TV Control Working Group

26 Jul 2016

See also: IRC log


YoungSun, Yann, Chris, Alex, Ryan, Hyojin


<ryandavis> can someone remind me what the password is?

<inserted> scribenick: cpn

cpn: Runs through the agenda

Radio use cases


cpn: Jean Pierre and I have updated some of the radio uses
... There are some new requirements, around content redistribution and permissions for web sites to present broadcast content
... Also for the use of schema.org metadata, both in publishing and consumption of this data

alex: we support these requirements for content redistribution
... there are also new radio requirements: for tuning, channel scan, presentation using <audio>, registering for change notifications
... control of service playback and status
... also service metadata, we should be able to deliver basic metadata, service ids, genres, also technical metadata eg, bearer, signal quality, and registering changes in these
... it's basically the same as we have for TV in the API
... something new is the use cases for radio applications: we have dynamic label, or radio text, and slideshow
... the API should be able to register callbacks for these dynamic label and slideshow events
... this is an important use case from our point of view, to deliver title and artist information
... the API should also deliver what I call MOT header information, including click-through URLs on images
... lastly, the EPG use cases look OK, and in principle it's the same as TV
... there are other applications besides dynamic label and slideshow (eg, journaline), but i think those are the most import

ryan: i agree with this, and will see if we can add anything
... the genivi media manager has requirements along these lines, for auto

cpn: alex, have you been thinking about the necessary changes to the api?

alex: yes, but how best to do that - github issue?
... at the moment we have TVManager, TVSource, TVTuner, and why we have each of these
... the idea of having a tuner and a source seems ok
... for the radio use case, do we stick with the naming - TVSource, TVTuner, or should we use a more agnostic naming convention
... i could live with the existing approach, but looking at TVSourceType we'd need to add some non-TV sources here, e.g, T-DMB, needed to support DAB, FM, DRM, HD Radio
... the next change would be in TVChannel, how should we architect the API? Integrating radio may not be the best approach, some of the technical attributes don't make sense for radio
... so i think we need a distinction between a TV channel and a radio channel
... I could write this up and put it into GitHub

ryan: i like the current setup with manager, tuner, etc

a source could be a tuner with a collection of APIs

alex: the existing API models what's physically going on, a TV can have a tuner with DVB-C and DVB-T sources

cpn: i think i'd us to rename the objects to make them more generic

alex: for the channel interface, we could have a base interface, then inherit from this to get TV and radio specialisation

cpn: i think describing the proposed changes on GitHub is the next step

alex: i'm happy to do that

TPAC planning

cpn: we have the meeting scheduled for the tuesday at TPAC
... does any want to be able to attend remotely?

alex: i may want to, yes
... ok, i'll work with w3c staff to organise that

ryan: i won't be attending, but i could also join remotely

cpn: i'd like for use to discuss the architectural issues with the API at TPAC, such as the open web vs the device oriented nature of the API

<ryandavis> https://www.w3.org/auto/security/wiki/ASP_TF

cpn: i'll try to send out a proposed agenda for the F2F as soon as possible, so remote people can plan when to join

GitHub issues

cpn: i had an action from the last meeting to write some introductory text


cpn: suggestions for improving this would be very welcome
... francois and i have been putting issues into GitHub: https://github.com/w3c/tvcontrol-api/issues
... please add your views or suggestions as comments to these

<ryandavis> here is the link for the Media Manager from Genivi to look over https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/display/PROJ/Media+Manager

cpn: or suggest changes to the spec text itself


Yann: I have a particular issue, which I'll raise on GitHub

Hyojin: I'll discuss the radio changes internally and come back to the WG if we have any concerns

cpn: next call will be August 23

- Adjourned -

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/07/26 14:33:55 $

Scribe.perl diagnostic output

[Delete this section before finalizing the minutes.]
This is scribe.perl Revision: 1.144  of Date: 2015/11/17 08:39:34  
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Guessing input format: RRSAgent_Text_Format (score 1.00)

Succeeded: i/Runs through/scribenick: cpn
Found ScribeNick: cpn
Inferring Scribes: cpn
Present: YoungSun Yann Chris Alex Ryan Hyojin
Got date from IRC log name: 26 Jul 2016
Guessing minutes URL: http://www.w3.org/2016/07/26-tvapi-minutes.html
People with action items: 

[End of scribe.perl diagnostic output]