WAI Authoring Tool Guidelines Working Group
Chair: Jutta Treviranus
Date: Tuesday 12 September 2000
Time: 2:30pm - 4:00pm Boston time (1830Z - 2000Z)
Phone number: Tobin Bridge, +1 (617) 252 7000
The Latest Draft is the Recommendation dated 3 February, available at http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-ATAG10-20000203. The latest techniques draft is dated 4 May March, available at http://www.w3.org/WAI/AU/WD-ATAG10-TECHS-20000504. The latest draft of the Accessibility Evaluation and Repair Techniques is dated 22 August at http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/WD-AERT
CMN: proposal for a plenary meeting of many W3C groups in Feb. in Boston.� Because we have so much cross-over with many of these it might be a good idea to attend. � Lots of different options for contact. Can attend, would like intro from other groups, short meeting for AU alone, lots of time for informal meetings.
WL: How many days?
CMN: 3 days - could have WG meetings before or after.� Perhaps its better not for AU to meet at CSUN.
WL: Can be there.
HS: When?
CMN: Late Feb. or early March.
HS: Microsoft supports multiple working groups meeting at the same event.� Someone will be sent. Mathias: Someone will probably be sent.
JT: Sounds like people think it is a good idea.
CMN: Attended by lots of peope working mobile phones etc.� Lots of multimodal interfaces.� They were very keen on authoring one set of content that can be viewed by many different devices.� Device independent authoring meeting coming up in Bristol. There is WAI representation in the Voice Browser working group activity. CMN's personal notes are available, formal minutes and presentations will be.
JT: How is charter?���
[Minuting taking computer crashes - CMN's notes: draft of new charter is available - please review, especially Mission, Scope, participation requirements.
Action all: Read charter, send any comments to mailing list urgently]
JR: Gives a general update on evaluation process
JT: Maybe
JR: Sometimes we need to decide how much testing of something is enough
JR: Sometimes some checkpoints are split in the process.
CMN:Also sometimes checkpoints can be combined.
CMN: Will start pulling together his interactive stuff.
JT: Can WL and FB give update.
WL: OK FB: Already sent.
CMN: With regard to WL's questions "Do we want to force tools to implement all of GL" the answer is Yes. If things are unrealistic we can talk to GL.
WL: Wonder whether FOG index in software worthwhile?
CMN: User still needs to use part of tool properly.
WL: Who would use it.
CMN: Someone must.
JR: Just because it used one way now doesn't mean it couldn't be used more strongly.
HS: What is the FOG index.
CMN, WL: An index of how readable a document is, based on some testing algorithms.
Action WL: Will write up something involving text.
JT: Any other action items?
Mathias: Has taken JR's image stuff and used it to add examples to multimedia stuff.
CMN: Let's put together a first draft.
CMN: Who wants to do control flow stuff. Service based things with many layers of interaction.
JT: Will get a comment from another person interested in navigation but not in the WG.
Action CMN: post draft of combined evaluation process
JR: Will post newest version for images.
JT: next week we will look over the collection of evaluation process documents.
Last Modified $Date: 2000/11/08 08:13:13 $