
Cascading Style Sheets patent disclosures before 2007

Main links

See a separate page for patent disclosures made after September 2006.

The following statements are the patent disclosures and license commitments regarding CSS specifications that have been sent to W3C before September 2006, as suggested by the W3C Current Patent Practice.

W3C does not take a position regarding the validity or scope of any intellectual property right or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology, nor the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available. Copyright of WG deliverables is vested in the W3C.

Claims from W3C members

These claims are from W3C members with respect to their own patents.

Other “found” claims

These claims have been found by others and are provided as a service. Again, W3C makes no statement about whether they apply or not.

How to disclose patent claims

Following the W3C Current Patent Practice (January 2002) and the W3C process document (July 2001), W3C members should disclose patent and other IPR claims that are relevant to CSS by sending email to the CSS working group and the archived patent issues list <> (both member-only). Members must disclose all IPR claims to this mailing list but they may also copy other recipients.

Bert Bos, style activity lead
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Last updated Wed 24 Jul 2024 09:33:38 AM UTC


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