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Archives for June 2007


The Web as An Ecosystem

Don’t you feel sometimes you are in the middle of an action movie and when you have time to rest a bit, you realize that you were running all along. Then the action is restarting. It never stops. So let’s...

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Filed by Karl Dubost on June 21, 2007 1:39 AM in HTML, Opinions and Editorial
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Fixing the Web… Together!

Molly Holzschlag recently posted an article about stopping the development on HTML 5 and XHTML 2.0 until implementations are consistent for HTML 4.01 and others. It is surprising because one of the main goals of HTML 5 is exactly this,...

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Filed by Karl Dubost on June 15, 2007 9:52 AM in HTML
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How to to contribute to W3C work? Tutorials

We started a series about how you can contribute to W3C work. Last time, we have seen how to create and propose your own quick tips. This week, we will go a step further by looking at tutorials. Specifications...

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Filed by Karl Dubost on June 13, 2007 7:30 AM in Tutorials, W3C Life
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Authoring HTML 5 - A Call to Web Professionals

Robert recently published his thoughts on HTML 5. In his post, he gives a reference to a post by Roger giving another look at HTML 5. They are both addressing two issues of the work done on HTML: Attitude HTML...

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Filed by Karl Dubost on June 8, 2007 5:07 AM in HTML
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