4. XHTML DTD Modules


    4.1.  Implementing Document Model Modules in the DTD
        4.1.1.  Parameterization
        4.1.2.  Modularization
    4.2.  Common Declarations
        4.2.1.  Names (XHTML1-names.mod)
        4.2.2.  Attributes (XHTML1-attribs.mod)
        4.2.3.  Transitional Attributes (XHTML1-attribs-t.mod)
        4.2.4.  Strict Document Model (XHTML1-model.mod)
        4.2.5.  Transitional Document Model (XHTML1-model-t.mod)
        4.2.6.  Intrinsic Event Attributes (XHTML1-events.mod)
        4.2.7.  Character Entities (XHTML1-charent.mod)
    4.3.  Document Structure Element Types
        4.3.1.  Normal Document Structure (XHTML1-struct.mod)
        4.3.2.  Frames (XHTML1-frames.mod)
        4.3.3.  Lists (XHTML1-list.mod)
    4.4.  Block Element Types
        4.4.1.  Block Structural (XHTML1-blkstruct.mod)
        4.4.2.  Block Phrasal (XHTML1-blkphras.mod)
        4.4.3.  Block Presentational (XHTML1-blkpres.mod)
    4.5.  Inline Element Types
        4.5.1.  Inline Structural (XHTML1-inlstruct.mod)
        4.5.2.  Inline Phrasal (XHTML1-inlphras.mod)
        4.5.3.  Inline Presentational (XHTML1-inlpres.mod)
    4.6.  Special Case (or Feature) Element Types
        4.6.1.  Meta Information (XHTML1-meta.mod)
        4.6.2.  Linking (XHTML1-linking.mod)
        4.6.3.  Images (XHTML1-image.mod)
        4.6.4.  Client-side Image Maps (XHTML1-csismap.mod)
        4.6.5.  Objects (XHTML1-object.mod)
        4.6.6.  Applets (XHTML1-applet.mod)
        4.6.7.  Scripting (XHTML1-script.mod)
        4.6.8.  Stylesheets (XHTML1-style.mod)
        4.6.9.  HTML 3.2 Tables (XHTML1-table32.mod)
        4.6.10.  HTML 4.0 Tables (XHTML1-table.mod)
        4.6.11.  HTML 3.2 Forms (XHTML1-form32.mod)
        4.6.12.  HTML 4.0 Forms (XHTML1-form.mod)

This section is normative.

This section specifies the XHTML DTD modules, the type declarations found in each module, and the file and parameter entity naming conventions used throughout the DTD.

4.1. Implementing Document Model Modules in the DTD

Partitioning of the document model occurs at the semantic module level. This partitioning is implemented in the markup model by two primary methods: parameterization, the use of parameter entities as reusable strings, and modularization, the creation of DTD fragments called modules.

4.1.1. Parameterization

This specification classifies parameter entities into six categories and names them consistently using the following suffixes:

parameter entities use the suffix .mod when they are used to represent a DTD module (a collection of element classes). In this specification, each module is an atomic unit and may be represented as a separate file entity.
parameter entities use the suffix .module when they are used to control the inclusion of a DTD module by containing either of the conditional section keywords INCLUDE or IGNORE.
parameter entities use the suffix .content when they are used to represent the content model of an element type.
parameter entities use the suffix .class when they are used to represent elements of the same class.
parameter entities use the suffix .mix when they are used to represent a collection of element types from different classes.
parameter entities use the suffix .attrib when they are used to represent a group of tokens representing one or more complete attribute specifications within an ATTLIST declaration.

For example, in HTML 4.0, the %block; parameter entity is defined to represent the heterogenous collection of element types that are block-level elements. In this specification, the corollary parameter entity is %Block.mix;.

4.1.2. Modularization

DTD modules are often used to encompass the markup declarations of a specific semantic component or "feature", from higher-level document features like tables and forms, to lower-level components such as specific elements or element groups. Modules can even contain modules, creating a hierarchical structure mirroring the document model. Note that modules are not always implemented as separate file entities, and modular DTDs can be easily normalized into single file versions for more efficient distribution over the Web.

The relationship between document model components and how they are implemented in markup as modules, entities and files (i.e., the granularity of the parameterization or modularization, how the markup model is structured and stored as separate entities, etc.) is not necessarily direct, as design style and implementation issues properly play a part. Higher-level modules are sometimes delivered as individual file entities to facilitate portability and reusability. To promote interoperability, the XHTML DTD design considers each module as atomic, with the notion that implementations should support the semantics of an entire module without further subdivision.

