IRC log of silver on 2017-08-08

Timestamps are in UTC.

13:31:51 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #silver
13:31:51 [RRSAgent]
logging to
13:31:53 [trackbot]
RRSAgent, make logs world
13:31:56 [trackbot]
Zakim, this will be
13:31:56 [trackbot]
Meeting: Silver Task Force Teleconference
13:31:56 [trackbot]
Date: 08 August 2017
13:31:56 [Zakim]
I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot
13:32:17 [Lauriat]
agenda+ Update from David Swallow
13:32:23 [Lauriat]
Zakim, clear agenda
13:32:23 [Zakim]
agenda cleared
13:32:26 [Lauriat]
agenda+ Update from David Swallow
13:32:32 [Lauriat]
agenda+ Copyright discussion
13:32:39 [Lauriat]
agenda+ Research project sheet review
13:32:41 [Lauriat]
agenda+ Open action items review
13:35:00 [jeanne]
jeanne has joined #silver
13:39:14 [DavidSwallow]
DavidSwallow has joined #silver
13:39:18 [jeanne]
13:39:25 [jeanne]
regrets+ Jemma
13:40:19 [jeanne]
scribe: jeanne
13:41:03 [Lauriat]
Zakim, next item
13:41:03 [Zakim]
agendum 1. "Update from David Swallow" taken up [from Lauriat]
13:41:42 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Set up longer diary studies with five web developers (over two weeks).
13:41:54 [SarahHorton]
SarahHorton has joined #silver
13:41:57 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Whenever they use WCAG, they create a new diary entry.
13:42:14 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Looking to get some feedback on the questions, sent via email earlier.
13:42:48 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: The survey includes the core set of questions, and then the diary entries will follow as longer entries.
13:43:08 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Looking to streamline the entries, which may get a bit repetitive.
13:43:44 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Last, a phone interview at the end, put into a Survey Monkey survey to review and get feedback.
13:44:29 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Regarding compensation, Sarah and I think $50 would be appropriate.
13:45:04 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: How many gift cards do we need?
13:45:30 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: Pounds or dollars or?
13:45:56 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Interestingly, it can get difficult with international participants, depending on the region.
13:46:04 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: Where are the participants from?
13:46:18 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: We don't have that, yet. We had discussed using the stakeholders for that.
13:47:23 [Lauriat]
Sarah: Quick question about the diary entry survey. Every time I use WCAG I would fill this out, or at the end of the day?
13:47:31 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Ideally every time.
13:48:08 [Lauriat]
Sarah: Would it work to do something like a log for when you use it and then an end-of-day reflection?
13:49:14 [Lauriat]
Sarah: I really like the questions you have in here. Maybe having a couple of the questions move to an end-of-the-day reflection?
13:49:25 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Yeah, that makes sense.
13:52:07 [Lauriat]
Sarah: I think given that this is a pilot diary study, keeping this constrained is good in order to focus.
13:52:42 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Also good to know if they consult a third party, rather than WCAG directly. Let's try this for the pilot.
13:52:51 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: Developers only for this?
13:53:25 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Yes. The questions aren't really developer-specific, but interested mostly in developers for this.
13:54:02 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: This seems like it will target accessibility web developers, given the need for them to use WCAG enough for the study.
13:54:30 [Lauriat]
Jennison: Looking at targeting accessibility specialists in particular or others?
13:54:55 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: I'd like to get more of a beginner outlook as well, good to get a range.
13:55:02 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Ideally a spread.
13:55:24 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: Ideally two intermediate and two beginner and one somewhere in the middle.
13:55:32 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: What about international?
13:55:50 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Only five participants does limit things a bit, but ideally yes.
13:56:26 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: We could probably get someone from Japan and Korea as well.
13:56:45 [Lauriat]
Jennison: We'll just need to make sure that we can provide something for each geography that they can use.
13:57:25 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: I can reach out to some people to find someone more beginner.
13:58:10 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: Jennison, you can probably find someone as well, on the beginner side, in the US.
13:58:53 [Lauriat]
Jennison: When do you need folks by?
13:59:14 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Nothing specific, really. Let's say this month.
13:59:39 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: For a period of two weeks for participation.
14:00:37 [Lauriat]
Jennison: Will we have to translate, or make sure that participants know enough English?
14:00:58 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: Yeah, let's stick with English. Just reading and writing, really.
14:01:16 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: I had intended the interview to happen over the phone, but it could happen via email, really.
14:02:27 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: So an initial survey, then a two-week study, and then a final interview.
14:02:43 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: And at least a $50 gift card.
14:03:24 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Looking to have realistic participation - I don't want to artificially create situations where they need to use WCAG.
14:03:54 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: What about situations where people will use different versions of WCAG?
14:04:17 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: What are the specific goals and questions of the study?
