- Overview
- Accessibility Topics
- Presentation Outlines
- Workshop Outline
[Draft] Topics for Web Accessibility Presentations and Training
Editor's Draft: 2010/08/06 [changelog]
Status: This page is an outdated draft.
The final version is at www.w3.org/WAI/training/topics.html
This page provides presentation topics that can be used to create presentations and training sessions on web accessibility. You will usually want to adapt these topics for your specific audience and goals, and often combine topics. Feel free to use this material as is or adapt it, as long as you attribute it as described in the "Creative Commons License (CC)" section of Permission to Use WAI Material [@@ update title & link when done].
See also: How to Make Your Presentations Accessible to All for guidance on ensuring that your training is accessible to all of your audience, including participants with disabilities.
List of Topics
- Introducing Accessibility
- Introducing Web Accessibility
- How People with Disabilities Use the Web
- Components of Web Accessibility (sample presentation available)
- Promoting Web Accessibility
- Guidelines and Techniques
- Managing Accessibility
- Evaluating Accessibility
1. Introducing Web Accessibility
Goal: Communicate the basic principles of web accessibility, why it is important, and who is affected.
Audience: Anyone with an interest in the web, disability, or related topics
This topic introduces the importance of the Web as an essential communication tool and the fact that people with disabilities and older people should have equal, barrier-free access.
What this topic covers
- Access to the Web is an essential requirement for full participation in the information society
- The many ways that people's lives are affected by lack of equal access to web based information & services
- The meaning and importance of web accessibility for people with disabilities and older people
- WAI guidelines as the international standard for making the Web accessible
- How to get involved and where to get more information about web accessibility
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Primary resources
- Accessibility - W3C - introduces the why, what and how of web accessibility
- Introduction to Web Accessibility - a longer introduction to the what, why and how of web accessibility
- Overview of WAI presentation in particular:
- Web Accessibility for Older Users presentation in particular:
- How People with Disabilities use the Web - provides examples of people with different disabilities using Web sites, applications, browsers, and authoring tools
- WAI Guidelines for addressing different components of the web accessibility equation
- Participating in WAI
- WCAG 2 at a Glance - a paraphrased summary of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2
Tips and suggestions for speakers
- Demonstration: Show some videos of people with disabilities using the Web
, OR discuss some scenarios from How People with Disabilities use the Web to illustrate the importance of web accessibility
- Demonstration: Show some examples of good and poor web accessibility, and the effect these have on access with assistive technologies (consider using the Before and After Demonstration)
- Question: Ask attendees what features of the built environment are provided to accommodate people with disabilities. When they answer ramps, curb cuts, captions, automatic doors, elevators, etc., ask if anyone uses those accommodations other than people with disabilities. Discuss how accommodations for disability are useful to all.
2. How People with Disabilities Use the Web
Goal: Provide an understanding of common barriers experienced by people with disabilities and older users when accessing the Web and the importance of web accessibility in an information society.
Audience: Anyone with an interest in the web, disability, ageing, or related topics
This topic explores the barriers faced by people with disabilities and older people as they access the Web and an introduction to principles of accessible design as a way to accommodate assistive technologies and adaptive browsing strategies.
What this topic covers
- Web accessibility has a direct impact on the lives of people with various disabilities and age-related impairments
- Common barriers experienced by millions of people
- Assistive technology and adaptive strategies used by people with disabilities and older users
- the interplay of user agents with web content in delivering web accessibility and role of WAI guidelines
- Where to get more information
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Primary resources
- How People with Disabilities use the Web - provides examples of people with different disabilities using Web sites, applications, browsers, and authoring tools
- Videos of How People with Disabilities use ICT
- some demonstrations and interviews (compiled by UIAccess)
Additional resources
- Slide Web accessibility is a Cross-Disability Issue from Overview of WAI presentation
- Material from Changing Abilities of Older People from Web Accessibility for Older Users presentation
- Essential Components of Web Accessibility - Interdependencies Between Components - shows how Web accessibility depends on several components working together and the role of the WAI guidelines
- Better Web Browsing: Tips for Configuring Your Computer [Draft] - references to resources to help people customize their web browser and computer setup
- WAI Web Accessibility Resources - includes information about Essential Components of Web Accessibility with a diagram.