While the notion of "plug and play" with DTD modules is very attractive, in practice this is not quite so simple. Complex document models often resort to extensive parameterization of semantic modules to facilitate understanding, markup reuse, extensibility, and maintenance. The resultant modules may have have many interdependencies, and may require a fair amount of "rewiring" when adding or removing a DTD module. In light of this, a compromise must be made between markup flexibility, complexity of the DTD, and ease of maintainability.

The XHTML DTD attempts to ameliorate this by localizing many of the more "global" parameter entities to several modules that are declared early in the DTD. These are labelled common modules, and include declarations for common names, attributes, parameter and character entities.

XHTML elements are classified into the following categories:

structural element types
element types that create the overall structure of an XHTML document.
block element types
element types that should cause a line break.
inline element types
element types that are displayed inline to an existing block.
phrasal element types
element types that specify a domain-relevant connotation
presentational element types
element types that indicate a desire on the part of the author for a specific rendering effect.
special case (or "feature") element types
element types that provide XHTML with special features, such as linking, forms, etc.

Following is a module-by-module catalog of element types and parameter entities declared in the three XHTML DTDs, what constitutes in effect the XHTML namespace.

More detailed DTD Modularization Interface ('DMI') documentation is also available for each of the three XHTML 1.0 DTDS:

4.2. Common Declarations

4.2.1. Names (XHTML1-names.mod)

The XHTML1-names.mod DTD module defines the following common names, many of these imported from other specifications and standards.

media type, as per [RFC2045]
a comma-separated list of media types, as per [RFC2045]
a character encoding, as per [RFC2045]
a space-separated list of character encodings, as per [RFC2045]
date and time information, ISO date format
a single character from [ISO10646]
a language code, as per [RFC1766]
a space-separated list of link types
a single or comma-separated list of media descriptors
one or more digits
a Uniform Resource Identifier, see [URI]
a space-separated list of Uniform Resource Identifiers, see [URI]
a script expression
style sheet data
simple text
the length defined in the HTML strict DTD for cellpadding and cellspacing
pixel, percentage, or relative
a comma-separated list of MultiLength
integer representing length in pixels
render in this frame
a color using sRGB

4.2.2. Attributes (XHTML1-attribs.mod)

The XHTML1-attribs.mod DTD modules defines the following common attributes:

defines the attributes id, class, style, and title
defines the internationalization (i18n) attributes lang, xml:lang and dir
in this module, %Events.attrib; is declared as an empty string, should the Events module not already have been instantiated.
combines %Core.attrib;, %I18n.attrib;, and %Events.attrib;
in this module, %Align.attrib; is declared as an empty string, as a default in the Strict DTD.
a conditional section keyword controlling declaration of additional XLink attributes on the a element type
additional XLink attributes on the a element type

4.2.3. Transitional Attributes (XHTML1-attribs-t.mod)

The XHTML1-attribs-t.mod DTD module defines the common attributes associated with the HTML 4.0 Transitional DTD:

defines the attributes id, class, style, and title
defines the internationalization (i18n) attributes lang, xml:lang and dir
combines %Core.attrib;, %I18n.attrib;, and %Events.attrib;
horizontal text alignment
horizontal and vertical text alignment
a conditional section keyword controlling declaration of additional XLink attributes on the a element type
additional XLink attributes on the a element type

4.2.4. Strict Document Model (XHTML1-model.mod)

The XHTML1-model DTD module declares parameter entities describing the structure of the XHTML Strict document model. It provides an effective implementation of the document model occurring within body in one location, simplifying modification. It's also a good place to gain an understanding of the structures of the DTD.

NOTE: because the #PCDATA token must occur first in a mixed content model in XML, it is not included in any of the following parameter entities, and is declared explicitly on each element where it is to occur.

these elements are neither block nor inline, and can essentially be used anywhere in the document body
the class of inline structural element types
the class of inline presentational element types
the class of inline phrasal element types
the class of special inline element types
the class of form control element types
includes all inline elements, used as a component in mixes
includes all inline elements, including %Misc.class;
includes all non-anchor inlines, used as a component in mixes
includes all non-anchor inlines
the class of heading element types h1 to h6
the class of list element types
the class of block structural element types
the class of block presentational element types
the class of block phrasal element types
the class of block-level form element types
the class of special block-level element types
includes all block elements, used as an component in mixes
includes all block elements plus %Misc.class;
includes all non-form block elements, used as a component in mixes
includes all non-form block elements, plus %Misc.class;
includes all text content, block and inline

4.2.5. Transitional Document Model (XHTML1-model-t.mod)

The XHTML1-model DTD module declares parameter entities describing the structure of the XHTML Transitional document model. It provides an effective implementation of the document model occurring within body in one location, simplifying modification. It's also a good place to gain an understanding of the structures of the DTD.

