IRC log of sdwssn on 2016-03-22
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 20:03:17 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #sdwssn
- 20:03:17 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 20:03:33 [SimonCox]
- present+ SimonCox
- 20:03:40 [phila]
- trackbot, help
- 20:03:40 [trackbot]
- Please see <> for help.
- 20:04:11 [ahaller2]
- i can't connect
- 20:04:28 [ahaller2]
- even not to phil's link
- 20:04:46 [phila]
- trackbot, associate this channel with #swd
- 20:04:47 [trackbot]
- Sorry, but #swd has no configuration.
- 20:04:49 [phila]
- trackbot, associate this channel with #swd
- 20:04:49 [trackbot]
- Sorry, but #swd has no configuration.
- 20:04:53 [phila]
- trackbot, associate this channel with #sdw
- 20:04:53 [trackbot]
- Associated this channel with #sdw.
- 20:05:23 [JRamsay]
- Present+ JRamsay
- 20:06:16 [phila]
- '/invite trackbot'
- 20:06:18 [SefkiKolozali_UniS_]
- SefkiKolozali_UniS_ has joined #sdwssn
- 20:06:50 [SefkiKolozali_UniS_]
- present+ Sefki Kolozali
- 20:06:52 [KJanowicz]
- i can do it
- 20:07:12 [ahaller2]
- i still can not connect, not through the phone number either
- 20:07:19 [kerry]
- scribe: KJanowicz
- 20:07:35 [kerry]
- Scribenick: KJanowicz
- 20:08:06 [KJanowicz]
- Can somebody add me to the webprotege ssn version or point me to the right link
- 20:08:11 [kerry]
- armin, meeting number is 647 066 501
- 20:08:18 [ahaller2]
- it does not wokr
- 20:08:37 [kerry]
- pw is sdwssn
- 20:08:37 [phila]
- zakim, code?
- 20:08:37 [Zakim]
- I have been told this is SDW SSN or +1-617-324-0000 access 647 066 501
- 20:08:38 [KJanowicz]
- The pw is at the top line of this chat
- 20:09:27 [phila]
- zakim, this is, access no. 647 066 501
- 20:09:27 [Zakim]
- got it, phila
- 20:09:36 [phila]
- zakim, save these details
- 20:09:36 [Zakim]
- I don't understand 'save these details', phila
- 20:09:47 [phila]
- zakim, help
- 20:09:47 [Zakim]
- Please refer to for more detailed help.
- 20:09:50 [Zakim]
- Some of the commands I know are:
- 20:09:50 [Zakim]
- xxx is yyy - establish yyy as the name of unknown party xxx
- 20:09:50 [Zakim]
- if yyy is 'me' or 'I', your nick is substituted
- 20:09:51 [Zakim]
- xxx may be yyy - establish yyy as possibly the name of unknown party xxx
- 20:09:51 [Zakim]
- I am xxx - establish your nick as the name of unknown party xxx
- 20:09:51 [Zakim]
- xxx holds yyy [, zzz ...] - establish xxx as a group name and yyy, etc. as participants within that group
- 20:09:51 [Zakim]
- xxx also holds yyy - add yyy to the list of participants in group xxx
- 20:09:51 [Zakim]
- who's here? - lists the participants on the phone
- 20:09:51 [Zakim]
- who's muted? - lists the participants who are muted
- 20:09:51 [Zakim]
- mute xxx - mutes party xxx (like pressing 61#)
- 20:09:52 [Zakim]
- unmute xxx - reverses the effect of "mute" and of 61#
- 20:09:52 [Zakim]
- is xxx here? - reports whether a party named like xxx is present
- 20:09:52 [Zakim]
- list conferences - reports the active conferences
- 20:09:53 [Zakim]
- this is xxx - associates this channel with conference xxx
- 20:09:53 [Zakim]
- excuse us - disconnects from the irc channel
- 20:09:53 [Zakim]
- I last learned something new on $Date: 2015/08/27 01:09:18 $
- 20:11:19 [phila]
- zakim, save this conference description
- 20:11:19 [Zakim]
- this conference description has been saved, phila
- 20:11:24 [phila]
- zakim, code?
- 20:11:24 [Zakim]
- I have been told this is, access no. 647 066 501
- 20:11:28 [ClausStadler]
- present+ ClausStadler
- 20:11:33 [phila]
- present+ phila
- 20:11:41 [kerry]
- present + keerry
- 20:11:46 [kerry]
- present+ kerry
- 20:11:48 [KJanowicz]
- @ahaller2: can you please give me editing rights on the ssn at webprotege?
