www-xml-schema-comments@w3.org from October to December 2001
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Starting: Mon, Oct 01 2001
Ending: Mon, Dec 31 2001
- 'token' should exclude #D
- <restriction> - Bad Kleene Notation
- <restriction> is not actually a restriction
- [Henry Thompson <ht@cogsci.ed.ac.uk>] [xmlschema-dev] <none>
- A sixth space needed for xs:NOTATION?
- another circularity problem
- appinfo error in Schema Primer
- Are facets permitted on for anySimpleType - Structure 3.14 should say; Primer Appendix B should say; Datatypes 4.3 might say
- Are facets permitted on for types with nested <simpleType> - Structure 3.14 should say
- Attribute Default Value
- BNF for XML Schema?
- Bug in scope property of attributes (probably) and elements (maybe)
- Bug: XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Appendix E Regular Expression
- Can final="extension" for simpleType?
- Canonical lexical form for float and double
- Canonical Lexical Form for Float and Double -- revised
- clarification
- Clarification needed on circular substitution group
- clarification needed wrt group redefinition
- clarification on Unique Particle Attribution
- clarification/errata: circular attributeGroup, ur-type & include
- clause 3.2 of Element Locally Valid (Element)
- deriving simple content from mixed
- Does any moderate this mailing list !!!
- dtd and xml schema for network(host,adapters and devices) architecture
- effectively optional self-reference in group redefinition
- Errata in restriction constraints wrt simple type defns?
- Erratum in the errata
- Error in example in section 5.1 of the Primer
- Error in XML Schema Part 0: Primer
- error when go link of Schema at line 6
- final and derivation by list or union.
- How can I define PCDATA within a XSD schema
- how to refer to non-namespaced schemas
- ICs and restriction again
- Isn't maxExclusive too... exclusive ?
- Length of a day.
- Lexical and canonical representations of dateTime, et al.
- meaning of ##other
- namespaces for xs:QName values
- Pattern facet for list datatypes
- Potential errata for Substitution Group and Type Derivation checking
- potential erratum: restriction and identity constraints
- Primer description 4.4 Deriving Complex Types by Restriction
- problem with the "Structures" DTD in appendix G of part 1; "Struc tures"?
- Puzzle on keyref definition
- QNames without prefix
- Query
- Question
- question about content type EMPTY
- question about {attribute uses}
- Reason for change between CR and Rec.
- Regarding External Schema
- Schema question
- Schemas
- Simple Type Questions
- Three editorial errors in the Primer
- time order doesn't meet common sense
- Trailing decimal point permitted for integer?
- Typo in section 3.4.2
- typo in Xml Schema Part 1, 2 May 2001 version, section 3.3.5
- unsignedByte verses unsignedBtype id
- ur-type
- valid settings for use="..." on <attribute>s in <complexType>s derived by restriction
- variables and conditional statements
- XML Schema and DB Structures
- XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Appendix E Regular Expression
- XML Schema part o: Primer and unordered content.
- XML Schema Primer
- XML Schema Primer part 0
- XML Schemas for Organisational Structures
- XML Schemas for Organizational Structures
- xs:time order doesn't meet common sense
Last message date: Mon, Dec 31 2001
Archived on: Mon, Dec 31 2001 EST
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