NOTE: because the #PCDATA token must occur first in a mixed content model in XML, it is not included in any of the following parameter entities, and is declared explicitly on each element where it is to occur.

these elements are neither block nor inline, and can essentially be used anywhere in the document body
the class of inline structural element types
the class of inline presentational element types
the class of inline phrasal element types
the class of special inline element types
the class of form control element types
includes all inline elements, used as a component in mixes
includes all inline elements, including %Misc.class;
includes all non-anchor inlines, used as a component in mixes
includes all non-anchor inlines
the class of heading element types h1 to h6
the class of list element types
the class of block structural element types
the class of block presentational element types
the class of block phrasal element types
the class of block-level form element types
the class of special block-level element types
the class of special block-level element types
includes all block elements, used as an component in mixes
includes all block elements plus %Misc.class;
includes all non-form block elements, used as a component in mixes
includes all non-form block elements, plus %Misc.class;
includes all text content, block and inline

4.2.6. Intrinsic Event Attributes (XHTML1-events.mod)

The XHTML1-events.mod DTD module defines the intrinsic event attributes specified in HTML 4.0.

additional event-related attributes for the a element type
defines the intrinsic events such as onclick and onmouseout

4.2.7. Character Entities (XHTML1-charent.mod)

This module acts as a wrapper for declaring the three character entity sets based on ISO Latin 1 and other special symbols used in HTML, such as <,  , Ä, etc.

a conditional section keyword which can be set to IGNORE during normalization of the DTD to avoid having the character entity declarations included in the resultant DTD (this should be done in internal subset of the dummy document used for normalization, rather than explicitly editing this module)
the extended ISO Latin 1 set of character entities, the same as in HTML 4.0 DTD.
symbol characters for XHTML, including mathematical and Greek characters
special characters for XHTML, including typographic symbols. (this set now includes the new € symbol)

4.3. Document Structure Element Types

4.3.1. Normal Document Structure (XHTML1-struct.mod)

The XHTML1-struct.mod DTD module defines element types that support the general structure of an XHTML document, as apart from the content's structure.

the head element type and its attributes
the content model for the head element type
the optional, repeatable element types that can appear in the head of a document
the body element type and its attributes
additional Transitional attributes on body (in a %XHTML.Transitional; conditional section)
the content model for the body element type
the html element type and its attributes, the document element for XHTML.
the content model for the html element type
the Formal Public Identifier (FPI) for this DTD. This parameter entity is a historical legacy of past HTML DTDs, and is preserved in case any application software uses it. It is also the only place within the DTD (excluding comments) that the DTD's FPI is declared. This declares the attribute specification containing the value as declared in the DTD driver.
the declared profile identifier for this DTD.
FIXME This should be changed in the DTD to be named as a namespace, not profile identifier.

4.3.2. Frames (XHTML1-frames.mod)

The XHTML1-frames.mod DTD module defines element types that provide frame functionality.

ELEMENT frameset
the frameset element type and its attributes
the content model for the frameset element type
the frame element type and its attributes
the content model for the frame element type
ELEMENT iframe
the iframe element type and its attributes
the content model for the frame element type
ELEMENT noframes
the noframe element type and its attributes
the content model for the noframes element type
additional frame-related attributes on the a element type
redeclares the content model of the html element type

4.3.3. Lists (XHTML1-list.mod)

The XHTML1-lists.mod DTD module defines elements that provide list functionality.

the dl (definition list) element type and its attributes
the content model for the dl element type
the dl (definition term) element type and its attributes
the content model for the dt element type
the dl (definition description) element type and its attributes
the content model for the dd element type
the dl (ordered list) element type and its attributes
the content model for the ol element type
ordered lists (ol) numbering style
the dl (unordered list) element type and its attributes
the content model for the ul element type
unordered list (ul) bullet styles
the dl (list item) element type and its attributes
the content model for the li element type
declares the Transitional element type dir (deprecated in HTML 4.0)
the content model for the dir element type
declares the Transitional element type menu (deprecated in HTML 4.0)
the content model for the menu element type

