IRC log of auto on 2016-06-03

Timestamps are in UTC.

06:27:49 [RRSAgent]
RRSAgent has joined #auto
06:27:49 [RRSAgent]
logging to
06:49:55 [QingAn]
* @kaz, the new call-in has been sent
06:54:00 [kaz]
06:54:14 [kaz]
I've also allocated another call on the w3c webex server
06:54:18 [kaz]
but will use your code
06:56:15 [kaz]
meeting: Navigation API
06:57:17 [kaz]
present: Qing_An, Philippe_Colliot, Kaz_Ashimura
06:57:39 [QingAn]
06:57:49 [kaz]
s/https/-> https/
06:58:00 [kaz]
s/specification/specification VSS/
06:58:20 [kaz]
QingAn: which direction should be taken?
06:58:30 [kaz]
06:59:04 [kaz]
pc: api accesses the data
06:59:16 [kaz]
... launching guidance is different
06:59:21 [kaz]
... there are a lot of methods
06:59:31 [kaz]
... including get/set methods
07:00:03 [philippec]
philippec has joined #auto
07:00:08 [kaz]
qa: what is the relationship between vehicle data and vss
07:00:37 [kaz]
ka: should be done by the data comparison tf
07:03:04 [kaz]
... we need to think about use cases of LBS/Navigation
07:03:10 [kaz]
... also some architecture model
07:03:23 [kaz]
... and in parallel we need to see the data format
07:03:37 [kaz]
pc: have started some work on use cases
07:04:03 [kaz]
... comparison between W3C use cases and Genivi use cases
07:04:53 [kaz]
... W3C data spec includes JS properties
07:05:05 [kaz]
... while Genivi LBS doesn't handle properties
07:05:20 [kaz]
... just use methods to access data
07:06:30 [kaz]
... so would like to see the difference
07:07:17 [kaz]
07:09:20 [kaz]
kaz: W3C Vehicle Data doesn't handle concrete location data except lane departure
07:10:02 [kaz]
... so we should see the data definition/structure of Genivi LBS
07:10:09 [kaz]
pc: ok
07:10:18 [kaz]
... would like to show it
07:10:25 [kaz]
... showing part of the LBS api definition
07:11:15 [kaz]
... a lot of set/get methods
07:11:54 [kaz]
... there is a "position" parameter
07:12:38 [kaz]
... hierarchy of the data
07:13:02 [kaz]
ka: any figure about the hierarchy?
07:13:11 [kaz]
pc: no figure at the moment
07:13:16 [kaz]
... but can generate it
07:13:30 [kaz]
... let's see "guidance"
07:14:29 [kaz]
ka: is this document public?
07:14:36 [kaz]
pc: this one itself is member-only
07:14:44 [kaz]
... there is a public repo as well
07:16:58 [kaz]
ka: ok
07:17:04 [kaz]
... please send the address later
07:17:17 [kaz]
... btw, we should think about the basic policy/strategy for this TF
07:17:31 [kaz]
pc: can generate a figure on the data hierarchy
07:17:49 [kaz]
... also take some examples
07:18:16 [kaz]
... to explain the guidance api
07:18:37 [kaz]
kaz: great
07:19:01 [kaz]
07:19:27 [kaz]
pc: you know how to deal with the data format for the W3C side, Kaz
07:19:36 [kaz]
s/know/know better/
07:21:15 [kaz]
ka: regarding the strategy, we should involve more Tier1 companies
07:21:45 [kaz]
-> BG participants
07:24:04 [kaz]
pc: I'm leading the work on the Genivi side
07:24:08 [kaz]
ka: ok
07:24:21 [kaz]
pc: but for the W3C side we need more participants
07:26:28 [kaz]
ka: right
07:26:39 [kaz]
... @@@
07:26:55 [kaz]
pc: will be in Japan in July for an AGL meeting
07:27:02 [kaz]
... and can talk with JP stakeholders
07:28:52 [kaz]
ka: great
07:29:04 [kaz]
... getting more participants in this BG is the key
07:29:29 [kaz]
... probably better to have Genivi guys as the BG participants too
07:30:04 [kaz]
pc: not sure Genivi guys have enough time
07:30:23 [kaz]
ka: ok
07:30:41 [kaz]
... getting more BG participants in this TF is important
07:31:21 [kaz]
... and Genivi guys are also welcome :)
07:31:24 [kaz]
pc: yes
07:31:36 [kaz]
ka: let's continue to get more participants
07:31:51 [kaz]
... and also let's start detailed survey on the Genivi LBS spec
07:32:11 [kaz]
... you can provide some examples with the hierarchy figure
07:32:39 [kaz]
Chair: Philippe, QingAn
07:33:10 [kaz]
s/... @@@//
07:33:16 [kaz]
[ adjourned ]
07:33:48 [kaz]
rrsagent, make log public
07:33:52 [kaz]
rrsagent, draft minutes
07:33:52 [RRSAgent]
I have made the request to generate kaz
08:39:44 [sam]
sam has joined #auto
08:59:47 [Zakim]
Zakim has left #auto
09:06:57 [sam_]
sam_ has joined #auto
10:03:02 [Karen]
Karen has joined #auto