07:00:02 RRSAgent has joined #wot-comm 07:00:02 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/05/17-wot-comm-irc 07:02:35 present: Kaz, Yingying, Dave, Reynier, Soumya 07:03:03 agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-wot-comms/2016May/0007.html 07:05:38 dsr has joined #wot-comm 07:08:37 Soumya has joined #wot-comm 07:08:48 zakim, pick a scribe 07:08:48 Not knowing who is chairing or who scribed recently, I propose Reynier 07:10:43 scribenick: kaz 07:10:56 topic: WoT July F2F meeting preparation 07:11:08 yingying: matthias asked about the open day 07:11:27 ... the host is investigating some more options 07:11:59 ... requirements for wifi/cable networks having no credential 07:12:13 ... they would like to know about the bandwidth 07:12:27 ... also do we need both wifi and cable connection? 07:12:50 dsr: if we have a cable connection, we can share it using a wifi router 07:13:43 ... difficult to do the demo if credential required 07:13:47 yingying: ok 07:14:03 q+ 07:14:40 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting,_July_2016,_China,_Beijing#Requirements f2f requirements 07:15:14 yingying: can be decided within this month soon 07:16:06 kaz: you might want to CC Matthias, etc., when you contact the host 07:16:47 soumya: you can communicate with the host about the concrete requirements 07:17:08 yingying: there was an action item for Matthias 07:17:21 kaz: got necessary information from him? 07:17:24 yingying: not yet 07:17:48 ... not much progress 07:17:59 ... any more comments? 07:18:07 ack k 07:18:26 kaz: so we still need update from Matthias, don't we? 07:18:29 yingying: yes 07:18:50 kaz: in that case, you should send a reminder to him 07:18:52 yingying: ok 07:19:38 kaz: also send a reminder to the whole group about if who want to join plugfest 07:20:53 ... we should set a deadline for plugfest participation application too 07:20:56 yingying: ok 07:21:03 ... will set an initial deadline 07:21:28 ... Soumya, do you have any specific requirement? 07:21:36 soumya: no specific requirement 07:21:42 ... just want to join remotely 07:22:14 kaz: do you want to provide remote service, e.g., using BMW, this time? 07:22:17 soumya: not sure 07:22:30 ... if we can manage to do, will let you know 07:22:58 kaz: ok 07:23:06 ... so far, nobody is registered with the wiki... 07:23:31 action: yingying to send a reminder of the plugfest participation to the group 07:23:31 Created ACTION-52 - Send a reminder of the plugfest participation to the group [on Yingying Chen - due 2016-05-24]. 07:23:55 action: yingying to send a reminder to Matthias about plugfest requirements 07:23:55 Created ACTION-53 - Send a reminder to matthias about plugfest requirements [on Yingying Chen - due 2016-05-24]. 07:24:06 topic: Testimonials 07:24:23 yingying: OneM2M gave a message 07:24:44 kaz: did you get actual text? 07:25:05 yingying: no, just got a message about that 07:25:15 soumya: they're still discussing internally 07:25:48 topic: Blog 07:26:07 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/ WoT IG Blog 07:26:19 dsr: posted an article 07:26:45 ... waiting for response from OBC 07:27:04 ... following up for the Montreal meeting 07:27:14 ... talked with Marie about Soumya's post and got OK 07:27:16 soumya: tx 07:27:35 dsr: one question is whether we want any more articles or not 07:27:51 ... possibly individual blog posts 07:28:05 kaz: by some of the IG participants? 07:28:07 dsr: yes 07:28:35 kaz: will you send a request to the group? 07:28:37 dsr: yes 07:29:21 ... the post so far is a summary, and we could get people's opinions 07:35:37 topic: Upcoming events 07:36:26 ->https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Tracking_and_prioritizing_conferences_and_other_events_relevant_to_the_Web_of_Things 07:36:49 s/Things/Things SDOs/Events wiki 07:37:12 yingying: what should we prepare? 