XProc Agenda
6 Mar 2008
Meeting 103.
The XML Processing Model (XProc) WG will meet on Thursday,
6 Mar 2008 at
11:00a EST
(08:00a PST, 16:00GMT, 17:00CET, 01:00JST+, 09:30p India)
for one hour on the W3C Zakim Bridge,
+1-617-761-6200, passcode
97762# ("XPROC").
XProc uses the
#xproc IRC channel on
. The IRC channel is used for managing
agendas, minutes, and other aspects of the teleconference, so please
join us there if at all possible.
See the XProc WG page
for pointers to current documents and other information. If you have
additions to the agenda, please email them to the WG list before the
start of the telcon.
- Administrivia
- Roll call.
- Accept this
- Accept the
of 14 Feb 2008. (The scheduled telcon on 21 Feb did not achieve quorum)
- Next meeting: 13 Mar 2008.
Note: W3C teleconferences are scheduled on "Boston local time" and
the United States moves to daylight savings time this Sunday, 9 Mar 2008.
Starting next week, this teleconference will occur an hour
earlier in many
locales. Compare
11:00a EST this week
11:00a EDT next week.
I believe that
European Summer Time
(and British Summer Time) commence on
30 Mar which means that this call will shift back to it's normal time on
3 Apr 2008.
- Review of open action items
- Norm to rewrite 5.7.3 by adding a simple
'select=' example alongside the 'match=' one at the beginning,
and trying to clarify what the default namespace binding is for
early on [recorded in 2007/11/01]
- Norm to check the clarity of the spec wrt matching in p:viewport
[recorded in 2008/01/24]
- Alex to consider the attribute steps
and make appropriate changes [recorded in 2008/01/24]
- Henry to reply and close issue 99 (execution order of steps)
[recorded in 2008/01/24]
- Henry to draft a spec change for
providing exclude-result-prefixes on p:inline. [recorded in
- Alex to reply to the submitter about issue 108 (serialization parameters as
parameter input ports).
[recorded in 2008/02/07]
- Alex to consider any clarifications
that might need to be made to p:http-request. [recorded in
- Alex to fix add-attribute wrt existing
attributes [recorded in 2008/02/07]
- Alex to fix insert so that it doesn't
always imply child. [recorded in 2008/02/07]
- Technical
- last call comments: in
particular, 58 and 83.
- Any other business
$Author: NormanWalsh $
Last revised $Date: 2008/03/06 15:29:02 $