14:31:32 RRSAgent has joined #lvtf 14:31:32 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/27-lvtf-irc 14:31:34 RRSAgent, make logs public 14:31:37 Zakim, this will be 14:31:37 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 14:31:37 Meeting: Low Vision Accessibility Task Force Teleconference 14:31:37 Date: 27 July 2017 14:31:48 regrets: glenda 14:31:57 zakim, clear agenda 14:31:57 agenda cleared 14:34:38 Agenda+ Popup Interference (MetaData on Hover) 14:34:40 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-low-vision-a11y-tf/2017Jul/0093.html 14:34:41 Agenda+ Printing https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/76 14:52:38 regrets+ scott 14:52:48 brb 14:54:45 JohnRochford has joined #lvtf 14:58:44 zakim, who is on the phone? 14:58:44 Present: steverep, erich, Laura, Shawn(part) 14:59:02 present: Jim, John, Shawn, Laura 15:02:39 laura has joined #lvtf 15:05:30 erich has joined #lvtf 15:05:46 present+ Erich, SteveR 15:06:01 present+ Laura 15:07:21 steverep has joined #lvtf 15:07:59 present+steverep 15:08:19 Scribe List: https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Scribe_List 15:08:26 scribe: Jim 15:09:46 zakim, open item 1 15:09:46 agendum 1. "Popup Interference (MetaData on Hover)" taken up [from allanj] 15:10:04 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-low-vision-a11y-tf/2017Jul/0093.html 15:11:49 sr: seems to meet all use cases 15:12:34 lc: it covers more than the origanal 15:12:37 scribe: shawn 15:12:55 ja: can live with either one 15:13:06 sr: agree 15:13:14 +1 15:13:14 lc: agree 15:13:28 +1 15:13:52 *Popup Interference:* Except where popup presentation is controlled by the 15:13:54 user agent, all of the following are true when popup content is visible: 15:13:55 · *Trigger*: Popup content does not obscure any part of its 15:13:57 triggering content. 15:13:58 · *Hover:* If a popup is triggered via pointer hover, then the 15:14:00 pointer may be moved onto the popup content without loss of visibility. 15:14:01 · *Focus:* Popup content remains visible while any of its components, 15:14:03 including the trigger, have focus. 15:14:04 Where we define popup as " becomes visible only on pointer hover or focus”. 15:14:08 present- SteveR 15:14:15 zakim, who is on the phone? 15:14:15 Present: Jim, John, Shawn, Laura, Erich, steverep 15:14:27 +1 15:14:28 +1 15:14:31 +1 15:14:40 +1 15:15:05 +1 15:15:17 RESOLUTION: Accept Popup Interference above 15:15:32 ja: ready to go to AG 15:15:49 lc: maybe issue with @@ 15:16:15 sr: put in what was tryinkg to cover the original use cases 15:16:34 ja: comment out the other stuff. I'll update the other wiki info 15:16:50 s/ tryinkg/ trying 15:17:00 ja: html will work to comment out 15:17:38 sr will try to take care of GitHub 15:18:00 ja: will get to AG for this coming survey & telecon 15:18:11 Friday survey 15:18:37 close item 1 15:18:44 q? 15:18:48 ack s 15:18:57 close item 1 15:19:07 zakim, take up next 15:19:07 agendum 2. "Printing https://github.com/w3c/wcag21/issues/76" taken up [from allanj] 15:19:36 Resized: 15:19:37 Content can be resized up to 200% without loss of content or functionality; 15:19:39 Changes Reflected: 15:19:40 User changes to letter spacing, line spacing, font family, and color are reflected in the printed content. 15:20:17 ja: pushback on 200% because not all browsers do it, printing sale different from zoom content 15:20:30 ... testing with font size 2em in CSS and worked well 15:21:07 ... change to: if user changes font size to up to 2em, it will print OK 15:21:30 ... author has control if works with author's print style sheet 15:21:40 ... (also true on display) 15:22:17 slh: want to include all the other things in adapting text, e.g., line height 15:22:56 ja: already there 15:22:58 slh: ah right 15:23:35 slh: use similar wording from adapting text? 15:23:58 q+ just trying to understand what damages printing 15:24:21 sr: what damages printing? 15:24:49 slh: example of print CSS set text box size 15:25:10 ja: not being able to add to 100, truncated text 15:25:27 ... increased text size not fit 15:25:43 ja: author css not adding to 100 and get truncated text 15:26:04 ... padding, margins, etc adds up to 112 15:26:12 ... printing cuts off content 15:26:27 ... fixed box positions - some fixed and some not 15:26:41 ... end up with overlapping text not readable 15:27:02 ... up to 2ems - not scale/zoom 15:27:42 ... example only printed some of the content 15:28:15 ... want to print recipes, etc. for offline 15:28:33 ... eaxmples here: 15:28:44 s/eaxmples/examples 15:28:46 https://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/low-vision-a11y-tf/wiki/Printing_Customized_Text#Examples 