparna Garimella
IHS Markit
Antonio Garrote
Andrea Gazzarini
Individual CLA commitment
David Gibson
Southern Cross Medical Care Society
Miguel Angel Gómez Zotano
Individual CLA commitment
Dimitris Goutis
Individual CLA commitment
Lukas Graf
4teamwork AG
Andrew Gray
Individual CLA commitment
Steven Greenberg
SAX Capital
Stefan Guha
Individual CLA commitment
Ashwani Gupta
Individual CLA commitment
Rajesh kumar Gupta
Individual CLA commitment
Jason Haag
Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Initiative
Andrew Hacking
Individual CLA commitment
Tom Haggie
The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation
Sébastien Hamel
Individual CLA commitment
Bart Hanssens
Istiaq Hasan
Individual CLA commitment
Keith Hazelton
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Klaas Heidstra
Individual CLA commitment
Paul Hermans
Individual CLA commitment
Christoph Hoffmann
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Chunming Hu
Kingsley Idehen
OpenLink Software Inc.
Individual CLA commitment
Laszlo Janszky
Individual CLA commitment
Tom Johnson
Digital Public Library of America
Brad Jones
Individual CLA commitment
steve jose
Individual CLA commitment
Martynas Jusevicius
Linked Data, UAB
Manas Kabre
Individual CLA commitment
Tibor Katelbach
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Oceatoon
Omar Khan
Wells Fargo
Carsten Klee
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Randell Knight
Joel Köbner
Individual CLA commitment
Kristian Köhler
Individual CLA commitment
Akihiro Koike
Japan Registry Services Co., Ltd.
Alex Kreidler
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Decipher Technology Studios
Andreas Kuckartz
Individual CLA commitment
Aashish Kumar
Individual CLA commitment
Rishav Kumar
Individual CLA commitment
Upendra Kumar
Individual CLA commitment
Kai Kunstmann
Individual CLA commitment
Paul Kuykendall
Argo Data Resource Corporation
Mikaël Labrut
Individual CLA commitment
Samesh Lakhotia
Individual CLA commitment
Sebastien Lambla
Individual CLA commitment
Kin Lane
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with 3scale
Hilmar Lapp
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Duke University, Center for Genomic and Computational Biology
David Lee
Individual CLA commitment
Judson Lester
Logical Reality Design
Ekansh Mahendru
Individual CLA commitment
subhasree majumder
Individual CLA commitment
Kalin Maldzhanski
Individual CLA commitment
Erik Mannens
Damian Martinez Gelabert
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Medallia
Colin Maudry
Individual CLA commitment
Michael McCool
Intel Corporation
Ryan McDonough
Individual CLA commitment
Shane McLeod
Individual CLA commitment
Icaro Medeiros
Carlos Eduardo Melo
Secretaria de Orçamento Federal
Bruno Mendonca
Pawan Mishra
Individual CLA commitment
Jose Montoya
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Mountain State Software Solutions
Lorenzo Moriondo
Individual CLA commitment
Michaël Mrissa
Université de Lyon
Jay Myers
Best Buy
Yaswanth Narvaneni
Fortuity Infotech Pvt Ltd
Priyanshu Nayan
Individual CLA commitment
Jean-Gert Nesselbosch
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Strato AG
John Newton
Individual CLA commitment
Palash Nigam
Individual CLA commitment
Sindre Njøsen
Individual CLA commitment
Khalid Nobani
Individual CLA commitment
Eoin O'Neill
Individual CLA commitment
Rotimi Orimoloye
Individual CLA commitment
Krishna Oruganti
Wipro Technologies
Michallis Pashidis
Wasin Passornpakorn
Individual CLA commitment
Cong Peng
Individual CLA commitment
Michael Petychakis
National Technical University of Athens
Mathias Picker
virtual earth Gesellschaft für Wissens re/prä sentation mbH
Michael Pigott
Iron Horse Software, LLC
Osvaldo Pina
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Central Bank of Brazil
kshitij porwal
Individual CLA commitment
Andreas Prieß
Individual CLA commitment
Michael Puckett
Individual CLA commitment
Jose Quiroz
Individual CLA commitment
Matthew Radford
Vitalwerks Internet Solutions LLC
Nishant Rajput
Individual CLA commitment
christian rebischke
Individual CLA commitment
Henrique Recidive
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Taller
Yos Riady
Individual CLA commitment
Trevor Richardson
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Gain Compliance
Nathan Ridley
Individual CLA commitment
Ryan Riley
Individual CLA commitment
Ryan Roberts
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
Alexander Rüedlinger
Individual CLA commitment
Paul Sadauskas
Individual CLA commitment
Ardalan Saeidi
Individual CLA commitment
emile salem
Subham Sanghai
Individual CLA commitment
Charles Sarrazin
Individual CLA commitment
Gregory Saumier-Finch
Culture Creates Inc
Jonathan Schneider
Individual CLA commitment
Dietrich Schulten
Individual CLA commitment
Alfredo Serafini
Individual CLA commitment
yannick serra
Individual CLA commitment
Teketkom Shalimov
Harini Shankar
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with FINRA
Anuj Sharma
Individual CLA commitment
Ryan Shaw
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Adam Shepherd
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Umutcan Simsek
STI Innsbruck
Geoffrey Sindel
World Wide Technology
Arti Singh
Individual CLA commitment
Individual CLA commitment
Matthew Slater
Individual CLA commitment
Jim Smart
Individual CLA commitment
Peter Smith
Individual CLA commitment
Herbert Snorrason
Individual CLA commitment
Claus Stadler
Universität Leipzig
Nathan Stites
Individual CLA commitment
Timo Stollenwerk
Individual CLA commitment
Bojan Suzic
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Graz University of Technology
Ruben Taelman
Vicki Tardif
Google LLC
Han Hui Teoh
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Tripviss
Lonnie Teter
Individual CLA commitment
Ted Thibodeau Jr
OpenLink Software Inc.
Pierre Thierry
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Autogriff
Leila Tite
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with Hennepin County
Gaurav Tiwari
Individual CLA commitment
Rahul Tiwari
Individual CLA commitment
Matt Travi
Individual CLA commitment
Sebastian Trueg
OpenLink Software Inc.
Robert Trypuz
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Conal Tuohy
Individual CLA commitment
Asbjørn Ulsberg
Individual CLA commitment
Pedro Urra
Individual CLA commitment
Leon van Berlo
Charles Vardeman
Individual CLA commitment but affiliated with University of Notre Dame
Cristian Vasquez
Individual CLA commitment
christian veigl
Individual CLA commitment
Angelo Veltens
Individual CLA commitment
Rushal Verma
Individual CLA commitment
Andrea Volpini
Andrew Vorobyev
John Walker
Paul Walker
Individual CLA commitment
Brian Weber
Kuno Woudt
Individual CLA commitment
Akshay xadahiya
Individual CLA commitment
Barry Yarbrough
Individual CLA commitment
Alexey Zakhlestin
Individual CLA commitment
Philipp Zehnder
Individual CLA commitment
Alexander Zeitler
Individual CLA commitment
Philipp Zins
Individual CLA commitment
D7460N ~
Individual CLA commitment