18:43:36 RRSAgent has joined #aapi 18:43:36 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/04/05-aapi-irc 18:43:38 RRSAgent, make logs world 18:43:38 Zakim has joined #aapi 18:43:40 Zakim, this will be 18:43:40 I don't understand 'this will be', trackbot 18:43:41 Meeting: Accessible Rich Internet Applications Working Group Teleconference 18:43:41 Date: 05 April 2016 18:43:53 chair: Joseph_Scheuhammer 18:44:05 agenda: this 18:44:22 agenda+ ACTION-2008 (Cynthia/Joseph) Handle concept of description property for UIA - merged, final review. 18:44:31 agenda+ ACTION-1569/ACTION-2032/ISSUE-540 (Cynthia/Jason) Section on AAPI differences - merged, final review. 18:44:42 agenda+ ACTION-2012/ACTION-2013 (Joseph, Cynthia) UIA mappings for landmark roles, pull request merged: https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/272 — close? 18:44:58 agenda+ ACTION-2041 (Joseph/James/Joanie) AXAPI mapping for role="application", specifically change AXLandmarkApplication subrole. 18:45:05 agenda+ ACTION-1668 (Rich/Alex) Add IA2_ROLE_LANDMARK for IA2. 18:45:15 agenda+ ACTION-1541 (Joseph/Joanie) AXAPI mapping for aria-modal property -- update progress. 18:45:26 agenda+ Triage actions: https://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/products/23 (start with ACTION-1373) 18:45:33 agenda+ Triage core-aam bugzillas: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?component=Core%20AAM&product=ARIA 18:45:42 agenda+ Triage accname-aam bugzillas: https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/buglist.cgi?component=AccName%20AAM&product=ARIA 18:45:48 agenda+ Triage accname actions: https://www.w3.org/WAI/PF/Group/track/products/26 18:45:55 agenda+ be done. 18:48:02 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/04/05-aapi-minutes.html clown 18:54:55 clown has changed the topic to: WebEx Access Code 641 707 405 (Next meeting 12-Apr-2016, 20:00 UTC) 18:57:37 Rich has joined #aapi 19:00:05 present+ Joanmarie_Diggs 19:00:15 regrets+ Cynthia_Shelly 19:00:18 present+ Rich_Schwerdtfeger 19:00:50 scribe: joanie 19:01:36 present+ Joseph_Scheuhammer 19:01:40 http://clown.idrc.ocad.ca/Fluid/aria/TextInputPassword.html 19:02:49 bgaraventa1979 has joined #aapi 19:03:11 present+ Bryan_Garaventa 19:06:08 Zakim, take up item 1 19:06:08 agendum 1. "ACTION-2008 (Cynthia/Joseph) Handle concept of description property for UIA - merged, final review." taken up [from clown] 19:06:19 action-2008? 19:06:19 action-2008 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Handle concept of description property for UIA -- due 2016-03-01 -- PENDINGREVIEW 19:06:19 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2008 19:06:29 JS: You all should have a look at this even though Cynthia is not here. 19:06:34 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#accessible-names-and-descriptions 19:06:37 JS: I did want her approval. 19:06:48 JS: If you first go to the above URL in the Core AAM. 19:07:09 JS: In the fourth paragraph, it says (Joseph reads) 19:07:14 RS: MSAA does? 19:07:19 JS: That's my question. 19:07:26 JS: This is Cynthia's text. 19:07:33 RS: I believe she's got it wrong. 19:07:40 RS: This is a UIA property. 19:07:48 JS: I'll ask Cynthia about that. 19:07:55 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#ariaDescribedBy 19:08:01 JS: Next place to go is the above URL. 19:08:08 JS: The first sentence is new. 19:08:14 RS: (Reads text) 19:09:00 RS: Do they have the reverse relationships in UIA? 19:09:03 JS: I don't know. 19:09:09 JS: I don't think so, but I'm not sure 19:09:27 RS: I think they should, but what does Joanie think? 19:10:05 JD: It depends. 19:10:26 RS: Where I think it matters is with things like aria-details. 19:10:33 RS: You need to go back. 19:10:44 JS: But then that's a platform issue; not a spec issue. 19:10:51 RS: I think they should consider this. 19:11:00 RS: It might be a performance problem, but at the end of the day.... 19:11:06 RS: Can we raise an issue for this? 19:11:17 RS: This is new API on the platform, but can we raise it? 19:11:22 JS: Sure. Why not? 19:11:48 JS: The issue we're looking at (here at this meeting) is the addition of the sentence for the new description property. 19:12:13 s/description property/UIA description property/ 19:13:07 RS: Do you want me to send Cynthia an email? 19:13:28 JS: Yes please. If she replies that the reverse relationship exists, then we can open an issue against the Core AAM. 19:17:48 JS: I will ask Cynthia about the reference to MSAA. 19:17:57 JS: And close this action. 19:18:03 JS: If need be I'll open a new action. 