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<puckipedia> scribenick: puckipedia
cwebber: first item on the
agenda, social working group updates
... the main thing is that I need to get the test suite out in
two weeks, then I'll gather implementation reports
... oh, and another big point is that WebSub is at PR
aaronpk: which is the last stage before recommendation. So we are looking for more member companies to weigh in
cwebber: a few things on the
agenda, next one is activitypub's mediaUpload endpoint. maybe
we should shuffle that to the end
... let's talk about anti-abuse tooling
... generally the topic is letting users be protected against
abuse, like a gamergate pile-on. we do have some things in the
existing protocols and applications. Mastodon has a few
cross-server filtering tools, we have a block tool in AP, don't
know if there's something in webmention, aaronpk, is there
something for filtering?
aaronpk: it's out of scope. it's up to the receiver to decide what to do with it. webmention just gets you to "yes, this thing exists", not about who it is or whether it is usefule
cwebber: so, melody, I'm volunteering you, melody has been doing some work in the anti-abuse tooling space
melody: the work i've done so far isn't directly related to this
cwebber: I know it's a bit on the stop, but I actively encouraged her to be on the call, because her work is invested in these spaces
melody: I have a continued
investment in this area, I'm still trying to get my bearings
around what level of tooling, and like, which protocols are
relevant to the ideas I have for anti-abuse in the social
... I'm having trouble contextualizing where the stuff I'm
doing fits in the big picture
cwebber: it's good to hear your
perspective from this space, what would be useful is to kind of
list out the possible avenues for anti-abuse tooling. this is
something we're not going to resolve on this call
... I don't think we need to use a queue, let's just get listed
out the general avenues that we know
<cwebber> - Blocklists
<cwebber> - Block "activity"
<cwebber> - Word filtering
cwebber: one other route might be word filtering, specifically a blacklist of words you don't want to see, that starts to move down the direction of bayesian spam filtering
<cwebber> - Bayesian inference
cwebber: instead of explicitly
listing what you don't want, ahve a bayesian filter compile
what you want based on what you mark
... this inference might slowly move to more neural-type
approaches, unfortunately these involve having a very large
corpus, a local bayesian filter doesn't involve a lot of
... the risk is that this can falsely flag people
<cwebber> - neural networks
cwebber: in AP and webmention, each has *a* public endpoint anyone can send a message to, whether to reply to a post, or to a user there's an endpoint to send to. another option is to instead have a web of trust of people you are allowing in. so a whitelist, and you might look at the list of people you trust and see who *they* trust
<cwebber> - web of trust
cwebber: maybe we can say well,
our public inbox is only for people we trust, but maybe there's
another inbox that is for anyone, which would require a payment
mechanism, so if you're not in my trust network, you can send a
message but it costs 5 cents
... this makes spam useless, because it costs people to spam
people, and makes dogpiling expensive
... if, it turns out "oh, this is someone I hadn't marked", you
can refund it
... downside is that it can incorporate more pay-to-play
<cwebber> scribenick: cwebber
puckipedia: I also have some
thoughts for anti-abuse
... for example in mastodon a block is sent to the
corresponding server which of course can be controlled by that
... in activitypub it's kept kind of implementation-specified
whether it's sent
... going to come back to this potentially
... I just thought of a flag activity, for example if you think
that person is malicious you send a flag activity, but you send
a flag activity not delivered to that actor, for example a flag
activity to a malicious user on a non-malicious server
<puckipedia> scribenick: puckipedia
cwebber: a way this could be done
is, the actor has an endpoints property, which is for
server-wide shared endpoints
... so those are not specific to the user, but to the server.
something which was suggested was, well, couldn't we have a
server-wide actor, in the endponits, where you could deliver
the flag activity
<cwebber> scribenick: cwebber
puckipedia: I think that would be
nice because you could say it's the server admin, so you could
send a message to the server admin, so you could send a message
to that actor as well
... maybe that actor could also be a public announcement
system. For instance, if thes server sends out announcements
it's from that actor
<puckipedia> scribenick: puckipedia
cwebber: there is a generalized
topic I'd like to discuss, one thing we've talked about except
for possibly neural network, can be federated. and maybe even
... so it's possible a user is in control of their blocklist,
and a user can even run, client-side, their own filtering
tools. a concern is, sometimes when anti-abuse tooling comes
up, will you need a large centralized node?
