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Community & Business Groups

CSS Rates and Velocities Community Group

This group was closed on 2013-03-12.

The mission of this group is to create a CSS Module to define the rate of change of CSS property values.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.


The goal of this group is to create a specification that defines methods to write rates of change into a webpage. I am aware that there exist a couple of methods currently defined by the W3C that define similar functionality, but they implement interim states between static values instead of inherent change, as well as other problems. I think that a better specification can be written to define movement and change within the markup and stylesheets.
My goals for the specification are:
1. To define as little new behavior as possible. Any advice or specifications resulting from this group will conform as closely as possible to CSS’s syntax.
2. To create as intuitive a specification as possible. Any method defined by the group should be easily understood by a developer new to CSS. It should not be overly complicated.
3. To require minimal scripting. While code can be used to create animation and change, minimal scripting generally results in shorter, simpler and more readable markup.
4. To allow granular control. Rates should be able to be controlled and changed when the author requires.
These are my ideas, but I am very open to any differing opinions. The group should be as open to ideas as possible; please tell me if you have any advice or disagreements with regard to this post.
As well, part of the group’s goals are to complete a specification, and it will therefore require people to write one. Does anyone wish to volunteer as a specification author?
Thanks for your interest in the CSS Rates and Velocities Community Group, and I encourage your participation and discussion within it.