Quality Assurance Interest Group meets at the W3C Technical Plenary 2006
Once a year, W3C hosts a five day event, the W3C Technical Plenary, where Working Groups (WG) and Interest Groups (IG) hold their face to face meetings in one place and have the opportunity to meet and liaise with participants from other groups. The QA Interest Group meeting during this event is open to the public.
You are welcome to join us in Cannes, Mandelieu (France) from 27 February to 28 February 2006. Deadline for registration: February 16, 2006
The QA IG is a group which is mainly composed of participants of the www-qa, public-evangelist and public-qa-dev mailing-lists. It is a completely open group to the public. Anyone can participate and contribute to the publication of W3C IG Notes.
During this meeting, we will try to address some points of this following preliminary agenda and maybe open new possible topics depending on the level of participation.
Agenda anchor
- Evangelization + W3C IG Notes: Plan for publication
- Curriculum for Web standards
- Validator*S*: Development, future, etc.
- CHIPs and CUAP Notes
- QA Findings ala TAG Findings
- Testable and non normative
- Common EBNF for XML specs (See We need a EBNF spec
- etc.
- EARL update and relations to QA
- Ongoing development of QA guidelines, tutorials, templates, etc.
- Test Case Metadata (Concrete Schema)
- Glossary
- WAI coordination with QA
- Dummy Guide to Test Assertions
Please register now! (before February 16, 2006)
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