14:04:55 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Mainly consulting the resource, WCAG 2.0. [Other resources] could be interesting, I agree. For this pilot, let's stick to the resource itself.
14:05:21 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: An official translation should be fine, though.
14:05:25 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Right.
14:05:46 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: What else do you need from us?
14:05:51 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: That covers it, really.
14:06:12 [Lauriat]
Jennison: We can give you more feedback via email as well.
14:08:18 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: Would you mind reading the questions? Having trouble reading them from here.
14:08:36 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Quite a few of them, really.
14:09:13 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: Just a note, because you sent the links to the mailing list, those links are all now public. Is that okay?
14:09:29 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: Better to send a document with the questions?
14:10:38 [Lauriat]
DavidSwallow: I'll chat with Sarah and get this shared.
14:12:44 [jeanne]
jeanne has joined #silver
14:14:00 [Lauriat]
Jeanne: I made a small amount of progress on the budget, though not enough to really have a look at today.
14:14:37 [Lauriat]
Zakim, take up item 3
14:14:37 [Zakim]
agendum 3. "Research project sheet review" taken up [from Lauriat]
14:14:41 [Lauriat]
No other updates.
14:14:45 [Lauriat]
Zakim, take up item 4
14:14:45 [Zakim]
agendum 4. "Open action items review" taken up [from Lauriat]
14:17:01 [jeanne]
action-32 due 8 September
14:17:01 [trackbot]
Set action-32 Post requests for participation on lists looking for people with diverse disabilities, particularly movement disabilities. due date to 2017-09-08.
14:17:22 [jeanne]
action-35 due 8 September
14:17:22 [trackbot]
Set action-35 Add stakeholders for general ux, developers, designers, and reach out to contact at vermont coders to tweet our request. due date to 2017-09-08.
14:17:33 [jeanne]
action-40 due 8 September
14:17:33 [trackbot]
Set action-40 Reach out to colleagues with experience with switch for android, and also to get people on hardware development side as stakeholders due date to 2017-09-08.
14:17:44 [jeanne]
action-42 due 8 September
14:17:44 [trackbot]
Set action-42 Reach out to someone from TextHelp to help with the assistive technology interface due date to 2017-09-08.
14:18:58 [jeanne]
action-36 due 8 September
14:18:58 [trackbot]
Set action-36 Ask news, video, and e-business sources for stakeholders. due date to 2017-09-08.
14:19:17 [jeanne]
action-54 due 11 August
14:19:17 [trackbot]
Set action-54 With Jennison as lead, reach out to accessibility meetup organizers. due date to 2017-08-11.
14:20:57 [jeanne]
Jeanne: Moving the dates for recruiting more participants is being delayed until we have actual action for them to take
14:21:28 [jeanne]
close action-101
14:21:28 [trackbot]
Closed action-101.
14:21:44 [jeanne]
action-101 sent 7 August
14:22:22 [jeanne]
action-65 postpone because we don't have the granular detail to organize the projects yet. Pushing out 1 month.
14:22:34 [jeanne]
action-65 due 8 September
14:22:34 [trackbot]
Set action-65 Modify the researcher spreadsheet to organize it. due date to 2017-09-08.
14:22:59 [jeanne]
action-102 is complete, setting up next step.
14:23:05 [jeanne]
close action-102
14:23:05 [trackbot]
Closed action-102.
14:24:06 [jeanne]
action: Sarah to finalize the WCAG Usability Survey
14:24:06 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-109 - Finalize the wcag usability survey [on Sarah Horton - due 2017-08-15].
14:24:55 [jeanne]
action-107 due 15 August
14:24:55 [trackbot]
Set action-107 Contact mikep about silver workshop around csun 2018 march 19-23 2018 due date to 2017-08-15.
14:25:26 [jeanne]
close action-108
14:25:27 [trackbot]
Closed action-108.
14:30:56 [jeanne]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:30:56 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jeanne
14:31:34 [jeanne]
rrsagent, make logs public
14:31:53 [jeanne]
chair: Shawn, jeanne
14:32:18 [jeanne]
present+ Sarah, Shawn, Jennison, Jeanne, DaveSwallow
14:32:29 [jeanne]
regrets+ Jan
14:32:35 [jeanne]
rrsagent, make minutes
14:32:35 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate jeanne
14:44:11 [interaccess]
interaccess has joined #silver
15:55:59 [jeanne]
action: Jeanne to coordinate outreach to identify participants in Dave Swallow's diary project
15:56:03 [trackbot]
Created ACTION-110 - Coordinate outreach to identify participants in dave swallow's diary project [on Jeanne F Spellman - due 2017-08-15].
17:05:13 [interaccess]
interaccess has joined #silver
17:48:17 [interaccess]
interaccess has joined #silver
18:24:08 [interaccess]
interaccess has joined #silver