4.4. Block Element Types

4.4.1. Block Structural (XHTML1-blkstruct.mod)

The XHTML1-blkstruct.mod DTD module defines element types that provide block-level structure.

the div element type and its attributes
the content model for the div element type
the p element type and its attributes
the content model for the p element type

4.4.2. Block Phrasal (XHTML1-blkphras.mod)

The XHTML1-blkphras.mod DTD module defines element types that provide block-level semantic features.

ELEMENT address
the address element type and its attributes
the content model for the address element type
ELEMENT blockquote
the blockquote element type and its attributes
the content model for the blockquote element type
the pre element type and its attributes
the content model for the pre element type
the h1 element type and its attributes
the h2 element type and its attributes
the h3 element type and its attributes
the h4 element type and its attributes
the h5 element type and its attributes
the h6 element type and its attributes
the content model used by all heading elements (h1-h6)

4.4.3. Block Presentational (XHTML1-blkpres.mod)

The XHTML1-blkpres.mod DTD module defines element types that provide block-level presentational features.

the hr element type and its attributes
the content model for the hr element type
ELEMENT center
the center element type and its attributes
the content model for the center element type

4.5. Inline Element Types

4.5.1. Inline Structural (XHTML1-inlstruct.mod)

The XHTML1-inlstruct.mod DTD module defines element types that provide inline structural features.

the bdo element type and its attributes
the content model for the bdo element type
the br element type and its attributes
the content model for the br element type
the del element type and its attributes
the content model for the del element type
the ins element type and its attributes
the content model for the ins element type
the span element type and its attributes
the content model for the span element type

4.5.2. Inline Phrasal (XHTML1-inlphras.mod)

The XHTML1-inlphras.mod DTD module defines element types that provide inline phrasal features.

the abbr element type and its attributes
the content model for the abbr element type
ELEMENT acronym
the acronym element type and its attributes
the content model for the acronym element type
the cite element type and its attributes
the content model for the cite element type
the code element type and its attributes
the content model for the code element type
the dfn element type and its attributes
the content model for the dfn element type
the em element type and its attributes
the content model for the em element type
the kbd element type and its attributes
the content model for the kbd element type
the q element type and its attributes
the content model for the q element type
the samp element type and its attributes
the content model for the samp element type
ELEMENT strong
the strong element type and its attributes
the content model for the strong element type
the var element type and its attributes
the content model for the var element type

4.5.3. Inline Presentational (XHTML1-inlpres.mod)

The XHTML1-inlpres.mod DTD module defines element types that provide inline presentational features.

the b element type and its attributes
the content model for the b element type
the var element type and its attributes
the content model for the big element type
the i element type and its attributes
the content model for the i element type
the small element type and its attributes
the content model for the small element type
the sub element type and its attributes
the content model for the sub element type
the sup element type and its attributes
the content model for the sup element type
the tt element type and its attributes
the content model for the tt element type
ELEMENT basefont
the basefont element type and its attributes
the content model for the basefont element type
the font element type and its attributes
the content model for the font element type
the s element type and its attributes
the content model for the s element type
ELEMENT strike
the strike element type and its attributes
the content model for the strike element type
the u element type and its attributes
the content model for the u element type

4.6. Special Case (or Feature) Element Types

4.6.1. Meta Information (XHTML1-meta.mod)

The XHTML1-meta.mod DTD module defines element types that provide document meta information. All occur in head.

the title element type and its attributes
the content model for the title element type
the meta element type and its attributes
the content model for the meta element type

4.6.2. Linking (XHTML1-linking.mod)

The XHTML1-linking.mod DTD module defines element types that provide inline link and link reference features.

the a element type and its attributes
the content model for the a inline link element type
the base element type and its attributes
the content model for the base element type
the link element type and its attributes
the content model for the link element type
enumeration of shape values for client-side image maps
comma-separated list of vector coordinates for client-side image maps

4.6.3. Images (XHTML1-image.mod)

The XHTML1-image.mod DTD module defines element types that provide inline image support.

the img element type and its attributes
the content model for the img element type

4.6.4. Client-side Image Maps (XHTML1-csismap.mod)

The XHTML1-csimap.mod DTD module defines element types that provide client-side image map support:

the map element type and its attributes
the content model for the map element type
the area element type and its attributes
the content model for the area element type
additional client-side image map attributes on a

4.6.5. Objects (XHTML1-object.mod)

The XHTML1-object.mod DTD module defines elements that support generic embedded objects.