19:18:07 Zakim, next item 19:18:07 agendum 2. "ACTION-1569/ACTION-2032/ISSUE-540 (Cynthia/Jason) Section on AAPI differences - merged, final review." taken up [from clown] 19:18:13 action-1569? 19:18:13 action-1569 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Create a section that describes AAPI differences -- due 2016-02-23 -- PENDINGREVIEW 19:18:13 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1569 19:18:33 JS: Jason and Cynthia wanted to add a section about API differences. 19:18:42 JS: They gave me text. I've added it in. 19:18:52 JS: I need them to confirm what I've done is what they want. 19:19:01 JS: We have three actions pending review, waiting for them to respond. 19:19:07 JS: The section in question is: 19:19:14 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#comparing-accessibility-apis 19:19:28 JS: There's a little blurb about each platform. 19:19:41 JS: And also about name and descriptions and the API differences. 19:19:49 JS: Do we want to discuss this any further today? 19:20:11 RS: (Reads) 19:20:22 JS: IA2 is not mentioned anywhere. 19:20:37 RS: And it's used in a couple of browsers: Chrome and Firefox. 19:20:42 JS and RS: On Windows. 19:20:56 JS: Anything you want to say about it? 19:21:08 RS: It's very similar to ATK/AT-SPI2 in terms of the information it provides. 19:21:38 RS: The client/server situation for GNU/Linux is different. 19:22:01 RS: Perhaps we should make a statement about IA2 being similar, but lacking that client and provider relation. 19:22:09 JS: At this point, I just want to leave it alone. 19:22:14 RS: This is not a normative section. 19:22:39 RS: But what you probably should do.... You have this first sentence. It should probably be outside the first paragraph. 19:22:50 RS: Then go into Linux/GNOME stuff. 19:23:06 RS: You bury them in the ATK/AT-SPI2 section. 19:23:15 RS: (Reads more) 19:23:24 RS: UIA actually does separate out a client and provider side. 19:23:32 RS: But they don't document the provider side. 19:23:39 RS: UIA is actually the client side. 19:24:17 JD: But you don't implement the client side. So who is reading this? 19:24:27 RS: We're testing AT-SPI2; not ATK. 19:24:39 JS: I agree. And it depends who the audience is. 19:24:57 JS: User agent implementations care about ATK; testers about AT-SPI2. 19:25:09 RS: UIA is only implemented by Microsoft, I believe. 19:25:18 RS: I hope we have convergence at some point. 19:25:45 RS: If we could create an API that's specific to the web as the starting point, and go from there. That would be the right thing to do. A lot easier, I would think. 19:28:23 JD: (Makes nitpicky clarification about "new API" versus "a new API".) 19:29:00 RS: If you don't want to write an IA2 section, you could reference all of them at the top. 19:29:12 RS: And then refer to it later (e.g. in ATK/AT-SPI2). 19:29:36 RS: Then if people really want an IA2 section, they can write it. :) 19:30:04 JS: I'll do this. Though it won't be my top priority, given other work I need to complete. 19:30:07 action-1659 19:30:07 Sorry, but action-1659 does not exist. 19:30:17 action-1569 19:30:17 action-1569 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Create a section that describes AAPI differences -- due 2016-02-23 -- PENDINGREVIEW 19:30:17 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1569 19:30:31 JS: I'll add a comment to action-1569 to make this change. 19:33:43 Zakim, next item 19:33:43 agendum 3. "ACTION-2012/ACTION-2013 (Joseph, Cynthia) UIA mappings for landmark roles, pull request merged: https://github.com/w3c/aria/pull/272 — close?" taken up [from clown] 19:33:56 JS: I'll skip this one. 19:34:04 JS: I merged her changes in. 19:34:11 Zakim, next item 19:34:11 agendum 3 was just opened, joanie 19:34:19 Zakim, close this item 19:34:19 agendum 3 closed 19:34:20 I see 8 items remaining on the agenda; the next one is 19:34:20 4. agenda+ ACTION-2041 (Joseph/James) AXAPI mapping for role="application", specifically change AXLandmarkApplication subrole. 19:34:23 Zakim, next item 19:34:23 agendum 4. "agenda+ ACTION-2041 (Joseph/James) AXAPI mapping for role="application", specifically change AXLandmarkApplication subrole." taken up 19:34:33 action-2041? 19:34:33 action-2041 -- James Craig to AXAPI: New subrole for role="application" since 'AXLandmarkApplication' no longer applies (application role no longer a landmark) -- due 2016-03-21 -- OPEN 19:34:33 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/2041 19:35:00 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=155403 19:35:03 JS: The role application is no longer a landmark, but it's been mapped forever to AXLandmarkApplication. 