- WCAG 2 at a Glance - a paraphrased summary of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Demonstration: Use various assistive technologies and adaptive strategies, OR some images of assistive technology users, to illustrate the range of access methods used by people with disabilities
- Demonstration: Show some web accessibility barriers by browsing some popular websites with only the keyboard or with the images and multimedia turned off
- Demonstration: Show some video of people with disabilities using the Web
- Activity: Have participants use simple adaptive strategies such as significant browser magnification or keyboard-only navigation to explore a number of websites, including their own, during or after the session, to experience some barriers first hand
- Activity: Conduct a hands-on experiential session accessing the web differently and discuss problems encountered. For example, keyboard only (mouse removed); wearing mittens or gardening gloves; very fast mouse pointer; onscreen keyboard (no physical keyboard); blurred glasses; very-high browser zoom; no sound; etc, and include a news site, a multimedia site, and a form to complete.
- Question: Ask audience if they have ever used velcro, and think about how it works. Each side of the velcro must do a job, one can't work without the other. Draw an analogy to assistive technology and accessible design.
- Tip: Give accessibility a human face by relating it to older relatives or grandparents who may be facing accessibility barriers as they go online
3. Components of Web Accessibility
Goal: Introduction to WAI's three sets of guidelines that contribute to an accessible web.
Audience: Web developers and others with professional responsibility for creating accessible online content and applications; accessibility advocates; ICT departments
This topic explores the WAI Guidelines for user agents (browsers and media players), for authoring tools and for web content. It covers how they work together to substantially improve Web accessibility.
What this topic covers
- Three related sets of WAI guidelines working together - UAAG, ATAG, WCAG
- Understand the role of each guideline in creating and maintaining an accessible Web
- Role of underlying technologies (HTML, XML, CSS, SVG, SMIL, etc.) to accessibility (with WAI-ARIA as an enabler)
- Understand how various guidelines and specifications interact to deliver accessibility
- Where to get more information
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Sample presentation
- "Components of Web Accessibility" Presentation - this presentation can be used as the basis for this topic
Primary resources
- Essential Components of Web Accessibility - shows how Web accessibility depends on several components working together
- How People with Disabilities use the Web - provides examples of people with different disabilities using Web sites, applications, browsers, and authoring tools
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview - an overview of WCAG and the related documentation
- Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) Overview - an overview of ATAG and the related documentation
- User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) Overview - an overview of UAAG and the related documentation
- WAI-ARIA Overview - describes the problems that WAI-ARIA addresses, and introduces the WAI-ARIA suite of technical documents
- WAI Web Accessibility Resources - includes information about Essential Components of Web Accessibility with a diagram.
- WCAG 2 at a Glance - a paraphrased summary of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Question: Ask participants to think about the key components in web interaction (creation and consumption). Is it enough to make just one of accessible?
- Question: Ask participants about which components and aspects they are responsible for, or can influence, and discuss potential future actions to improve accessibility
4. Promoting Web Accessibility
Goal: Encouraging web accessibility advocates and supporting their efforts to promote inclusive design practices.
Audience: Accessibility advocates.
This topic provides support for speakers who are promoting and furthering web accessibility within groups of all sizes and in any situation, from formal talks to personal conversations.
What this topic covers
- Web accessibility is an ongoing challenge that needs a high level of awareness
- Effective advocacy includes the need to be flexible, to present information specific to each particular audience
- Opportunities to promote web accessibility
- Participation opportunities in WAI and other W3C projects
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Primary resources
- Participating in WAI - describes the different participation opportunities in WAI
- WAI Working Groups and Interest Groups - listing of all the WAI working groups and interest groups with links to their individual pages
- Contacting Organizations about Inaccessible Websites - steps and tips to help report websites with accessibility problems
- Why Standards Harmonization is Essential to Web Accessibility - explains the key role that harmonization of standards plays in increasing the accessibility of the Web
- How WAI Develops Accessibility Guidelines through the W3C Process: Milestones and Opportunities to Contribute - introduces how WAI works through a process designed to encourage community input and consensus development
- WCAG logos & ATAG logos - how and when to use the conformance logos
Additional resources
- Translating WAI Documents - pointer to translation policy; list of existing translations; priority list of documents for translation
- Developing Organizational Policies on Web Accessibility - addresses considerations that can arise when developing organizational policies on Web accessibility
- WAI Web Accessibility Resources - includes information about Essential Components of Web Accessibility with a diagram.
