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24 September 2007

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Last Call: XML Pipeline Language

2007-09-20: The XML Processing Model Working Group published a Last Call Working Draft of XProc: An XML Pipeline Language. Comments are welcome through 24 October. Used to control and organize the flow of documents, the XProc language standardizes interactions, inputs and outputs for transformations for the large group of specifications such as XSLT, XML Schema, XInclude and Canonical XML that operate on and produce XML documents. Learn more about the Extensible Markup Language (XML) Activity. (Permalink)

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A MathML for CSS Profile: Working Draft

2007-09-24: The Math Working Group has published an updated Working Draft of A MathML for CSS profile. This subset of MathML 3.0 can be used to capture the structure of mathematical formulas in a way particularly suitable for further CSS formatting. Coordinated with ongoing work on CSS Level 3, the profile is expected to facilitate adoption of MathML in Web browsers and CSS formatters. Visit the Math home page. (Permalink)

Last Call: MTOM Policy Assertion

2007-09-18: The XML Protocol Working Group released a First Public and Last Call Working Draft of MTOM Serialization Policy Assertion 1.1. Comments are welcome through 15 October. Indicating endpoint support for the serialization of SOAP messages, this domain-specific policy assertion can be specified within a policy alternative and can be attached to a WSDL description. MTOM optimizes hop-by-hop exchanges between SOAP nodes. Read about Web services. (Permalink)

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