21:01:09 RRSAgent has joined #aria-test 21:01:09 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/14-aria-test-irc 21:01:18 trackbot, start meeting 21:01:20 RRSAgent, make logs world 21:01:22 Zakim, this will be 21:01:23 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 21:01:23 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 21:01:24 Date: 14 September 2016 21:01:30 Zakim, this is ARIA Testing 21:01:30 got it, jongund 21:01:44 chair: jongund 21:01:57 Meeting: ARIA Testing 21:02:08 rrsagent, make logs world 21:03:09 scribe: jongund 21:03:39 shepazu has joined #aria-test 21:03:50 regrets+ cythnia 21:03:51 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 21:04:07 present+ shepazu 21:04:32 JG: I have not heard back from Deque people on creating tests 21:04:56 RS: ARIA modal is an issue 21:05:26 RS: On the OS X plateform prunes, how do we represent that in the results 21:05:38 https://www.w3.org/wiki/ARIA_1.1_Testable_Statements#aria-modal.3D.22true.22_on_a_dialog 21:05:54 JG: Trying what are the different types values/ results we need to represent 21:06:09 q+ 21:06:12 JG: That one sounds like it might be hard and to do a manul test this round 21:07:38 JD: What I think would be to do, start a top level container with some children, and then make the dialog appear and then get a child level count 21:08:09 JD: When the modal appears the other children will be gone and there will only be one 21:08:35 RS: You need to check that ARIA modal, how do you want me to do this 21:09:15 JD: Cynthia of proposed JSON object, she had an array 21:09:28 JD: I would have an array of element assertions 21:09:52 JD: first part of the test has three children... 21:10:32 RS: We need to put some additional text, the element X has so many children, but we have to make sure stuff is gone 21:10:40 JD: SO the child count one 21:11:10 JD: The reason I say child count because it should be available on all platforms 21:11:27 RS: So you only want to do a child count 21:11:49 JD: SO when you get the modal dialog, it has a single child, the parent .... 21:12:55 JG: We have the capability to say something is not defined 21:14:24 JD: We need to know that some elements are not there 21:15:44 JG: We need to define what we want to test 21:16:45 JD: We need to find an object and then test its property, determining if some element does not exist is harder and less reliable 21:17:15 https://www.w3.org/wiki/ARIA_1.1_Testable_Statements#aria-modal.3D.22true.22_on_a_dialog 21:20:58 JD: I like the sibling idea 21:21:26 JD: Can you do a test where you don't have aria modal and then have modal 21:21:47 RS: We have modal=false the next test 21:22:25 JD: If we have the sibling test, in one test there will be no siblings and in the next test there will be siblings 21:24:19 JD: I would phrase it this way, the parent element with role=test has N child count, so instead of saying sibling we say how many children does the parent have 21:26:02 JD: DOes that make sense RS 21:26:24 JD: I think you did it right, but the wrong place in the wiki 21:26:42 JD: Your statement is only true for the AXPI platform 21:26:52 RS: I will put that in there 21:27:13 JG: Other issues? 21:27:17 RS: No 21:28:06 agenda+ SVG-A11y tests 21:28:38 JD: Shane has a sample ATTA, so I am hoping to a demo at TPAC for my plateform 21:28:45 JG: Good news! 21:29:03 JD: I working on it and think I am close 21:29:33 JD: My platform accessibility listener, we need to block the main thread 21:29:59 JD: The other thing I am hoping, ... , IA2 21:30:49 JG: You have code, we can translate it to C# 21:31:26 JD: NVDA does IA2, if it doesn't have to be in C# and then it could be done Python 21:33:29 JG: Send me a link to your code and we can take a look at it 21:34:10 JD: I have a question, can Jon participate 21:34:49 RS: I need to leave, can you take a look what I did for ATK 21:35:00 JD: Technically no, but I know what you mean 21:35:18 JD: I am looking for state model is set 21:35:36 JD: If it is not in the state set.... 21:35:48 RS: You want it to say.... 21:35:59 JD: In column 2 ... 21:36:52 ... discussion of ATK mapping details for state modal ... 21:37:17 JD: What you have is parsable, but not technically correct 21:37:40 RS: What do we do with shown, what do you want me to do? 21:37:56 JD: Present versus absent 21:38:06 .... 21:38:21 RS: I am going to put true 21:38:31 RS: I am leaving 21:39:32 DS: The thing I am interested in is creating tests for SVG, JD has been working with Fred 21:40:15 DS: Fred is planning on becoming an invited expert 21:40:59 DS: I want to work with JD and Fred on SVG testing 21:41:27 JD: All the little kinks are worked out for core ARIA, they can be used for SVG testing 21:42:07 JD: We have all these tables and work out the issues, we should be able to use Freds existing tables 21:42:36 DS: I will joining these calls on an as needed basis 21:43:15 JD: Do we have anyone working on OS X? 21:43:21 JG: I am working on it 21:43:49 JD: If you are planning on automated testing who will do a platform tools 21:44:06 DS: We know there are some limitations with automated testing and accessibility 21:46:59 rrsagent, draft minutes 21:46:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/14-aria-test-minutes.html jongund 21:48:13 rrsagent, bye 21:48:13 I see no action items