See also: IRC log
<ben> scribe: Becky
Resolution: adopt all items where acceptance was unanimous except for edits. Items are:
SC2.4.2 Table of contents, General technique for SC 2.4.3: Skip to main content, SC 2.4.8 technique on breadcrumb trails, HTML technique for link element and navigation, Providing a submit button to initiate a change of context, Providing submit buttons in HTML, SC 1.3.1 Common Failure: Failure due to using space characters to format tables in simple text content, SC 1.3.1 Common Failure: Failure due to using space characters to create multiple columns in simple text content, Issue 1825
after brief discussion teamb has enough information to rework these examples.
<Zakim> Christophe, you wanted to say "caption also exists outside HTML"
<Christophe> ach chr
<Zakim> Yvette, you wanted to say "use applicability section of technique"
<sorcha> apologies - am having trouble with my telephone connection so have changed to skype
after discussion: keep caption and summary techniques separate but to cross reference them. Team b will rework.
Team b will rework based on comments
Resolution: Adopt HTML technique, Using label elements to associate text labels with form fields, with the suggested edits.
Resolution: Adopt HTML technique, Using title attributes to label form controls that can't be individually labeled, with suggested edits.
<Zakim> Yvette, you wanted to say "sufficient but not necessary"
Resolution: Adopt HTML technique, Using ol, ul and dl for lists, with suggested edits.
<rellero> Sorry I have to leave, bye
<Zakim> Christophe, you wanted to say "remove reference to XHTML 2 because that spec will require a separate techniques document?"
Resolution: Send HTML Technique, Using Headings, back to team b: In addition to edits on survey: suggest new title "Using h for headings", suggested Update description that is best practice is to not skip numbers rather than requirement. Will remove any mention of hierarchy from the tests for this technique.
<jslatin> 9brb
Topic (cont): Using standard text formatting conventions for lists and Using standard text formatting conventions for headings
Resolution: accept 3 plain text techniques with suggested edits and the following ammendment: For plain text list technique. List items are paragraphs which begin with a asterisk or number.
Subcommittee has been appointed to dicuss further.
Resolution: accept general technique, Using a Site Map, with edit process.
<Zakim> bengt, you wanted to say in another survey
A mechanism is available to bypass blocks of content that are repeated on multiple perceivable units."
resolution: change 2.4.3 wording to, "A mechanism is available to bypass blocks of content that are repeated on multiple perceivable units."
Will discuss when reach the Feb 9 2.4 survey
<Andi> q
<Sofia> q
resolution: reject proposal to change the wording of 2.4.5.
<Andi> scribe: Andi
resolution: 3.2.2 Changing the setting of any form control or field does not automatically cause a change of context unless the delivery unit contains instructions before the control that describe the behavior.
<Becky> q
resolution: Changing the setting of any form control or field does not automatically cause a change of context (beyond moving to the next field in tab order) unless the delivery unit contains instructions before the control that describe the behavior.
rationale: concern that putting the exception in the definition would allow moving the focus to the next field when a field receives focus (3.2.1)
<Zakim> Yvette, you wanted to ask "how long are we going to continue? I need to sleep soon"
resolution: 3.2.2 moves to Level 1
... keep failure technique with slight modification "Failure due to automatically submitting a form and presenting new content when the last field in the form is given a value without prior warning."