- WCAG 2 at a Glance - a paraphrased summary of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Discussion: Encourage audience to think broadly about web accessibility - beyond web content to authoring tools and user agents, and policy and legislation, corporate social responsibility, etc.
- Discussion: Usefulness of Accessibility Statements and use of WCAG logos to indicate a commitment to accessibility
- Discussion: Ask participants about people, groups, and organizations that could approached about web accessibility and discuss how this could be effective
5. Introducing WCAG 2.0
Goal: Provide basic familiarity with WCAG 2.0 and its benefits.
Audience: Anyone requiring an introduction to WCAG 2.0 and familiarization with the WCAG 2.0 documents
This topic presents WCAG 2.0 and its benefits. Exploration of WCAG 2.0 principles, guidelines, success criteria, techniques and conformance requirements along with the various supporting documents that help developers and others understand and utilize WCAG.
What this topic covers
- The four basic principles (Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, Robust) under which WCAG 2.0 is organized
- Relationship of the organizing principles to the supporting Guidelines, Success Criteria and associated techniques
- The structure of WCAG 2.0 success criteria and associated techniques (Failure, Sufficient, Advisory)
- The benefits of WCAG 2.0 in relation to internationalization, interoperability, adaptability to emerging technologies, etc.
- Tools and documents provided to support practical implementation and testing
- How to locate support resources through the "How to Meet WCAG 2.0" gateway
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Sample presentation
- Benefits of WCAG 2 presentation - a complete presentation to draw from
Primary resources
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview - an overview of WCAG and the related documentation
- Understanding the Four Principles of Accessibility (from understanding WCAG 2.0)
- The WCAG 2.0 Documents - describes the different WCAG 2.0 technical documents, to help know where to go for different types of information
- How to Meet WCAG 2.0 Customizable Quick Reference - lists all of the WCAG 2.0 requirements and techniques to meet the requirements; also:
- WCAG 2 at a Glance - a paraphrased summary of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.0
- WAI Web Accessibility Resources - includes information about Essential Components of Web Accessibility with a diagram.
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Demonstration: How to Meet WCAG 2.0 Customizable Quick Reference showing how to access the WCAG 2.0 requirements (success criteria), rationale and explanations, and techniques
6. Migrating to WCAG 2
Goal: Help people understand the relative ease of migrating to WCAG 2.
Audience: Web developers, policy makers, and accessibility advocates
This topic provides support for those who have previously incorporated older accessibility standards and are interested in WCAG 2. Guidance to help prioritize, analyze, and document technical and organizational requirements.
What this topic covers
- Accessibility is fundamentally still the same - the basic goals of accessibility have not changed
- The major advantages of WGAC 2
- Identification of priority areas for revision based on impact and effort
- The need to analyze and relate those priorities to WCAG 2 Principles, Guidelines and Success Criteria
- Methods to document the process and update organizational policies and supporting materials
- Where to get more information, including WCAG 2 translations
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Sample presentation
- Benefits of WCAG 2 presentation - a complete presentation to draw from
Primary resources
- How to Update Your Web Site from WCAG 1.0 to WCAG 2.0 - detailed guidance for designers, developers, and project managers
- How WCAG 2.0 Differs from WCAG 1.0 - describes the differences in structure and the different support resources
- Comparison of WCAG 1.0 Checkpoints to WCAG 2.0 - lists the new requirements in WCAG 2.0, and shows how each WCAG 1.0 checkpoint relates to WCAG 2.0
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview - an overview of WCAG and the related documentation
- The WCAG 2.0 Documents - describes the different WCAG 2.0 technical documents, to help know where to go for different types of information
- WCAG 2.0 Translations - a list of complete and in-progress translations
Additional resources
- Improving the Accessibility of Your Web Site - approaches to make the process of improving accessibility more efficient and effective
- Implementation Plan for Web Accessibility - considerations for the planning process for implementing web accessibility
- WCAG 2 at a Glance - a paraphrased summary of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.0
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Discussion: Impact and effort assessment to prioritize updates
- Discussion: Updating of organizational policies and technical documents
7. Designing and Developing Accessible Websites with WCAG 2
Goal: Teach web developers how to create accessible web content and applications.
Audience: Web designers and developers
Note: This topic could be presented as an introduction (such as part of a lecture to web design students) or as a multi-day workshop for developers
This topic presents the use of WCAG 2.0 when developing websites (especially techniques to use, and 'failure' techniques to avoid) that will be accessible to people with disabilities and older people.
