Meeting minutes
XR Accessibility User Requirements: issues and publication request.
<Judy> [Judy regrets for first part of meeting, will join as soon as gets out of another meeting]
Joshue108: Getting close to finished
Thanks to Josh for all the work!
<Joshue108> JOC: I'll mint a CFC ready commit, likely tomorrow and we can get ready for creating a publication branch.
jasonjgw: Suggest we look at draft next week to make sure we are ready for CFC
Joint working group meetings at TPAC 2021.
janina: Several meeting will be of interest to RQTF
janina: We want to meet with timed text (and perhaps second screen) for the synchronization discussion
janina: another might be looking at a glossary for consistent language among specifications
janina: We will know more after Friday, so by next week we will have begun with outreach to other committee chairs
jasonjgw: Can bring back on the agenda in a few weeks
WebXR Layers API level 1 review: continuation of discussion.
jasonjgw: Have been having some discussion on this by email
jasonjgw: Let's see what further comments we receive
jasonjgw: Have had good discussions around captions
jasonjgw: Question. Do we want to express a strong preference for closed captions over burned in?
janina: Question: Do we know who is?
Frances: may know a contact for this
Joshue108: They did suggest the desire for coordination
jasonjgw: Bact to the captions question...any thoughts on closed vs burned in?
jasonjgw: Closed captions seem to be the norm
janina: Seems that closed captions allow for more user setup
Frances: Burned in may sometimes have benefits, but in most cases closed captions work best
jasonjgw: Josh will continue to respond to comments received
Joshue108: Have asked immersive captions group for comments
Automotive accessibility: scope of work, requirement analysis, and potential deliverables.
jasonjgw: We want to start defining and clairifying the issues and what work we may want to take up
Ted: would like to hear from others on their thoughts
Ted: have had a contact from Eric
Ted: Wanted to know if there was interest in collaboration
jasonjgw: Potential scope of work?
jasonjgw: Perhaps opening a wiki page to start collecting information
Ted: Best practices document at https://
janina: Media related systems - out of scope?
Ted: Eric is from Melbourne University
jasonjgw: Sounds like we have a few avenues of work
<Zakim> Joshue, you wanted to say some term to explore this space more is welcome
Joshue108: Further exploration with others who are doing work
jasonjgw: Natural language interaction is one example of where automotive accessibility might have a connection
janina: Will there be any TPAC activity on this?
<Joshue108> +1 to break out session on automotive a11y
Ted: At least a breakout session
Ted: many of these people are in Europe, so meeting times will need to be cognizant of that
Ted: suggest seeing who is interested first so we can keep meeting time in mind
Ted: will write up a breakout overrview
Documents in progress: Natural Language Accessibility and Synchronization Accessibility.
janina: Can we go ever the TOC, and figure out where some research may exist?
Raja: In regard to captions, there is some research in delay and size requirements
Raja: there was some discussion on minimal resolution and size
Jason: Any further comments?
judy: Suggest we do some of this discussion by email and then do follow-up discussion in the next meeting
jasonjgw: +1
jasonjgw: Not much work has been done lately on natural language
Judy: Would like to suggest accessibility of remote meetings may have priority
Joshue108: OK with me; XAUR is my current priority at the moment
scott_h: Working through feedback on remote meetings
jasonjgw: XR, Remote meetings and synchronization for next meeting