- 20:11:48 [phila]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 20:11:52 [ahaller2]
- present+ ahaller2
- 20:12:17 [phila]
- kerry: Joel Ramsay is here from ANU who will be doing some work around IoT Lite
- 20:12:29 [SefkiKolozali_UniS_]
- present+ SefkiKolozali_UniS_
- 20:12:32 [phila]
- present- keerry
- 20:12:36 [JRamsay]
- Can you not hear me?
- 20:12:41 [KJanowicz]
- No
- 20:12:51 [JRamsay]
- Okay, I'll work on that here.
- 20:12:55 [SimonCox]
- present?
- 20:13:05 [SimonCox]
- present
- 20:13:06 [phila]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 20:13:06 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate phila
- 20:13:23 [phila]
- kerry: Sefki from Uni Surrey, works with Payam
- 20:13:25 [joshlieberman]
- joshlieberman has joined #sdwssn
- 20:13:33 [KJanowicz]
- Kerry: Sefki joint the group working on the SSN
- 20:13:45 [phila]
- chair: Kerry
- 20:13:55 [kerry]
- Present+ kerry
- 20:13:55 [KJanowicz]
- present+
- 20:13:56 [SimonCox]
- who is here?
- 20:14:17 [joshlieberman]
- present+ joshlieberman
- 20:14:22 [joshlieberman]
- webbed pw?
- 20:14:34 [joshlieberman]
- ...webex
- 20:14:43 [phila]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 20:14:43 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate phila
- 20:15:13 [KJanowicz]
- Likely me
- 20:15:41 [kerry]
- patent call:
- 20:16:04 [phila]
- Topic: Time changes
- 20:16:06 [kerry]
- topic: world time changes
- 20:16:32 [phila]
- agenda:
- 20:16:37 [KJanowicz]
- Kerry: we already changed the meeting time for the main meeting of the entire group.
- 20:16:55 [KJanowicz]
- Kerry: what about the SSN meeting?
- 20:17:32 [KJanowicz]
- I would hope we can stay at the time we had
- 20:17:50 [joshlieberman]
- hakim, code?
- 20:17:56 [joshlieberman]
- hakim, code?
- 20:17:57 [KJanowicz]
- Can't we stay with the times we agreed on before?
- 20:18:11 [joshlieberman]
- zakim, code?
- 20:18:11 [Zakim]
- I have been told this is, access no. 647 066 501
- 20:18:38 [KJanowicz]
- Kerry can you post the timeanddate link?
- 20:19:28 [ahaller2]
- 1:00pm utc
- 20:19:57 [KJanowicz]
- This time would not work for me
- 20:20:05 [phila]
- 20:20:38 [KJanowicz]
- What is wrong with the times we agreed on recently?
- 20:20:40 [phila]
- Next SSN Meeting will be at
- 20:20:43 [KJanowicz]
- q+
- 20:20:55 [kerry]
- ack KJanowicz
- 20:21:04 [SimonCox]
- 20:21:18 [phila]
- Which is 23:00 in Canberra
- 20:21:40 [phila]
- Europe changes this weekend
- 20:21:51 [phila]
- (Last weekend in March)
- 20:22:06 [SimonCox]
- Look at this:
- 20:22:41 [phila]
- KJanowicz: Can everyone get their fair share of suffering, i.e. make it late Tuesday/early Wednesday
- 20:23:01 [ahaller2]
- i prefer later at night
- 20:23:11 [phila]
- phila: As a European, I am lucky - all times work for us :-)
- 20:23:25 [ahaller2]
- if that helps Krzysztof
- 20:23:31 [JRamsay]
- As anAussie, I would prefer 1pm UTC, but as a newbie, Ill go with what you guys choose.
- 20:23:36 [KJanowicz]
- yes 2pm would already help me a lot
- 20:23:59 [KJanowicz]
- I cannot hear josh very well
- 20:24:05 [KJanowicz]
- +1
- 20:25:02 [KJanowicz]
- would the time right now work for all of us?
- 20:25:18 [kerry]
- password is sdwssn
- 20:25:31 [phila]
- s/password is sdwssn//
- 20:26:32 [KJanowicz]
- kerry: this would be 6am for you and 12/1 for the us west coast
- 20:26:59 [phila]
- 20:27:13 [KJanowicz]
- That would also work for me
- 20:27:34 [KJanowicz]
- 7am
- 20:28:40 [KJanowicz]
- We already have the main meeting at 6am pacific so it would be great to have the ssn meeting at another time
- 20:29:25 [phila]
- 20:29:44 [phila]
- 20:29:53 [KJanowicz]
- phila: listing proposals for meeting times for ssn meeting
- 20:30:27 [ahaller2]
- +1 for Proposal 1
- 20:30:33 [SefkiKolozali_UniS_]
- 14:00 UTC is fine with me. It seems like it is 15:00PM in the UK.