NB. see also the Accessibility of Authoring Tools topic to account for user generated content.
What this topic covers
- The applicability of WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria as a technology neutral approach to the accessibility of all web technologies, including complex, dynamic, and media content
- Application of the principles of accessibility using specific techniques that are validated by means of success criteria
- Distinguishing between the different categories of documented techniques (failure, sufficient and advisory) and their relationship to best practice
- Using the How to Meet WCAG 2.0 Customizable Quick Reference as a guide to find and implement proven accessible design techniques
- Role of WAI-ARIA in ensuring accessibility of Ajax and related DHTML technologies
- Familiarity with navigating among the various WCAG 2.0 resources
- Where to get more information
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Primary resources
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Overview - an overview of WCAG and the related documentation
- Benefits of WCAG 2 presentation - a complete presentation to draw from
- The WCAG 2.0 Documents - describes the different WCAG 2.0 technical documents, to help know where to go for different types of information
- How to Meet WCAG 2.0 Customizable Quick Reference - lists all of the WCAG 2.0 requirements and techniques (HTML, CSS, Scripting, SMIL) to meet the requirements; also links to "Understanding WCAG 2.0" for descriptions, examples, and resources
- WCAG 2.0 Conformance - lists the WCAG 2.0 conformance levels and requirements
- WAI-ARIA Overview - describes the problems that WAI-ARIA addresses, and introduces the WAI-ARIA suite of technical document
- Better Web Browsing: Tips for Configuring Your Computer [Draft] - references to resources to help people customize their web browser and computer setup
- Improving the Accessibility of Your Web Site - approaches to make the process of improving accessibility more efficient and effective
- Web Accessibility QuickTips - WCAG 2 at a Glance - a paraphrased summary of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.0
- Including People with Disabilities in Design Studies
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Demonstration: Show the Before and After Demonstration pages illustrating some of the improvements made and techniques used
- Demonstration: Show the How to Meet WCAG 2.0 Customizable Quick Reference for access to the WCAG 2.0 Techniques document and markup examples
- Demonstration: Show a short captioned and described video (with transcript) to show how multimedia can be fully accessible
- Activity: Have participants try recoding some of the Before and After Demonstration 'before' pages to learn how to access the How to Meet WCAG 2.0 and identify techniques that improve accessibility
8. Browser Accessibility and UAAG
Goal: Help people understand the importance of user agents in enabling web accessibility.
Audience: Web developers; browser add-on/plug-in developers; ICT departments; accessibility advocates
This topic presents the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines, the interrelationship between content and browsers, and the adaptive strategies that some people use with their browsers.
What this topic covers
- Understanding UAAG as one of the key components to ensuring Web accessibility and how UAAG relates to other WAI guidelines
- General principles and specific checkpoints for accessibility of browsers, multimedia players, and the interface with assistive technologies
- How browsers, media players, etc interface with assistive technologies
- The adaptive strategies used by people with disabilities in configuring and using user agents
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Sample presentation
- "Components of Web Accessibility" Presentation - presentation that can be drawn on to position the role of UAAG in achieving web accessibility
Primary resources
- User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) Overview - an overview of UAAG and the related documentation
- Table of Checkpoints for User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 - list may be used to review a tool or set of tools for accessibility
- User Agent Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 - specifies requirements that, if satisfied by user agent developers, will lower barriers to accessibility
- User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) 2.0 [Draft] - updated (draft) requirements for user agents
- Better Web Browsing: Tips for Configuring Your Computer [Draft] - references to resources to help people customize their web browser and computer setup
- WAI Web Accessibility Resources - includes information about Essential Components of Web Accessibility with a diagram.
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Note: Introduce the inter-relationship of the three WAI guidelines in achieving accessibility to place the role of UAAG in perspective
- Activity: In hands-on situations, have participants use strategies from Better Web Browsing: Tips for Configuring Your Computer [Draft] such as significant screen enlargement or keyboard-only navigation to explore a number of websites and multi-media sites to appreciate some of the accessibility aspects of user agents. If not hands-on, suggest they try this after the session.
- Discussion: Ask participants about the browser software and media players they use and what accessibility barriers some people would face. Discuss how all components need to work together.
9. Authoring Tool Accessibility and ATAG
Goal: Help people understand the importance of authoring tools in achieving web accessibility.
Audience: Web developers; web managers; procurement personnel
This topic presents the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines, the interrelationship between content and accessible authoring tools, and the ongoing convergence of technologies.
