See also: IRC log
ITEM: 6. Specifying borders and layout in CSS to delineate areas of a Web page ...
RESOLUTION: Technique already included.
ITEM: 7. Specifying text and background colors of secondary content such as banners, features ...
RESOLUTION: Technique already included.
ITEM: 8. Avoiding confusion in navigation
<scribe> ACTION: write a response to submitter [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: David to write a response to submitter for issue "Avoiding confusion in navigation"\ [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: David_MacDonald to write a response to submitter for issue "Avoiding confusion in navigation" [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: dmacdona to write a response to submitter for issue "Avoiding confusion in navigation" [recorded in]
ITEM: 9. Reducing user errors
<scribe> ACTION: dmacdona to write a response to submitter for "reducing user errors" [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: dmacdona to write a response to submitter "Making the functionality of content predictable" [recorded in]
ITEM: 11. Using semantic markup whenever color cues are used
RESOLUTION: respond to submitter that this is covered under g138
ITEM: 12. Failure due to omitting labels for form controls for item selection or text input
RESOLUTION: Respond to submitter that this issue covered by f68
ITEM: Send a confirmation to the user
RESOLUTION: Add to extensive list of undrafted techniques.
<scribe> ACTION: Loretta to draft advisory technique for "send a confirmation to the user" [recorded in]
ITEM: Linking to the form element from the error text
<scribe> ACTION: reply to submitter that this is already covered by G139 [recorded in]
RESOLUTION: reply to submitter that this is already covered by G139
ITEM: Provide metadata about the delivery unit
<scribe> ACTION: loretta to draft response to "provide metadata about the delivery unit". [recorded in]
<scribe> ACTION: cynthia to submit harsh language speaking against using image replacement techniques and encouraging the use of real text [recorded in]
ITEM: Popup links with minimal script within markup
RESOLUTION: don't include technique.
<scribe> ACTION: Loretta to reply to popup link technique submitter [recorded in]
ITEM: Use correct grammar and spelling
RESOLUTION: do not include as technique
ITEM: Highlight search terms
RESOLUTION: make "Use sounds to focus user's attention" an advisory technique for 2.2.1 and 3.3.1
<scribe> ACTION: Ben to add "Use sounds to focus user's attention" an advisory technique for 2.2.1 and 3.3.1 [recorded in]
RESOLUTION: include "Hide optional form fields" as advisory under guideline 3.3"
<scribe> ACTION: Christophe to draft Blinking via JavaScript and CSS as sufficient technique for 2.2.2 [recorded in]
RESOLUTION: not accepted
discuss ARIA Last Call next week, reminder to all to review