W3C PICS UI Reference Code

PICS UI Code for the Macintosh

by Sam Madden

Sam Madden (MIT class of '98) has produced a HyperCard demonstration of a possible user interface for configuring content selection software on the Macintosh. We are providing both the stand-alone (about 700Kbytes) and source code (about 160Kbytes) versions.

Sam was born and raised in San Diego, CA. He came to MIT after a bit of prodding by his parents, and is currently (November, 1995) a sophomore there. He is studying computer science and hopes to graduate in the Spring of 1998. His interests include music, life, and all those encompass.

Sam became involved in the PICS effort at the request of Jim Miller, who was his professor at the time. He also develops Macintosh printer drivers for Palomar Software, an Oceanside, CA based company which specializes in high performance color drivers for large and small format printers. These days he's also involved in reasearch in the VETT (Virtual Environment Testing and Training) Lab here at MIT. He is designing a situational awareness experiment for a virtual submarine environment which has been developed there over the last year and a half.

Comments to Jim Miller.
Created 16 November 1995 by Jim Miller
Last updated 16 Nov 1995