What this topic covers
- Understanding ATAG as one of the key components to ensuring Web accessibility and how ATAG relates to other WAI guidelines
- The requirement for authoring tools to have an accessible interface as well as to generate accessible web content
- Learn how to choose the most accessible options for in-house CMS and other authoring tools
- Understand the concept of work-arounds for inaccessible tools
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Sample presentation
- "Components of Web Accessibility" Presentation - presentation that can be drawn on to position the role of ATAG in achieving web accessibility
Primary resources
- Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG) Overview - an overview of ATAG and the related documentation
- Selecting and Using Authoring Tools for Web Accessibility - provides information which may help find improved authoring tools and/or work around the gaps in existing authoring tools
- Checklist of Checkpoints for Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 - lists of all checkpoints from the Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
- Checklist for Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 [Draft] - lists all of the guidelines and success criteria from ATAG 2.0
- Implementing ATAG 2.0 [Draft] - a guide to understanding and implementing Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines 2.0
- WAI Web Accessibility Resources - includes information about Essential Components of Web Accessibility with a diagram.
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Note: Introduce the inter-relationship of the three WAI guidelines in achieving accessibility to place the role of ATAG in perspective
- Discussion: What is an authoring tool - WYSIWYG HTML editor, word processor, text editor, CMS, blog, social media, product review sites, etc.
- Discussion: Ask about what CMSs are participants using, and discuss any accessibility issues they might have encountered or be aware of. Discuss any solution or work arounds that might be appropriate.
- Discussion: Ask participants to think about what an authorig tool is, and how best to define it. Would they consider some websites (e.g. blogs, social networking, product review sites, photo sharing sites, etc.) as authoring tools?
- Discussion: Ask what blogging and social media tools participants are using and discuss any accessibility issues. Use this discussion to highlight the importance of contributing user generated content, contributing to forums, and using social networking applications, as well as accessing content.
- Activity: Have participants check their authoring tool or CMS for accessibility by users, and for the accessibility of output, after the session
- Discussion: Raise the question of training for in-house authors and content publishers
10. Accessible Rich Internet Applications
Goal: Provide an understanding of the requirements for accessible rich internet applications.
Audience: Web developers; framework/library developers; policy makers; procurement personnel
This topic presents the use of WAI-ARIA resources and other accessibility techniques to develop rich internet applications that are accessible to people with disabilities.
What this topic covers
- The various accessibility barriers of rich internet applications
- The relationship of WAI-ARIA to WCAG 2.0
- Basic steps to make rich internet applications accessible
- The technical solutions provided by WAI-ARIA
- WAI-ARIA features that help make Ajax, DHTML, etc accessible
- WAI-ARIA Roles, States, Properties, plus relationships and live regions
- WAI-ARIA keyboard navigation and focus handling
- Know where to get more information, including JavaScript toolkits and widget libraries
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Primary resources
- WAI-ARIA Overview - describes the problems that WAI-ARIA addresses, and introduces the WAI-ARIA suite of technical document
- WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices 1.0 - a guide to understanding and implementing Accessible Rich Internet Applications
- WAI-ARIA FAQ - some frequently asked questions (FAQ) about WAI-ARIA
- WAI-ARIA Primer - introduces developers to the accessibility problems that WAI-ARIA is intended to solve, the fundamental concepts, and the technical approach of WAI-ARIA
- WAI-ARIA and scripting techniques from How to Meet WCAG 2.0
- WAI Web Accessibility Resources - includes information about Essential Components of Web Accessibility and a link to the WAI-ARIA Overview page.
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Demonstration: Illustrate some WAI-ARIA uses like drag-and-drop, sliders, navigation, etc. Show some of these before and after WAI-ARIA has been utilised.
- Demonstration: Show the use of the How to Meet WCAG 2.0 Customizable Quick reference to access WAI-ARIA techniques that meet WCAG 2.0
11. Business Case for Web Accessibility
Goal: Provide an appreciation of the business case for web accessibility.
Audience: Web accessibility advocates, web site managers, other management staff who need data to inform decisions about the return on web accessibility investment
This topic explores the social, technical, financial and legal factors that influence an organization's decision about web accessibility and an introduction to the development of a web accessibility policy.
