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Community & Business Groups

Distributed Tasks Community Group

Common ground for people developing various collaboration software with notion of "tasks." Aiming for increasing interoperability across all such software and improving experience of a person contributing to big number of projects. Emphasis on interoperability, portability and extensibility!

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

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Update on “Smart Notebooks” Project

Thanks to all who’ve sent me comments!

The new, and hopefully improved Kickstarter page and video are now up at:

Take a look!  Comments welcome.  So are donations, likes, tweets, diggs, +1s, re-distribution, blog posts, and any other visibility!  And… if you happen to have a large, distributed project coming up – a conference, event, crowd sourcing effort, flash performance, disaster response exercise that just begs for a collaboration support tool – let’s talk!



collaboration support project

Hi Folks,

Maybe this will interest some of you:  I’ve been working on a distributed project management tool.

Short story: We have complicated PM tools that nobody uses, we have simple tools, but they’re all centralized web services.  What’s missing is something simple (like checklists, spreadsheets), and distributed (like Git).  I’m trying to hit simple + distributed/peer-to-peer, running in a browser, linked by open protocols.

Take a look:


Miles Fidelman