Technical details
(See also: W3 project )
- How to provide data
- How can I make my own data available on the web?
- Protocols
- A description of the network protocols used.
- HTML format
- A description of the mark-up language used for some documents
and for search hit-lists.
- Addressing
- The syntax of W3 document addresses.
- Design Issues
- Discussions of decisions to be made when designing or
selecting a hypertext/IR system. See also related products .
- Working notes
- Work in progress at the drawing board.
- Data sources
- Sources of data on the web itself, including W3 servers.
- News
- Some internet/usenet newsgroups of possible interest to the WorldWideWeb
- Notation
- Explanation of notation used in formal descriptions.
- Implementation guidelines
- Rules to be followed by implementers.
- Coding standards
- A basic style guide for W3 code contributors. If
you write code, read this!