What this topic covers
- Disability statistics relevant to use of the Web, including population ageing
- The Web as an essential resource for many aspects of life for all
- Relationship of web accessibility to improved cross-device browsing including television, mobile, etc
- Social factors, procurement practices and government policies relevant to accessibility and business
- The legal and policy landscape and liabilities associated with web accessibility
- Case studies and successful corporate accessibility policies and practices
- How to get started developing a web accessibility policy
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Primary resources
- Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization - a suite of pages covering the social, technical, financial, and legal and policy factors in the business case for web accessibility
- Case Studies of Accessibility Improvements from Resources for Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization
- Overview of WAI presentation, in particular:
- Web Accessibility for Older Users presentation, in particular:
- Changing demographics
- Changing abilities of older people
- Policies Relating to Web Accessibility - links to laws and policies regarding web accessibility around the world
- Developing Organizational Policies on Web Accessibility - addresses considerations that can arise when developing organizational policies on Web accessibility
Additional resources
- Web Content Accessibility and Mobile Web: Making a Web Site Accessible Both for People with Disabilities and for Mobile Devices
- Also see your national statistics agency (and possibly some national disability organizations)
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Demonstration: Web access via a mobile phone or hand-held device to popular/relevant websites (or use a mobile browser emulation) to illustrate the wider benefits of web accessibility
- Discussion: Bring accessibility closer to participants by asking if they have older relatives who might find it easier to shop online than visiting many shops.
- Discussion: Mainstreaming of accessibility with device independence - car, television, games consoles, mobile-phone, etc with speech output, touch screen, motion sensors, etc.
- Question: Ask if anyone has experienced problems browsing the Web with a mobile phone? Briefly discuss how these might be similar to the barriers faced by people with disabilities, but many of the solutions benefit both groups.
- Question: Ask participants if they work for an organization with an accessibility policy in place. Introduce other local or international legislation, guidelines or standards that might be applicable to some organizations
- Discussion: Identification of key players (people or departments) within an organization to develop an accessibility policy. Get participants to identify the key benefits and implications of an accessibility business case for their own organization.
12. Improving the Accessibility of Existing Websites
Goal: Assistance for organizations taking the initial steps towards implementing web accessibility.
Audience: Web developers; website owners; decision makers in corporate, government and educational institutions
This topic introduces the process of embracing web accessibility by improving existing websites. It also covers how to maintain it over time, once accessibility is achieved.
What this topic covers
- What is web accessibility?
- What standards to use and accessibility levels to attain
- Identifying scope and nature of existing accessibility problems
- Creating an implementation plan to optimize accessibility improvements
- Prioritizing 'low-hanging-fruit' for immediate accessibility fixes
- Planning for ongoing accessibility by creating an accessibility policy and monitoring process
- Maintaining accessibility over time
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Primary resources
- Improving the Accessibility of Your Web Site - approaches to make the process of improving accessibility more efficient and effective
- Implementation Plan for Web Accessibility - considerations for the planning process for implementing web accessibility
- Preliminary Review of Web Sites for Accessibility - describes a method to quickly identify some accessibility problems on a website
- Conformance Evaluation of Web Sites for Accessibility - describes a conformance evaluation method that combines automatic, semi-automatic, and manual testing
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Demonstration: Quick techniques for preliminary web accessibility review
13. Involving Users in Web Projects
Goal: Encouraging all web projects to involve users from the start.
Audience: Project Managers; development teams; QA and usability departments
This topic covers how and why to involve people with disabilities and older users from the beginning of a web development project. It demonstrates of how users can identify usability aspects of accessibility that are not always discovered by conformance evaluation alone.
What this topic covers
- The benefits of involving users with disabilities and older users in development and evaluation of web sites
- How and when to engage users with disabilities and older users
- How testing with users can complement the technical conformance to guidelines
- Involving users is not an add-on at the end but needs to be part of the workflow throughout development and during maintenance
- Care required when drawing conclusions from observing users
- Where to get more information
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Primary resources
- Involving Users in Web Projects for Better, Easier Accessibility - a start to reaping the benefits of involving people with disabilities and older people with accessibility needs due to aging, throughout your projects
- Involving Users in Evaluating Web Accessibility - describes the benefits from evaluating with real people and identifying usability issues that are not discovered by conformance evaluation alone
- How People with Disabilities use the Web - provides examples of people with different disabilities using Web sites, applications, browsers, and authoring tools
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Discussion: Ask participants to share experiences of involving users in their projects and discuss the benefits
- Discussion: Ask participants to identify opportunities to involve users in their own project and discuss
- Discussion: How and when to involve users throughout a project
14. Web Accessibility and Older People
Goal: Help people understand the importance of web accessibility for older people.