07:37:42 dsr: had a call with Daniel based on the material in Montreal 07:37:50 ... link from the Comm TF page 07:38:37 ... discussion with Comms people from the Team 07:38:47 ... and then reach out graphics guys 07:39:18 -> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Relevant_Conferences_for_the_Web_of_Things_IG conf wiki 07:39:46 dsr: yes, we have conference page 07:40:33 And here is a link to the draft flier text for managers and developers https://www.w3.org/Member/wiki/WoT/Flyers 07:40:51 dsr: link to the fliers 07:41:29 ... proposing to write a whitepaper soon for the AC review 07:42:02 kaz: this "flier" is different from the sales sheet? 07:42:10 dsr: handout for events 07:42:59 ... thought this is something Joerg was asking 07:43:42 kaz: maybe the target audience is different and specifically senior decision makers and developers 07:44:15 ... so possibly 2 sheets, one for decision makers and another for developers 07:44:19 dsr: right 07:44:41 ... or possibly one side for decision makers and another for developers 07:45:11 kaz: do we have any specific and concrete image for graphics? 07:45:17 dsr: no 07:45:41 kaz: we might want to ask Reinier as well for ideas 07:46:23 reynier: no specific ideas at the moment 07:46:43 ... bring down things and making them accessible is good 07:47:05 ... think Dave's email contained a good point too 07:47:28 dsr: one point is our looking for good graphic designer would cost much 07:47:39 ... would support from the Members 07:48:01 ... what we should do next is bringing this to the W3C Comm Team 07:48:41 ... we need to check back with professional Comm/Marketing guys 07:49:04 ... there are BusDev Team and Comm Team within W3C 07:49:15 reynier: what about the schedule? 07:49:27 dsr: concrete graphics would take long 07:49:41 ... so would like to generate a white paper first 07:49:42 s/Comm/Comm & Business Development/ 07:50:15 reynier: how much time do we have? 07:50:27 dsr: could get comments quickly 07:50:38 ... but would take long for the actual graphical content 07:51:36 kaz: any specific timeline for this? 07:51:40 ... this is a long-term topic 07:51:44 dsr: right 07:51:53 ... e.g., something ready by the Beijing meeting 07:52:15 yingying: Daniel and Dave will work for the schedule by June 11 07:52:26 dsr: the flier is part of that 07:52:35 ... including a white paper 07:52:45 ... that's on a short-term list 07:53:00 ... not got response from Joerg yet 07:53:13 ->https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-comms/2016May/att-0000/00-part 07:53:34 s/schedule/strategy/ 07:54:03 yingying: another action for Daniel to create a wiki page for collecting open source project info and prepare an email to advertise this 07:54:08 dsr: yes 07:54:26 yingying: would like to check the progress at the next call 07:54:38 topic: Liaisons 07:54:43 yingying: OMA CD 07:55:03 ... nvite Bryan Sullivan of AT&T to present their work at an upcoming AP call? 07:55:09 s/nvite/invite/ 07:55:15 dsr: would be a good start 07:55:34 yingying: shall I ask Joerg to invite Bryan? 07:55:42 dsr: the Chair of the call should do that 07:56:05 ... you should contact Matthias 07:56:23 action: yingying to ask Matthias to invite Bryan to the AP call 07:56:24 Created ACTION-54 - Ask matthias to invite bryan to the ap call [on Yingying Chen - due 2016-05-24]. 07:56:36 yingying: next 07:56:41 ... ISO/IEC 30141 07:56:52 ... what should we do? 07:57:18 I have another meeting now, so have to leave ... bye and talk to you tomorrow 07:57:18 kaz: who is handling this? 07:57:39 yingying: do we need to follow up? 07:57:56 dsr: trying to remember... 