... we need to talk about this, there was more of a push a year
ago, when there was more faith from people who are concerned
with protecting people for social justice reasons, that these
neural network types will protect people
... I've seen a shift that people have become more suspicious.
we've seen these networks pick up institutional racist/sexist
biases of the system
... are there reasons why a centralized system can do things a
decentralized system can't do?
ajordan: so I will fully admit to
not having followed this discussion, but you just mentioned
running things client-side. I would like to say that is, in my
view, unideal. client-side solutions only work for one client,
so you get an inconsistent timeline across client, and you
still have to pay the cost of network traffic before you can
filter it out
... I really would like not to push this to the client
<ajordan> also the other thing I should've said is that the server almost always has more information than the client
melody: I agree with ajordan, if you have a keyword filter list you want those to be in place no matter which client. it ends up being pretty important that those things work. coming from a tumblr background, there's a few good browser extensions that have keyword filtering with differing sensitivity, but it falls flat if you use it on mobile that you wouldn't have seen on the desktop.
<ajordan> it knows what IP addresses activities are being delivered from, it can authenticate/interrogate other servers more thoroughly, and it knows what other users might have flagged as spam
melody: I don't know if you need deep centralization, but one thing that hasn't been discussed is allowing some method of assessing risk of a message, you could use some kind of algorithm like a spam filter, or base it on keywords, or based on someone that isn't on your web of trust. carrying this info with the message would give clients the ability to surface messages with different kinds of risk with a customized amount of risk at any given moment when
you're interacting with your timeline/inbox/whatever
cwebber: we got consensus that we don't want disjointness between clients. we want ability, on the client-server level, that they all share the same data and don't get out of sync. the other point seems to be wrapping things in an envelope, so you get the message, and the server wraps it in an envelope with a level of risk
ajordan: I am not convinced this
is not dangerously close to full centralization, but I think it
would be interesting to, instead of standardising these
anti-abuse things directly, if we standardise a way for a
client to say to a server "please send this post to this other
service for me" and the service is allowed to, either add stuff
to a post (risk assessment), or, y'know, reject it
... if we did that, servers wouldn't have to worry about this
as much, and you could iterate on anti-abuse protocols
independently. and servers don't have to reimplement it, and
you'd get pretty wide-spread good tooling for free
cwebber: I agree that this
simplifies things for implementors of AP servers. If we ask
someone "we'd love to see more AP implementations", you can
implement the server isntead of also adding the other complex
tooling. this is a strong advantage, and we've got aggregration
of information
... but it effectively irradicates privacy from the system, and
that might be a large point of concern, this could be a target
for state actors, malicious actors who would like to see
private posts, or even do the reverse, target it to their own
... but it also has upsides in simplifying things
<Loqi> [e14n] activityspam: Bayesian spam filter for data
cwebber: activityspam was a server that did spam filtering for you, at the costs of what we just discussed
<cwebber> q:
<Zakim> ajordan, you wanted to clarify "eradicates privacy"
ajordan: you say it eradicates privacy, can you clarify?
cwebber: the concern is that,
say, I send a message to you directly. then we have some
anti-spam central server, and you and I both run private nodes.
We have the impression that I'm sending something directly and
thus it's a private channel. in fact, this other server, the
anti-spam server, would see the communication. you would have
the level of surveillance Google has over Gmail servers, which
is equivalnt to the privacy if you use the anti-spam
... it opens the possibility for centralized surveillance
ajordan: even if we run private nodes, I could still send the message to others
cwebber: by encouraging many
nodes to use a centralized service we open the door to, e.g.
activityspam is running out of money, "oh hey, we could just
sell our data to an advertising company"
... but we're encouraging a dangerous centralized service
melody: just thinking about the other side, how breaking it off into a separate service might help iterating, if there isn't client side support for having to deal with the messages. if this is beign iterated on separately then only clients that know about the other service will know what to do with the information
cwebber: either we say
accept/reject, or we need to standardize the envelope
... anything else somebody would want to talk about?
<ajordan> melody: no external services would be allowed to drop messages on the floor so you could decide whether you wanted "risk annotations" or drops based on what your clients support
melody: it's sort-of related to
something else I know has been discussed, which is the
sensitive flag, which I think was mostly discussed in the
context of content warnings. I'm wondering if there's a
possibility for using that for anti-abuse purposes as well,
having a standardized way of "hide this by default" sounds like
it could be a useful tool
... but it might require some additional information to be
useful for that case, like a [??] message or some other
information to go with it
cwebber: the sensitive flag, we
adopted it because it's what Mastodon uses, there's both a
sensitive flag and a content warning system, the CW system
allows you to add a human-readable description
... the sensitive flag is more a generalized "not safe for
work/whatever" type flag, and but it doesn't give context what
that means
... it's like actor/server-specific to make that decision
... another route that isn't implemented in Mastodon or the
spec was having tags that are themselves marked as sensitive.