Audience: Web developers; procurement personnel; accessibility advocates
This topic explores the importance of the adoption of WAI guidelines to meet the needs of older users as global demographics change with the aging of the world's population.
What this topic covers
- Facts about the ageing world population and the increasing numbers of older users are online
- Relationship between the age related impairments of older people and the need for web accessibility
- The value of conforming to WAI Guidelines to meet the accessibility needs of older users
- Importance of all WAI Guidelines and standards harmonization in a converging web world
- WAI-AGE project deliverables for industry and users
- The scope of the WAI-AGE project and how to become involved
- Where to get more information
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Sample presentation
- Web Accessibility for Older Users presentation - this presentation can be used as the basis for a presentation on this topic
Primary resources
- Overview of "Web Accessibility for Older Users: A Literature Review" - the Literature Review is to inform education and outreach to better promote accessibility solutions for older Web users
- WAI-AGE Project page - includes information about the activities of the WAI-AGE project
- WAI-AGE Project Deliverables page - contains an overview of the education and outreach material being updated or developed within the WAI-AGE Project
- Videos of How People with Disabilities use ICT
- some demonstrations and interviews (compiled by UIAccess)
- WCAG 2 at a Glance - a paraphrased summary of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Demonstration: Show some videos with older people using the Web
15. Accessibility and the Mobile Web
Goal: Provide an understanding of the overlapping issues between web accessibility and mobile web use.
Audience: Web developers; procurement personnel; web policy makers; accessibility advocates; management staff who need to know about return on web accessibility investment
This topic will encourage concurrent development of websites for both accessibility and mobile use through understanding of common barriers faced by both groups of users, the overlapping solutions available to developers, and the ease of meeting the needs of both groups simultaneously.
What this topic covers
- The similarities in the experience of web users with disabilities and users of mobile devices
- The differences between these user groups
- Similarity and overlap of solutions for web accessibility and mobile web
- Differences of approach between WCAG and Mobile Web Best Practices (MWBP)
- How to meet the overlapping requirements during development
- Meeting one set of requirements if the other set of requirements has already been met
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Primary resources
- Web Content Accessibility and Mobile Web: Making a Web Site Accessible Both for People with Disabilities and for Mobile Devices - introduces the similarities along with benefits of addressing both areas
- Shared Web Experiences: Barriers Common to Mobile Device Users and People with Disabilities - provides examples of barriers that people with disabilities and people using mobile devices experience when interacting with Web content
- Relationship between Mobile Web Best Practices (MWBP) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) - technical report describing the similarities and differences between the requirements in WCAG and MWBP
- From MWBP to WCAG 2.0 (and From MWBP to WCAG 1.0) - describes what also needs to be done to meet WCAG for those familiar with MWBP
- From WCAG 2.0 to MWBP (and From WCAG 1.0 to MWBP) - describes what also needs to be done to meet MWBP for those familiar with WCAG
- Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0 - technical report specifying Best Practices for delivering web content to mobile devices
- Mobile Web Best Practices (MWBP) Flipcards - a summary of the Mobile Web Best Practices 1.0 document
- Web Accessibility QuickTips - WCAG 2 at a Glance - a paraphrased summary of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG 2.0
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Demonstration: Show some relevant websites on a mobile device or using a mobile browser emulator and discuss any barriers encountered and similarities with the barriers encountered by people with disabilities or older people
- Discussion: Discuss some of the overlapping accessibility issues such as keyboard access, tunnel vision (via emulation), screen magnification, linearization via removal of style sheets, scripting not supported, and ask participants to suggest additional overlapping experiences
16. Web Accessibility Policy and Legislation
Goal: Provide an appreciation of local web accessibility policy and legislation, the need for international harmonization, and the essential elements of an organizational policy.
Audience: Web policy makers; procurement personnel; accessibility advocates
This topic examines global policy and legal requirements that companies and organizations face as they meet local nondiscrimination and web accessibility laws. It also explores the move towards international standards harmonization, and covers the development and implementation of organizational accessibility policies.
