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Developing Organizational Policies on Web Accessibility

introduction - reference - conformance - scope - milestones - monitoring - updating

1. Introduction

This document addresses considerations that can arise when developing organizational policies on Web accessibility.

Organizational policies can be very simple, or very comprehensive:

Example of simple policy:

Example of comprehensive policy:

Since there are existing governmental policies which apply to some kinds of Web sites in some countries, organizations should ensure that their policies at least require the minimum accessibility mandated by any policies which already apply to their sites.

The following sections address considerations in setting organizational policy in more detail.

2. Reference guidelines clearly

3. Specify conformance level

4. Define scope of Web site(s)

5. Set milestones

6. Define monitoring, conformance claims, and follow-up process

7. Provide for integration and updating of policy

Last updated July 11, 2002 by Judy Brewer <> with assistance from participants of the EOWG.

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