15:29:28 ... one example truncated 'cause body width was 640px 15:29:41 lc: link examples in GitHub issue 15:30:04 ja: many things that author can do to break -- or make sore -- the printing 15:30:22 s/sore/work 15:31:01 need to drop, folks, but feel free to delegate relevant actions for this SC to me, as I believe I'm still listed SC mgr... Have a good week! 15:31:52 User changes to font-size, letter spacing, line spacing, font family, and color are reflected don't result in loss of content when printed 15:32:10 User changes to font-size up to 2em, letter spacing, line spacing, font family, and color are reflected don't result in loss of content when printed 15:32:14 slh: up to 2em 15:32:46 slh: overlapping covered by lose of content? 15:32:49 ja: yeah 15:33:25 User changes to font-size up to 2em, letter spacing, line spacing, font family, and color are reflected in the printed version and don't result in loss of content. 15:33:42 q+ mobile testing? 15:33:52 ack s 15:33:59 q- mobile 15:34:01 q- testing 15:34:37 How about "User changes to font-size (up to 2em), letter spacing, line spacing, font family, and color are reflected in the printed version, and don't result in loss of content." 15:35:33 slh: if the user can't change it then its irrelevant 15:35:36 slh: if users can't change it, then it's irrelevant 15:35:54 q+ 15:36:16 ack j 15:36:40 jr: talking about user CSS? 15:36:47 ja: yes 15:37:46 slh: looks good to me 15:37:56 lc: push back on "user changes" 15:38:34 @@: drop the word user? 15:38:57 How about, "Changes to font-size (up to 2em), letter spacing, line spacing, font family, and color are reflected in the printed version, and don't result in loss of content." 15:39:31 slh: defers to y'all who have been working more closely with AG! 15:39:54 lc: better, then they'll ask about amount 15:40:11 slh: use #s from adapting text? 15:40:26 lc: can for spacing, not have family or color 15:40:38 ja: can do some in browser, some in user CSS 15:40:39 sr: concerns about mobile printing, ability to change font characteristics, etc. can't change font stuff in mobile yet 15:40:54 lc: leave as is and see what they say? 15:41:04 slh: might as well add #s for spacing 15:42:17 User changes to font-size up to 2em, letter spacing up to .12 font-size, line spacing up to 1.5 font size, font family, and color are reflected in the printed version and don't result in loss of content. 15:42:42 s/can do some in browser, some in user CSS/can do all in user CSS, some in browser 15:43:10 User changes to font-size (up to 2em), letter spacing (up to .12 font-size), line spacing (up to 1.5 font size), font family, and color are reflected in the printed version and don't result in loss of content. 15:43:36 Changes to font-size (up to 2em), letter spacing (up to .12 font-size), line spacing (up to 1.5 font size), font family, and color are reflected in the printed version and don't result in loss of content. 15:44:21 lc: concerned it will open up adapting text SC 15:44:45 Changes to font-size (up to 2em), letter spacing (up to .12 font-size), line spacing (up to 1.5 font size), font family, and color are reflected in the printed version and do not result in loss of content. 15:45:10 q+ 15:45:35 ack steve 15:45:41 I have to go. The last version I published gets rid of the contraction. 15:45:59 sr: don't want to leave anything out, yet share laura's concner 15:46:03 present+ JohnRochford 15:46:07 ciao 15:46:12 s/concner/concern 15:46:36 ar: adding more than adapting text and adding it has to print 15:46:42 zakim, who is on the call? 15:46:42 Present: Jim, John, Shawn, Laura, Erich, steverep, JohnRochford 15:46:51 present- John 15:47:39 sr: if pass adadpting text, what can author do to block it? 15:47:44 slh: screw up print CSS 15:47:55 sr: css and javascript print events 15:48:35 s/adadpting /adapting 15:49:00 laura's concern - reopening adapting text 15:49:21 slh: asked earlier if can just add to adapting text -- but that opens up same issue 15:49:53 ja: to new draft, add comments about adapting text and printing 15:50:48 slh: fine with not opening adapting text. put printing as a separate SC. then combine after august deadline 15:50:57 slh: maybe try for separate SCs for now. and then maybe they'll get combined later 15:51:08 lc: yes 15:51:11 ja: yes 15:51:18 sr: yes 15:51:27 sr: acknowledge up front that this is the strategy 15:53:56 slh: leave out font family and color. 15:54:00 slh: font family got taken out 'cause too hard to test and covered by spacing. so take out of here, too? 15:55:02 sr: one way to state it. another reason - adapting text about user making changes, and how users can mess that up. notihgn stopping user from making front family change, only that would break the content change is the sizing, and that is sufficiently covered by spacing. 