What this topic covers
- Web accessibility laws and policies specific to the local audience
- The ratification of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and local implications
- The need for and the benefits of international policy and standards harmonization
- The essential elements that an agency, business or organization needs in order to develop a successful web accessibility policy
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Primary resources
- Legal and Policy Factors in Developing a Web Accessibility Business Case for Your Organization - provides guidance on addressing legal and policy factors in a business case for Web accessibility
- UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities - ratified by many countries and specifically includes accessibility of the Internet and other information and communications technology (ICT)
- International Policies Relating to Web Accessibility - links to laws and policies regarding Web accessibility around the world (not definitive)
- Why Standards Harmonization is Essential to Web Accessibility - explains the key role that harmonization of standards plays in increasing the accessibility of the Web
- Developing Organizational Policies on Web Accessibility - addresses considerations that can arise when developing organizational policies on Web accessibility
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Activity: Have audience work in small groups with policy development worksheet identifying stakeholders, external drivers, standards, and any other factors that will contribute to policy development for their organizations
17. Quick Check for Web Accessibility
Goal: Introduce the concept of a quick website accessibility check, including benefits, techniques and limitations.
Audience: Web developers; website managers; project managers; procurement personnel; accessibility advocates
This topic explores some easy evaluation techniques that will provide participants with the ability to perform initial reviews and present the results. It includes an explanation of the difference between a quick preliminary website accessibility check and a more thorough conformance evaluation review.
What this topic covers
- What is meant by a quick website accessibility check, and its limitations
- Basic techniques for performing a quick review
- The difference between a quick check and a full conformance review
- Evaluation tools and their limitations: assistive technologies, accessibility test tools, developer tools
- Summarizing the results of the quick check
- Where to get more information
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Primary resources
- Preliminary Review of Web Sites for Accessibility - describes a method to quickly identify some accessibility problems on a website
- Better Web Browsing: Tips for Configuring Your Computer [Draft] - references to resources to help people customize their web browser and computer setup
- Selecting Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools - highlights different features of evaluation tools which can assist during evaluation reviews
- Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools - filterable list of Web accessibility evaluation tools
- Involving Users in Evaluating Web Accessibility - describes the benefits from evaluating with real people and identifying usability issues that are not discovered by conformance evaluation alone
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Demonstration: Use the Before and After Demonstration for illustrating browser-based evaluation techniques and automated tools
- Discussion: Use of automated web accessibility evaluation tools (noting that while many tools are still oriented towards WCAG 1.0 evaluation, they can give a useful overview)
- Activity: Have participants undertake a quick evaluation of their own sites, summarize the results, and discuss
18. Conformance Evaluation for Web Accessibility
Goal: Provide an understanding of how to undertake a conformance review for website accessibility.
Audience: Web developers; accessibility experts
This topic provides an introduction to the approach, tools, and techniques for performing a thorough website accessibility conformance evaluation review, including the role of testing with users.
What this topic covers
- The concept of a conformance evaluation for websites and how it differs from a quick review
- Selecting a representative page sample to evaluate, including consideration for dynamic sites and other contexts
- Selecting and using appropriate manual and automated evaluation methods and tools
- Reporting findings in a comprehensive and understandable way
- Benefits of involving users for a comprehensive evaluation
- When and where to get more help and more information
Resources for developing a presentation on this topic
Primary resources
- Conformance Evaluation of Web Sites for Accessibility - describes a conformance evaluation method that combines automatic, semi-automatic, and manual testing
- Evaluation Approaches for Specific Contexts - describes considerations for evaluation of large and complex websites
- Using Combined Expertise to Evaluate Web Accessibility - describes the diverse kinds of expertise and perspectives required to evaluate the accessibility of web content
- Selecting Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools - highlights different features of evaluation tools which can assist during evaluation reviews
- Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools - filterable list of Web accessibility evaluation tools
- How to Meet WCAG 2.0 Customizable Quick Reference - lists all of the WCAG 2.0 requirements and techniques to meet the requirements
- Template for Accessibility Evaluation Reports (refers to WCAG 1.0, but applicable to WCAG 2.0)
See also the reports from Before and After Demonstration - Involving Users in Evaluating Web Accessibility - describes the benefits from evaluating with real people and identifying usability issues that are not discovered by conformance evaluation alone
Tips and suggestions for speaker
- Demonstration: Use the Before and After Demonstration site to illustrate evaluation techniques and tools
- Activity: Have participants try several different evaluation tools on same set of websites and discuss their findings
- Activity: Evaluate some relevant pages, recommend improvements, and discuss
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