QAWG/IG face-to-face meeting, Boston, USA, 3-4 March 2005
The QA Working Group (and chairs of the Interesting Group) meet in person
every 3 or 4 months in a "face-to-face meeting". This time the meeting is
happening during the W3C Technical Plenary in Boston, USA, 3-4 March 2005.
See the minutes of this meeting, and the QA Calendar for links to minutes of other
QAWG/IG face-to-face meetings.
Venue and logistics
- Meeting Dates
- March 3-4, 2005
- Location
- W3C Technical Plenary, Hotel Hyatt
Boston, USA
- Network
- Wireless
- Accomodation
- See Technical Plenary Schedule
Joint Meetings (unscheduled yet): ERT WG
- Thursday, March 3rd, Morning (8:30am)
- (8:30) Introduction & Logistics (1/2 hr)
- (9:00) QAWG Life (45 min) - Dominique Hazaël-Massieux
- review of W3C Management discussion
- QA WG Chairing: Karl needs help. :)
- After August, which mode of participation?
- (9:45) Olivier's 15 minutes about QA IG (WAW, articles, etc.) and Validators.
- break 15 minutes
- (10:15) QA Documents: Status, Issues?, Defining roles.
- Varibility in Specification: status
- Test FAQ: status - related TCDL, EARL
- QA Handbook: status
- Plans for the different QA documents: list of documents, list of things started and not finished, etc.
- Creation of a publication schedule for the last 6 months.
- (12:30): Lunch break
- Thursday, March 3rd, Afternoon
- Friday, March 4th
- Morning: SpecGL issues
- 1pm: Joint meeting with WAI CG