16:05:43 RRSAgent has joined #alreq 16:05:43 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-alreq-irc 16:05:56 Shervin has changed the topic to: ALReq Weekly Meeting, 12 December 2016 16:06:08 Chair: behnam 16:06:18 ScribeNick: Shervin 16:07:32 r12a has joined #alreq 16:07:35 agenda? 16:08:28 agenda+ Mostafa's screenshots of the fonts usage of underline 16:08:36 agenda+ Reviewing action items 16:08:45 agenda+ Reviewing Github issues 16:10:12 behnam: Starting from Mostafa's survey of more fonts using underline 16:10:32 https://github.com/w3c/alreq/issues/86 16:11:20 mostafa: It appears that each browser have a different behaviour... 16:11:46 ... But the same behavior is repeated across different fonts. 16:13:09 mostafa: So Chrome is underline without change 16:14:24 ... Different behaviour of Firefox might be due to a feature of the fonts 16:14:53 ... I guess that might be due to putting the underline at the base line or at the descender line 16:16:25 Shervin: Safari behavior of skipping looks odd 16:16:44 behnam: The only difference between that and Chrome is skipping 16:16:56 ... skipping works fine with Latin and many prefer it 16:18:23 r12a: We need to say what should the behavior be 16:18:45 behnam: We need to collect some samples from movable type prints 16:18:53 +1 16:20:27 Shervin: Will provide a report of my research in manuscripts regarding using underline and overline 16:20:52 behnam: I've seen usage of overline for quotation 16:24:21 ACTION behnam to investigate unerline/overline usage in movabletype 16:24:21 Created ACTION-77 - Investigate unerline/overline usage in movabletype [on Behnam Esfahbod - due 2016-12-20]. 16:24:40 q+ 16:25:17 behnam: Need to look at commonly used software suites like MS Word or legacy Zarnegar 16:25:57 ack mostafa 16:26:04 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1125905/FullSizeRender.jpg 16:28:11 ACTION: mostafa to collect evidence of underline from old magazines 16:28:11 Created ACTION-78 - Collect evidence of underline from old magazines [on Mostafa Hajizadeh - due 2016-12-20]. 16:30:14 mostafa: I can do a survey of older magazine from Iran regarding underline usage 16:31:29 r12a: Seems like the letters are not completely joined and there is a gap, is this intentional? 16:32:08 mostafa: Most likely this is due a technical issue in the movable type. As this behaviour is not seen in typesetting of ads. 16:33:12 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1125905/IMG_0060.JPG 16:34:23 r12a: The dropcase looks very interesting. There are also other interesting things in this image 16:50:40 behnam: The transition to chevron for quotation seems something recent; turn of the century or around that time. 16:51:56 behnam: Moving on to other items on the agenda. 16:53:25 https://www.w3.org/International/groups/arabic-layout/track/actions/open?sort=owner 16:55:23 behnam: Looking at the action items... 16:56:08 Shervin: Regarding transliteration, I'd prefer to be able to bulk transliterate 16:56:28 r12a: The tool can be passed 300 lines of text to transliterate 16:56:40 http://rishida.io/pickers/persian/ 16:58:47 r12a: We don't need to add as many diacritics as for Arabic for Persian 16:59:03 r12a: We need to check the transliteration rules are useful 16:59:14 ... the run it and then correct the issues 16:59:20 ... add short vowels.... 17:01:38 behnam: Regarding ACTION-75, bidi specification of arabic vs. persian numerals 17:04:11 ... there are some information regarding use of punctuation marks with numbers and I recall some discussion on the mailing list 17:07:00 Shervin: We need to get to a recorded account of this behaviour from source. 17:13:36 zakim, please leave 17:13:36 Zakim has left #alreq 17:14:16 rrsreader, create minutes 17:14:28 rrsagent, create minutes 17:14:28 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-alreq-minutes.html Shervin 17:14:38 duh, RRS Reader! 17:14:59 rrsagent, publish minutes 17:14:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-alreq-minutes.html Shervin 17:15:09 rrsagent, please leave 17:15:36 rrsagent, make logs public 17:15:39 rrsagent, please leave 17:15:39 I see 1 open action item saved in http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-alreq-actions.rdf : 17:15:39 ACTION: mostafa to collect evidence of underline from old magazines [1] 17:15:39 recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/12/13-alreq-irc#T16-28-11