- 20:30:51 [SimonCox]
- Proposal 3 -
- 20:31:00 [phila]
- 20:31:15 [KJanowicz]
- +1 for proposal 3
- 20:31:55 [KJanowicz]
- I can also survive proposal 1
- 20:32:02 [SimonCox]
- +1 for #3
- 20:32:06 [kerry]
- +1 for prop 2
- 20:32:17 [JRamsay]
- +1 for proposal 2
- 20:32:36 [joshlieberman]
- +1 for 1,2, or 3
- 20:32:57 [kerry]
- 2nd choice proposal 3
- 20:33:00 [ahaller2]
- I think proposal 2 was ruled out
- 20:33:14 [SefkiKolozali_UniS_]
- +1 for proposal 1,2
- 20:33:28 [ahaller2]
- for the benefit of KJanowicz
- 20:33:33 [KJanowicz]
- thx
- 20:34:41 [SimonCox]
- Can't we use Doodle for this instead of taking time during call?
- 20:35:53 [joshlieberman]
- KJanowicz -- recruit 3 more participants?
- 20:36:27 [KJanowicz]
- i tried but they dropped out due to the meeting times, e.g., Karl
- 20:36:31 [ahaller2]
- kerry you vote for ANU
- 20:37:46 [ahaller2]
- it only works if you screw the europeans
- 20:37:54 [SimonCox]
- 20:38:23 [SimonCox]
- 20:38:33 [KJanowicz]
- ahaller2: ah, I see
- 20:38:34 [joshlieberman]
- 21h UTC?
- 20:39:17 [ahaller2]
- 11PM UTC works well for SYD and SFO
- 20:39:17 [phila]
- 21h UTC would be
- 20:39:36 [KJanowicz]
- it would work for me
- 20:40:07 [KJanowicz]
- kerry it would be 8am for you
- 20:40:23 [KJanowicz]
- same heree
- 20:41:09 [ClausStadler]
- for me all the times so far worked (europe)
- 20:41:09 [kerry]
- 20:42:01 [KJanowicz]
- 21h UTC would be
- 20:43:21 [KJanowicz]
- 20:43:45 [SimonCox]
- 20:46:27 [KJanowicz]
- q+
- 20:47:10 [KJanowicz]
- So, can we agree on the 21 UTC
- 20:48:39 [KJanowicz]
- q+
- 20:48:51 [kerry]
- ack KJanowicz
- 20:49:58 [KJanowicz]
- Based on the poll (7 1 1) it looks like 21 UTC, right?
- 20:51:45 [KJanowicz]
- Thank you very much Sefki
- 20:52:00 [KJanowicz]
- decision: new meeting time is 21 UTC
- 20:52:08 [kerry]
- decision:
- 20:52:42 [phila]
- RESOLUTION: SSN Meetings will take place at until end October
- 20:53:19 [KJanowicz]
- not so far
- 20:53:31 [ahaller2]
- i did
- 20:53:37 [KJanowicz]
- kjano
- 20:54:42 [DanhLePhuoc]
- DanhLePhuoc has joined #sdwssn
- 20:54:58 [ahaller2]
- you mean do it jeremy's way on the wiki?
- 20:55:38 [KJanowicz]
- q+
- 20:56:02 [joshlieberman]
- Editing on branches allows changes to be reviewed before merging...
- 20:56:06 [KJanowicz]
- +1
- 20:56:21 [KJanowicz]
- Can we draft on the wiki? as we did for the ssn xg.
- 20:56:49 [kerry]
- ack KJanowicz
- 20:59:18 [phila]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 20:59:18 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate phila
- 21:00:35 [joshlieberman]
- +1 to Github procedure -- gets easier as more documents get developed that way.
- 21:01:28 [KJanowicz]
- Agreement to use the Github procedure
- 21:02:19 [KJanowicz]
- Kerry to post github instructions
- 21:02:27 [joshlieberman]
- bye
- 21:02:31 [joshlieberman]
- joshlieberman has left #sdwssn
- 21:02:31 [KJanowicz]
- bye bye
- 21:02:47 [JRamsay]
- JRamsay has left #sdwssn
- 21:02:58 [phila]
- Meeting: SDW SSN Sub Group bi-weekly
- 21:03:01 [phila]
- RRSAgent, draft minutes
- 21:03:01 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate phila
- 22:40:05 [ahaller2]
- ahaller2 has joined #sdwssn
- 23:21:51 [Zakim]
- Zakim has left #sdwssn