19:35:15 JS: There is a bug in WebKit's bugzilla. (Link above) 19:35:23 JS: Nothing has happened since March 12th. 19:35:53 RS: Joanie, when you check with Apple about DPub, could you ask about this bug? 19:35:56 JD: Sure. 19:36:33 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#role-map-application 19:38:59 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/aria/aria.html#application 19:39:27 "When there is a need to create an element with an interaction model that is not supported by any of the WAI-ARIA widget roles, authors MAY give that element role application. " 19:39:42 RS: What people were using role="application" for was to indicate they would handle all application navigation. 19:39:59 "And, when a user navigates into an element with role application, assistive technologies that intercept standard input events SHOULD switch to a mode that passes most or all standard input events through to the web application." 19:46:01 JS: So now that role="application" is no longer a landmark, the current situation seems to be that it's going to have AXRole of AXGroup, but the subrole will need to change. 19:46:13 RS: You still need to know it's interactive and not steal the keys. 19:46:31 "Don't use AXApplication since that's reserved for native apps." 19:46:32 RS: AXGroup won't accomplish that, so there needs to be a subrole to communicate that. 19:46:48 JS: The text above is in the bug comment. 19:47:39 JS: Does AXAPI have an enumerated set of subroles, or can they be created when needed? 19:47:42 JD: Not sure. 19:47:45 Zakim, next item 19:47:45 agendum 5. "ACTION-1668 (Rich/Alex) Add IA2_ROLE_LANDMARK for IA2." taken up [from clown] 19:47:55 action-1668? 19:47:55 action-1668 -- Alexander Surkov to Add a ia2_role_landmark to ia2. this will tell ats to look at the xml-roles value for landmarks -- due 2015-07-07 -- OPEN 19:47:55 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1668 19:48:08 JS: This is one of yours, Rich. 19:48:12 RS: Me? 19:48:20 RS: They already said they'd do this. 19:48:24 JS: Really? 19:48:34 JS: Do you have a link to the discussion? 19:48:49 RS: I posted to the list awhile back. 19:49:15 JS: This is due on the 7th of July. 19:49:24 RS: I'm looking. 19:50:01 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Feb/0375.html 19:50:05 RS: Here's the first post (above) 19:50:45 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-aria/2016Feb/0380.html 19:50:55 RS: (Reads from above URL) 19:51:08 RS: So Jamie and Surkov have responded. 19:51:31 JS: But in that message, Jamie says that he'll leave it to someone else to talk to the other screen reader vendors. 19:51:44 RS: I talked to Freedom Scientific. They seem fine with it. 19:53:16 RS: I'll check with Alex Surkov. 19:53:23 JS: I'll assign the issue to me. 19:53:56 agenda? 19:54:06 Zakim, next item 19:54:06 agendum 6. "ACTION-1541 (Joseph/Joanie) AXAPI mapping for aria-modal property -- update progress." taken up [from clown] 19:54:14 action-1541? 19:54:14 action-1541 -- Joseph Scheuhammer to Investigate and propose mappings for aria-modal property for axapi. -- due 2016-02-08 -- OPEN 19:54:14 http://www.w3.org/WAI/ARIA/track/actions/1541 19:54:24 JS: There is aria-modal and the mapping. 19:54:30 JS: Apple has implemented it already. 19:54:44 JS: Joanie investigated the mapping and provided a description of what she found. 19:54:45 https://rawgit.com/w3c/aria/master/core-aam/core-aam.html#ariaModalTrue 19:54:52 JS: We have this slot in the mapping spec (above link). 19:55:09 JS: We have stuff in there for the other APIs, but nothing yet for AXAPI. 19:56:08 JS: It appears that Apple is not so much exposing aria-modal as they are pruning the rest of the tree. 19:56:18 JS: Is that correct, Joanie? 19:56:45 JD: That was my take. But I believe I also stated that I was not Apple and that it would probably make sense to check with Apple to be sure. 19:56:54 RS: What you are describing is really expensive. 19:57:03 RS: (Describes a viewport-based solution) 19:58:04 JS: Getting back to the previous question, we need to know what AXAPI does. 19:59:11 https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=138566#c23 20:04:54 JD: I just commented on the bug, asking Chris to provide the official mapping for AXAPI's exposure of aria-modal. 20:05:17 Zakim, part 20:05:17 leaving. As of this point the attendees have been Joanmarie_Diggs, Rich_Schwerdtfeger, Joseph_Scheuhammer, Bryan_Garaventa 20:05:17 Zakim has left #aapi 20:05:23 RRSAgent, stop 20:06:44 scribeOptions: -final 20:06:51 RRSAgent, stop