ISSUE-511: Provide better definition for input: what roles should descend from it because they provide a value to be stored, and what roles are adjusting values of UI components but it's not intended for long-term storage

input descendants

Provide better definition for input: what roles should descend from it because they provide a value to be stored, and what roles are adjusting values of UI components but it's not intended for long-term storage

ARIA 2.0
Raised by:
Michael Cooper
Opened on:
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Related notes:


6 Oct 2016, 17:50:24

Overcome by events. This has been addressed.

Richard Schwerdtfeger, 6 Oct 2016, 17:52:17

Display change log ATOM feed

James Nurthen <>, Valerie Young <>, Chairs, Daniel Montalvo <>, Staff Contact
Tracker: documentation, (configuration for this group), originally developed by Dean Jackson, is developed and maintained by the Systems Team <>.
$Id: 511.html,v 1.1 2023/05/22 16:31:57 carcone Exp $