ELEMENT object
the object element type and its 3,417 attributes
the content model for the object element type
the param element type and its attributes
the content model for the param element type

4.6.6. Applets (XHTML1-applet.mod)

The XHTML1-applet.mod DTD module defines element types that provide support for Java applets.

ELEMENT applet
the applet element type and its attributes
the content model for the applet element type
the param element type and its attributes
the content model for the param element type
if the Object module is not included, this conditional section keyword should be declared as INCLUDE to declare the param element and its attributes

4.6.7. Scripting (XHTML1-script.mod)

The XHTML1-script.mod DTD module defines element types that provide scripting support.

ELEMENT script
the script element type and its attributes
the content model for the script element type
ELEMENT noscript
the noscript element type and its attributes
the content model for the noscript element type

4.6.8. Stylesheets (XHTML1-style.mod)

The XHTML1-style.mod DTD module defines element types that provide stylesheet support.

the style element type and its attributes
the content model for the style element type

4.6.9. HTML 3.2 Tables (XHTML1-table32.mod)

The XHTML1-table32.mod DTD module defines elements that provide support for display of HTML 3.2 tables.

the table element type and its attributes
the content model for the table element type
ELEMENT caption
the caption element type and its attributes
the content model for the caption element type
specifies alignment of the caption relative to the table
the tr element type and its attributes
the content model for the tr element type
the th element type and its attributes
the content model for the th element type
the td element type and its attributes
the content model for the td element type
horizontal placement of table relative to document
horizontal alignment attributes for cell contents
vertical alignment attributes for cell contents

4.6.10. HTML 4.0 Tables (XHTML1-table.mod)

The XHTML1-table.mod DTD module defines elements that provide support for display of HTML 4.0 tables.

the table element type and its attributes
the content model for the table element type
ELEMENT caption
the caption element type and its attributes
the content model for the caption element type
specifies alignment of the caption relative to the table
the thead element type and its attributes
the content model for the thead element type
the tfoot element type and its attributes
the content model for the tfoot element type
the tbody element type and its attributes
the content model for the tbody element type
ELEMENT colgroup
the colgroup element type and its attributes
the content model for the colgroup element type
the col element type and its attributes
the content model for the col element type
the tr element type and its attributes
the content model for the tr element type
the th element type and its attributes
the content model for the th element type
the td element type and its attributes
the content model for the td element type
the frame attribute values specify which parts of the frame around the table should be rendered
specifies which rules to draw between cells
horizontal placement of table relative to document
horizontal alignment attributes for cell contents
vertical alignment attributes for cell contents
describes the scope of cells covered by header cells; scope is simpler than the axes attribute for common tables

4.6.11. HTML 3.2 Forms (XHTML1-form32.mod)

The XHTML1-form32.mod DTD module defines element types that provide HTML 3.2 level form support.

the form element type and its attributes
the content model for the form element type
the input element type and its attributes
changes to the input element's type attribute values
the content model for the input element type
ELEMENT select
the select element type and its attributes
the content model for the select element type
ELEMENT option
the option element type and its attributes
the content model for the option element type
ELEMENT textarea
the textarea element type and its attributes
the content model for the textarea element type

4.6.12. HTML 4.0 Forms (XHTML1-form.mod)

The XHTML1-form.mod DTD module defines element types that provide HTML 4.0 level form support.

the form element type and its attributes
the content model for the form element type
the label element type and its attributes
the content model for the label element type
the input element type and its attributes
changes to the input element's type attribute values
the content model for the input element type
ELEMENT select
the select element type and its attributes
the content model for the select element type
ELEMENT optgroup
the optgroup element type and its attributes
the content model for the optgroup element type
ELEMENT option
the option element type and its attributes
the content model for the option element type
ELEMENT textarea
the textarea element type and its attributes
the content model for the textarea element type
ELEMENT fieldset
the fieldset element type and its attributes
the content model for the fieldset element type
ELEMENT legend
the legend element type and its attributes
the content model for the legend element type
values for legend alignment
ELEMENT button
the button element type and its attributes
the content model for the button element type