Take the W3C Brand Survey through 5 May 2013 - Enter to Win!
29 April 2013 | Archive
Who is W3C to you? Who should we be?
As W3C nears its 20th anniversary in 2014 we are conducting a research project. We invite you to complete our first public survey about the W3C brand. Your responses will help guide where we direct our energies as we evolve the W3C brand.
The survey, open through 5 May 2013, should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Participants who complete the survey may enter to win an Apple iPad mini.
W3C has retained Salloway and Associates, an independent market strategy and research company, to conduct this survey on a confidential and professional basis. W3C will receive only anonymized data. Please see the survey for the complete privacy policy.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Selectors Level 4 Draft Published
02 May 2013 | Archive
The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group has published a Working Draft of Selectors Level 4. Selectors are patterns that match against elements in a tree, and as such form one of several technologies that can be used to select nodes in an XML document. Selectors have been optimized for use with HTML and XML, and are designed to be usable in performance-critical code. They are a core component of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), which uses Selectors to bind style properties to elements in the document. Selectors Level 4 describes the selectors that already exist in [SELECT], and further introduces new selectors for CSS and other languages that may need them. Learn more about the Style Activity.
vCard Ontology Draft Published
02 May 2013 | Archive
The Semantic Web Interest Group has published a Working Draft of vCard Ontology. The document describes a mapping of the vCard specification (RFC6350) to RDF/OWL. The goal is to promote the use of vCard for the description of people and organisations utilising semantic web techniques and allowing compatibility with traditional vCard implementations. Learn more about the Semantic Web Activity.
The PROV Family of Documents are W3C Recommendations
30 April 2013 | Archive
The Provenance Working Group was chartered to develop a framework for interchanging provenance on the Web. The Working Group has now published the PROV Family of Documents as W3C Recommendations, along with corresponding supporting notes. You can find a complete list of the documents in the PROV Overview Note. PROV enables one to represent and interchange provenance information using widely available formats such as RDF and XML. In addition, it provides definitions for accessing provenance information, validating it, and mapping to Dublin Core. Learn more about the Semantic Web.
Publishing and Linking on the Web Note Published
30 April 2013 | Archive
The Technical Architecture Group has published a Group Note of Publishing and Linking on the Web. The Web borrows familiar concepts from physical media (e.g., the notion of a "page") and overlays them on top of a networked infrastructure (the Internet) and a digital presentation medium (browser software). This is a convenient abstraction, but when social or legal concepts and frameworks relating documents, publishing and speech are applied to the Web, the analogies can be misleading, for example, publishing a page on the Web is fundamentally different from printing and distributing a page in a magazine or book. Learn more about the Technical Architecture Group.
Two Drafts Published by the Tracking Protection Working Group
30 April 2013 | Archive
The Tracking Protection Working Group has published two Working Drafts today:
- Tracking Preference Expression (DNT). This specification defines the technical mechanisms for expressing a tracking preference via the DNT request header field in HTTP, via an HTML DOM property readable by embedded scripts, and via properties accessible to various user agent plug-in or extension APIs. It also defines mechanisms for sites to signal whether and how they honor this preference, both in the form of a machine-readable tracking status resource at a well-known location and via a Tk response header field, and a mechanism for allowing the user to approve exceptions to DNT as desired.
- Tracking Compliance and Scope. This specification defines the meaning of a Do Not Track (DNT) preference and sets out practices for websites to comply with this preference.
Learn more about the Privacy Activity.