
W3C Invites Implementations of Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies 1.0

17 June 2010 | Archive

The Mobile Web Best Practices Working Group invites implementation of the Candidate Recommendation of Guidelines for Web Content Transformation Proxies 1.0. This document provides guidance to Content Transformation proxies as to whether and how to transform Web content. Content Transformation proxies are mostly used to convert Web sites designed for desktop computers to a form suitable for mobile devices. The objective is to reduce undesirable effects on Web applications, especially mobile-ready ones, and to limit the diversity in the modes of operation of Content Transformation proxies, while at the same time allowing proxies to alter content that would otherwise not display successfully on mobile devices. Learn more about the Mobile Web Initiative.

User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) 2.0 Updated

17 June 2010 | Archive

The User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group has published an updated Working Draft of the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines (UAAG) 2.0. UAAG defines how browsers, media players, and other "user agents" should support accessibility for people with disabilities and work with assistive technologies. This draft includes updates to focus behavior and indication, form submission, and relative font sizes. The Working Group requests comments now in preparation for Last Call. The Working Group also published a Working Draft of the Implementing UAAG 2.0 supporting Note. Read the invitation to review the UAAG 2.0 Working Draft and about the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) 3.0 Draft Published

17 June 2010 | Archive

The Voice Browser Working Group has published a Working Draft of Voice Extensible Markup Language (VoiceXML) 3.0. This document specifies VoiceXML 3.0, a modular XML language for creating interactive media dialogs that feature synthesized speech, recognition of spoken and DTMF key input, telephony, mixed initiative conversations, and recording and presentation of a variety of media formats including digitized audio, and digitized video. Learn more about the Voice Browser Activity.

New resource: How to Make Your Presentations Accessible to All

16 June 2010 | Archive

The Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) today published How to Make Presentations Accessible to All , a page of the training resource suite being updated as part of the WAI-AGE Project. This new WAI resource helps you make presentations, talks, meetings, and training accessible to all of your potential audience, including people with disabilities and others. It covers planning, preparing slides, providing accessible material, considerations during your session, and more. WAI would like to know how this resource works for you and how we can improve it. See the blog post: Make Your Presentations Accessible to All. Learn about Accessibility and visit the WAI home page.

Last Call: CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3

15 June 2010 | Archive

The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Working Group has published a Last Call Working Draft of CSS Backgrounds and Borders Module Level 3. This specification describes styles for borders and backgrounds. It includes and extends the functionality of CSS level 2 by adding such features as: borders consisting of images, boxes with multiple backgrounds, boxes with rounded corners, and boxes with shadows. Comments are welcome through 06 July. Learn more about the Style Activity.

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