About https://www.w3.org/WAI/

Administrative pages

The following W3C administrative information is available about "https://www.w3.org/WAI/". Some of these pages can also be accessed by adding the comma suffix shown to the document Web address — these so called "comma-tools" work on any www.w3.org page.

For this page General tool ,shortcut Access control
A plain text version of the page, handy for pasting into email. HTML to Text converter ,text Same as the document
List of bad links in the page Link Checker ,checklink Same as the document
Bad links in a page and in pages linked from it Link Checker ,rchecklink Same as the document
List of HTML markup errors. HTML Validator ,validate Same as the document
List of spelling errors. W3C Spellchecker ,spell Same as the document
List of style CSS errors. CSS Validator ,cssvalidate Works only on public pages.
List of internationalisation errors. i18n checker ,i18n Same as the document
Source of this document (e.g. CVS repository, proxy, redirect). Web tree source info ,source Public
Log of changes to the document CVS Log ,cvslog Team-only
Check the compliance of this document to the W3C publication rules the pubrules checker ,pubrules Same as the document
Generate formatted minutes of a meeting IRC log Online Minutes Generator ,minutes Same as the document
Open the diff form HTML diff tool ,diff Same as the document

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For this page General tool ,shortcut
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Browse Web space List of files and directories under the current directory in Web space with icons or with dates/sizes (source) ,ls
Status of this resource on various mirrors Mirroring ,mirror
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Redirection service to shorten a long w3.org uri into a more convenient one, eg https://w3.org/brief/1. Should not be used for high volume requests.


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Last modified $Date: 2024/11/22 22:18:58 $ by $Author: kahan $