
Last Call: W3C DOM4

18 June 2015 | Archive

The HTML Working Group has published a Last Call Working Draft of W3C DOM4. DOM defines a platform-neutral model for events and node trees. Comments are welcome through 07 July. Learn more about the HTML Activity.

Two Automotive First Public Working Drafts Published

16 June 2015 | Archive

The Automotive Working Group has published a Working Draft of Vehicle Data. This specification defines a standard for Vehicle Data which might be available in a vehicle. It is designed to be used in conjunction with the Vehicle API Specification.

The group also published a Working Draft of Vehicle Information Access API. The W3C Vehicle Information API aims to enable connectivity through in-vehicle infotainment systems and vehicle data access protocols. This API can also be leveraged by web applications running on mobile devices that access the data resources of a connected passenger vehicle.

Learn more about the Ubiquitous Web Applications Activity.

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