15:55:30 ... with this one... example: make bunch of style changes, write on-print event that redoes the styles, then will override 15:55:49 s/write on-print/author writes on-print 15:56:06 slh: then author messed it up 15:56:34 sr: should be used when authors change layout for better print view 15:56:47 ja: for not when print CSS 15:56:50 alastairc has joined #lvtf 15:57:00 sr: print better way, but some use javascript 15:57:15 s/print better way/print CSS better way 15:58:28 slh: fine to do things like not print ads, byt still need to not have lose of content from user changes 15:58:52 perhaps add printing to the exiting Editor's note in Adapting text -- The Working Group seeks to include overriding text color, background color, font-family, and priniting as part of this SC, but is not yet able to identify a way to do so that is sufficiently testable. 16:00:01 slh: prefer to get clear SC accedpted now - then later munge if want 16:00:19 ... if can get an SC accepted now, it's stronger than Editors note 16:01:08 ja: keep it simple for now 16:01:08 ja: keep it simple. just print without loss of content 16:01:26 +1 16:01:51 ... leave out all other modifications (font-size, family, spacing, color,) 16:01:52 slh: hummmm 16:01:58 ja: gets foot in door 16:03:21 slh: i guess OK in big picture of all the tangential issues :) 16:04:55 slh: as steve says, communicate that approach is to get the basics requiremetn in now w/o opeing worms, and after August look at it in big picture and *may* be combined (w.g., with adapting text) 16:05:54 ja: without loss of content means they can't have print that srips out ads, nav, etc. 16:06:18 slh: .... loss of intended incuded content :( 16:06:22 lc: essential content 16:06:40 s/incuded/included 16:06:55 Users can print essential content without loss of content 16:06:56 s/nav, etc./nav, etc. we don't want that! 16:08:22 slh: totally fine for authors to choose what is and is not printed. what they intend to print is not messed up 16:10:19 lc: content can be printed without loss of essential information 16:10:35 If content can printed, it has no loss of essential information. 16:10:36 +1 16:11:28 Content that is printed hs not loss of information 16:11:32 slh: content that is printed has no loss of essential information 16:11:34 Content that is printed has no loss of information 16:11:46 slh: ? 16:12:51 slh: essential information can be printed with no loss of content 16:13:06 slh: don't want out clause that cant print essential info at all 16:14:09 define "no loss of content" in description - truncated or overlapping text 16:14:35 lc: +1 16:14:45 +1 16:15:22 sr: +1 16:15:45 RESOLUTION: send to AG: "essential information can be printed with no loss of content" 16:16:04 ja: will edit GitHUb 16:16:11 jim to edit github and update description 16:16:24 and let erich know next steps 16:16:43 slh: thanks, all! 16:16:57 q+ 16:17:04 ack me 16:17:36 slh: we have open issues on requirements.... need to wrap that up 16:18:03 ja: we also have tasks for updated understanding docs. 16:18:19 s/need to wrap that up/lower priority than SCs. slh can't get to until after TPAC anyway 16:18:46 AG wants understanding docs ready for Last Call 16:19:00 lc: working on testing adapting text 16:19:10 Starting to work on Adapting Text Testing: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LRsAtLReBL6LnbvJQ4biQ1ER1fKbh8MDWnHqbsW7B1o 16:20:03 lc: looking for pdf docs to test 16:22:46 pdf testing is 2nd tab on spreadsheet. 16:22:58 bye 16:23:04 laura has left #lvtf 16:23:06 trackbot, end meeting 16:23:06 Zakim, list attendees 16:23:06 As of this point the attendees have been Jim, John, Shawn, Laura, Erich, SteveR, steverep, JohnRochford 16:23:14 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 16:23:14 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/27-lvtf-minutes.html trackbot 16:23:15 RRSAgent, bye 16:23:15 I see no action items 19:48:52 RRSAgent has joined #lvtf 19:48:52 logging to http://www.w3.org/2017/07/27-lvtf-irc 19:49:00 rrsagent, draft minutes 19:49:00 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/27-lvtf-minutes.html shawn 19:49:16 rrsagent, bye 19:49:30 rrsagent, make minutes public 19:49:30 I'm logging. I don't understand 'make minutes public', shawn. Try /msg RRSAgent help 19:49:40 rrsagent, make logs public 19:49:46 rrsagent, draft minutes 19:49:46 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2017/07/27-lvtf-minutes.html shawn 19:49:51 rrsagent, bye 19:49:51 I see no action items