this would allow users to set more careful filtering, maybe a
user is fine seeing steven universe spoilers, but they don't
want to see pornography or graphic violence. maybe another
person is fine with pornography but not okay with those other
... maybe someone doesn't want to see politics by default
... this would be more closely related to content warning as a
user-typed field and tags combined. the upside is that you're
more precise, the downside is that people might not actually do
melody: that's a lot of what I
had in mind, like, users on tumblr are fairly happy with
managing a list of things they don't want to see, it seems the
ability to state the message being collapsed by default with a
reason, then use for any of these approaches
... you could use it by having that reason be typed in by the
creator, and then trip the flag, or you could have it be on the
recipient end like a user of tumblr and have the server decide
to add the reason and the flag
... so that flag plus reason is common to both of those
<Zakim> cwebber, you wanted to talk about danger of "sensitive" boolean
<ajordan> it occurs to me that earlier basically I was describing a superpowered version of milters
cwebber: the reason the sensitive
flag is an extension in AP instead of in the AS spec is there's
a lot of concerns of a per-post boolean with a flag, we've seen
problems. on youtube, marking stuff that was meant for LGBT,
not even sexually explicit, being marked as NSFW
... we've seen this with reporting on war crimes etc etc that
might not be graphically explicit, but gets marked
... so if we go for boolean, we should carry contextual
information with it
<ajordan> so not "just" a boolean ;)
cwebber: a good next step is to
capture what we said on a wiki page, what we think is the
future direction for this
... if there's any volunteers, I'd rather not do this alone
<ajordan> I don't want to volunteer and then not have the time :/
melody: I might be able to help with that in the near future, I'm pretty busy this week
<ajordan> ^^^ same
cwebber: melody, would you want to collaborate with this starting next month?
melody: I think that's doable
<cwebber> PROPOSED: Have this meeting extend to 90 minutes rather than 60
<cwebber> +1
<ajordan> -0 by all means go for it but I have to go right on the hour
<aaronpk> -0
<melody> +0
cwebber: it doesn't seem there's
any strong exuberance to keep going an hour and a half, so
we'll push the topics to next week. I feel like the follower
migration is a whole meeting's worth of topic, and so is
publishing which extensions are used by a server
... so AP had a mediaUpload endpoint, which allowed you to
upload images/video/whatever, there were a few aspects we were
unsure, like chunked uploads, if uploading a post should Create
it to your outbox immediately
... or whether or not you should have an object you can attach
to other objects
<Loqi> [cwebber] ```
<Loqi> <eprodrom> RESOLVED: Resolve by
<Loqi> removing mediaUpload and specified behavior from ActivityPub spec
<Loqi> proper, move to extension via So...
cwebber: we had an issue in which
some proposals happened
... still, it was not quite resolved, adn we're coming to the
end point of activitypub. the mediaUpload endpoint was marked
at risk, because it was the least-tested thing. I feel sad
we're not getting it in, we will move it to the community group
as an extension
... this is something we need and are going to get in anyways
(mediaGoblin needs it and it's my project), but effectively
mediaUpload endpoint is SocialCG now
... in that case, we've got 5 minutes left, I feel this was
really productive, thank you melody for participating, and
thank you all as usual
<ajordan> cwebber++ for chairing
<Loqi> cwebber has 28 karma
<ajordan> puckipedia++ for scribing :)
<Loqi> puckipedia has 13 karma
<cwebber> puckipedia++ for scribing indeed!
<Loqi> puckipedia has 14 karma
<cwebber> trackbot, end meeting
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.152 of Date: 2017/02/06 11:04:15 Check for newer version at Guessing input format: Irssi_ISO8601_Log_Text_Format (score 1.00) Succeeded: s/websup/WebSub/ Default Present: ajordan, aaronpk, cwebber, melody, puckipedia Present: ajordan aaronpk cwebber melody puckipedia Found ScribeNick: puckipedia Found ScribeNick: cwebber Found ScribeNick: puckipedia Found ScribeNick: cwebber Found ScribeNick: puckipedia Inferring Scribes: puckipedia, cwebber Scribes: puckipedia, cwebber ScribeNicks: puckipedia, cwebber WARNING: No "Topic:" lines found. WARNING: No meeting chair found! You should specify the meeting chair like this: <dbooth> Chair: dbooth Found Date: 11 Oct 2017 Guessing minutes URL: People with action items: WARNING: Input appears to use implicit continuation lines. You may need the "-implicitContinuations" option. WARNING: No "Topic: ..." lines found! Resulting HTML may have an empty (invalid) <ol>...</ol>. Explanation: "Topic: ..." lines are used to indicate the start of new discussion topics or agenda items, such as: <dbooth> Topic: Review of Amy's report[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]