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February 2018 addition of Membership level.

This Membership level is designed for public organizations that have revenues between $50M and $500M USD. This was made a permanent level in February 2019.

1 October 2014 addition of Introductory Industry Membership

W3C added a Introductory Industry Membership program primarily to serve industry needs as the Open Web Platform expands. The two year "on-ramp" Membership has with fewer benefits than regular Membership and a corresponding lower fee.

1 July 2013 Fees

W3C introduced a new fee level and an immediate reduction of fees for some Members affiliated with ERCIM and Keio. An increase in fees for some Members affiliated with MIT and Beihang takes effect as of 1 January 2015, but Members renewing in 2014 may pre-pay three years at the rate in effect before 1 July 2013. W3C also introduced CNY as a currency. See the full description of the 2013 fee changes.

1 February 2012 Fees

W3C added a new startup level for small organizations to begin to participate in W3C.

1 January 2010 Fees

At the November 2009 Advisory Committee meeting (Member-only) we announced that effective 1 January 2010 the requirement for an initial term of 3 years for new Members will be eliminated. New Memberships are now only required to have a one year term. The fees were not changed.

1 October 2008 Fees

After discussion with the AC (Member-only), in September 2008, these are the current fees. See the complete description of the October 2008 fees.

1 April 2007 Fees

After discussion with the AC (Member-only), in April and May 2007, these are the current fees. See the complete description of the April 2007 fees.

Based on experience, W3C discontinued the intermediate fee level.

1 July 2005 Fees

Announced to the W3C Advisory Committee (Member-only) in May 2005, these fees are in effect until 31 March 2007. See the complete description of the July 2005 fees.

Note: There is a typographical error in this Announcement. The line describing the fee increase for full-fee Keio Members should say, "JPY 7,300,000 for Keio-associated full-fee Members (3.2% increase from current fee of JPY 7,076,460").

1 April 2005 Fees

Announced to the W3C Advisory Committee (Member-only) in February 2005, these fees were in effect until 30 June 2005. See the complete description of the April 2005 fees.

1 January 2003 Fees

Announced to the W3C Advisory Committee (Member-only) in October 2002, this plan introduced Membership fees in three currencies, and fixed an exchange rate between them as the mean Interbank exchange rate over the six months leading up to 30 September 2002. W3C also associated a currency (one of USD, EUR, and JPY) with each country; an organization pays its Membership fees in the currency associated with the country of its headquarters.

W3C calculated fees based on the type of the organizaton (for-profit v. non-profit and government agency) and annual revenues (greater or less than $50,000,000 USD).

Using the equation "Membership Fee = Base Fee * Multiplier", the Base Fees were, in the three currencies:

  • 57,500 USD
  • 60,540 EUR
  • 7,076,460 JPY

The Multipliers were:

For-profit organization with revenue of greater than or equal to 50,000,000 USD1.0
All other organizations.10

1 July 2002 Fees

Announced to the W3C Advisory Committee (Member-only) in June 2002, this plan raised the Membership fee to account for inflation since the creation of W3C. All Members paid in USD.

Using the equation "Membership Fee = Base Fee * Multiplier", the Base Fee was 57,500 USD for all Members. The Multipliers were:

For-profit organization with revenue of greater than or equal to 50,000,000 USD1.0
All other organizations.10

October 1994 Fees

These were the original fees for W3C. All Members paid in USD.

Using the equation "Membership Fee = Base Fee * Multiplier", the Base Fee was 50,000 USD for all Members. The Multipliers were:

For-profit organization with revenue of greater than or equal to 50,000,000 USD1.0
All other organizations.10