07:58:20 ... finding the link... 07:59:48 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-ig/2015Oct/0080.html 08:00:15 dsr: got a message above 08:00:21 ... and I replied 08:00:23 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-ig/2015Oct/0081.html 08:00:34 From Oct 2015 08:00:59 They requested: please submit comments to me no later than 12-18-2015 08:01:17 dsr: we missed the deadline... 08:01:43 kaz: in that case we can ask them if they still want our response 08:01:46 dsr: right 08:02:08 kaz: possibly they'll generate an updated version 08:02:22 dsr: this is regarding IoT architecture 08:02:35 ... so we should think about that 08:02:53 yingying: we didn't respond... 08:03:38 Our archiving system dropped the attachment with the Fraunhofer IOSB comments. :-( 08:04:44 dsr: comments were formed as a table 08:05:01 ... mostly typographical ones 08:05:08 ... and some technical ones 08:05:39 ... what I think we ought to do is comparing our architecture and this ISO architecture 08:06:14 ... not sure how to do, though 08:07:02 ... can send a message to the Fraunhofer contact 08:07:35 s/Fraunhofer/ISO 08:08:26 The ISO contact is Yaeseul Angela Park at the Global Standardization Center at the Korean Standards Association (KSA) and ISO/IEC JTC 1/WG 10 Secretary 08:09:09 kaz: also we should send a message to the group and suggest we should see architecture proposals of other SDOs 08:09:24 dsr: right not only ISO but also other SDOs 08:09:48 kaz: do you want to send that message? 08:09:55 dsr: ok. give me an action 08:10:34 action: dsr to send a message to the IG and suggest we should see architecture proposals by other SDOs (possibly for the tech landscape) 08:10:35 Created ACTION-55 - Send a message to the ig and suggest we should see architecture proposals by other sdos (possibly for the tech landscape) [on Dave Raggett - due 2016-05-24]. 08:11:03 action: dsr to send a message to the ISO contact (Yaeseul Angela Park) about their request 08:11:04 Created ACTION-56 - Send a message to the iso contact (yaeseul angela park) about their request [on Dave Raggett - due 2016-05-24]. 08:11:47 dsr: there was some problem with archiving attached PDF 08:11:53 ... would talk with the Systeam 08:12:37 reynier: this is an issue needs urgent treatment 08:13:51 action: dsr to contact the systream re problems with forwarding emails to the wot ig archive 08:13:51 Created ACTION-57 - Contact the systream re problems with forwarding emails to the wot ig archive [on Dave Raggett - due 2016-05-24]. 08:14:07 yingying: next 08:14:13 ... OPC Foundation 08:14:25 dsr: waiting for photos, etc. 08:14:27 ... will do 08:14:38 ... signed an agreement with them 08:14:42 ... informal collaboration 08:15:04 yingying: ok 08:15:09 ... all the topics are done 08:15:15 topic: Next meeting 08:15:37 yingying: agreed to have weekly calls to see the progress till the Beijing meeting 08:15:42 ... when to have the next meeting? 08:16:19 dsr: need to check the progress on the Beijing meeting carefully 08:16:22 yingying: ok 08:16:40 ... however, I'll be not available next Tuesday 08:16:53 dsr: I'll be available only on Mon/Tue next week 08:17:21 yingying: won't be available on Mon/Tue 08:17:58 ... should we have a meeting on Thu/Fri? 08:18:08 kaz: Thursday would be better 08:18:22 yingying: same time on May 26th 08:18:41 reynier: Dave will be not available? 08:18:43 dsr: right 08:18:52 yingying: will send an announcement 08:19:40 rrsagent, make log public 08:19:46 rrsagent, draft minute 08:19:46 I'm logging. I don't understand 'draft minute', kaz. Try /msg RRSAgent help 08:19:48 rrsagent, draft minutes 08:19:48 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/05/17-wot-comm-minutes.html kaz 08:19:52 [ adjournd ] 08:19:56 rrsagent, draft minutes 08:19:56 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/05/17-wot-comm-minutes.html kaz 09:00:44 dsr has joined #wot-comm 10:00:38 Zakim has left #wot-comm 11:58:44 dsr has joined #wot-comm 12:47:29 kaz has joined #wot-comm