
W3C Opens New Australia Office

29 July 2015 | Archive

W3C Office logo W3C is pleased to announce the selection of Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra as the new host of the W3C Australia Office. The Australian W3C Office will be jointly hosted by the ANU College of Business and Economics and the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science. Dr. Armin Haller serves as Office Manager. W3C Offices act as local points of contact for W3C work and help ensure that W3C and its specifications reach an international audience. Professor Shirley Leitch, Dean of the ANU College of Business and Economics commented, “We are delighted to be selected to host the Australian office for W3C, an organization that defines the international standards of the World Wide Web and shapes the future of the Web.” Professor Elanor Huntington, Dean of the ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science said the University will integrate ideas and developments from the W3C into its teaching. Read more in our press release, and learn more about the W3C Offices program.

Web Payments Use Cases 1.0 Draft Published

30 July 2015 | Archive

The Web Payments Interest Group has published a Working Draft of Web Payments Use Cases 1.0. This document is a prioritized list of Web payments use cases. Guided by these use cases, the W3C Web Payments Interest Group plans to derive architecture and associated technology requirements to integrate payments into the Open Web Platform. That work will form the basis of conversations with W3C groups and the broader payments industry about which standards (from W3C or other organizations) will be necessary to fulfill the use cases and make payments over the Web easier and more secure. Learn more about the Payments Activity.

W3C Updates Recommendation Track Process

30 July 2015 | Archive

W3C approved the 1 September 2015 W3C Process Document. The principal changes were the removal of “Activities” and “Coordination Groups” as formal concepts within the W3C Process. These changes removed an entire section (formerly Section 5) and caused editorial changes throughout. The procedures for resigning from a Group and for handling change of affiliation of a TAG participant are clarified. A Process Transition FAQ answers questions related to the adoption of the 2015 Process.

This document was developed between the W3C Advisory Board and the public Revising W3C Process Community Group.

W3C Workshop Report on the MultilingualWeb workshop in Riga

30 July 2015 | Archive

A report summarizing the MultilingualWeb workshop in Riga is now available from the MultilingualWeb site. It contains a summary of each session with links to presentation slides and minutes taken during the workshop. The workshop was a huge success. With the parallel Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) event, it had more than 200 registered participants. See a summary of highlights, and a dedicated report about outreach activities of the supporting EU funded LIDER project. The Workshop was locally organized by Tilde, sponsored by the LIDER project and by Verisign. Learn more about the Internationalization Activity.

Linked Data Patch Format Note Published

28 July 2015 | Archive

The Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group has published a Group Note of Linked Data Patch Format. Linked Data Patch Format (LD Patch) defines a language for expressing a sequence of operations for patching Linked Data resources; it is suitable for use with the HTTP PATCH method. Learn more about the Data Activity.

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