14:42:33 RRSAgent has joined #dap 14:42:33 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/02/18-dap-irc 14:42:35 RRSAgent, make logs world 14:42:35 Zakim has joined #dap 14:42:37 Zakim, this will be DAP 14:42:37 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 14:42:39 Meeting: Device APIs Working Group Teleconference 14:42:39 Date: 18 February 2016 14:44:02 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2016Feb/0057.html 14:44:08 fjh has changed the topic to: dap https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2016Feb/0057.html 14:44:28 Regrets+ Tobie_Langel 14:44:45 Chair: Frederick_Hirsch 14:44:57 Present+ Frederick_Hirsch 14:45:44 Regrets+ Dominique_Hazael-Massieux 14:46:05 ScribeNick: fjh 14:46:07 Topic: Welcome, scribe selection, agenda review, announcements 14:53:04 fjh: Privacy call (PING) to discuss Vibration API, https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-privacy/2016JanMar/0026.html 15:00:19 Andrey_Logvinov has joined #dap 15:02:48 anssik has joined #dap 15:03:10 Present+ Andrey_Logvinov 15:03:26 Present+ Anssi_Kostiainen 15:05:31 Topic: Minutes approval 15:05:35 +1 to approve 15:05:40 Approve minutes from 4 Feb 2016, https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2016Feb/att-0035/minutes-2016-02-04.html 15:05:48 RESOLUTION: Minutes from 4 Feb 2016 are approved, https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2016Feb/att-0035/minutes-2016-02-04.html 15:05:56 Topic: Generic Sensor API 15:06:09 fjh: Tobie not on call so not much to discuss 15:06:25 anssik: tobie will put out update by this month, also ambient light 15:06:38 … also publish updated WD 15:06:45 … cannot automate it yet 15:06:54 fjh: WD update 15:07:48 fjh: need prepared editors draft including status section update, not a too slow to publish 15:07:52 fjh: would like to send CfC 15:08:22 fjh: good practice, not much delay with 1 week CfC, so lets do a CfC 15:08:38 … tue and thur are publication date 15:09:06 … need draft to see before deciding 15:10:00 … also need to understand what open issues remain - does not block WD 15:10:19 Topic: Battery Status API 15:10:28 fjh: where are we 15:10:48 anssi: identified root cause for test failures, fixed the test cases 15:11:10 … root cause was that test case should not be run too early, ordering of test cases 15:11:26 … update sent yesterday 15:11:41 https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2016Feb/0061.html 15:12:38 … one test remaining, Zhiqiang will work on this starting next week 15:13:05 … once that is done we can move to PR 15:13:12 fjh: how did you see the issue 15:13:31 anssik: Zhiqiang had tool to watch variables 15:13:38 fjh: is that tool available to others 15:13:51 anssik: Zhiqiang will include in test suite 15:14:57 fjh: so the timing should work with Dom being back 15:15:05 Topic: Vibration 15:15:16 fjh: lots of privacy discussion, see PING call for next week 15:15:55 fjh: I have a conflict but if you can attend it might be useful 15:16:27 https://github.com/w3c/vibration/pull/1 15:16:59 fjh: expect we can go to REC again without too much trouble, since we are not changing normative requirements that impact implementations 15:17:15 anssik: page visibility does not impact implementations or testing, better language 15:18:15 … note migrated from CVS to git , easier to review 15:18:30 … this is what to review: https://github.com/w3c/vibration/pull/1/files 15:20:03 fjh: I did not see discussion regarding privacy, wasn’t aware 15:20:27 anssik: request to mirror to list but awaiting for Dom until he is back 15:20:52 fjh: thanks for this work 15:21:12 … will review, shall we send message to list asking for review 15:21:40 fjh: I’ll ask for review 15:21:48 s/review/review by the WG/ 15:22:14 fjh: need to check what PING is looking at, should be this one 15:23:05 https://rawgit.com/anssiko/vibration/rec-errata/index.html 15:23:32 fjh: excellent, will make sure PING sees this as well as WG 15:24:13 action: fjh to request review of Anssi update of Vibration from WG and PING (pull request version) 15:24:13 Created ACTION-745 - Request review of anssi update of vibration from wg and ping (pull request version) [on Frederick Hirsch - due 2016-02-25]. 15:24:54 Topic: WakeLock API 15:25:05 Remaining issues; https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-device-apis/2016Jan/0077.html 15:25:29 Andrey_Logvinov: remaining issues are feature requests as opposed to issues 15:25:40 … desires for control of timeouts etc 15:25:56 … ongoing discussion, no consensus on how to deal with them 15:26:48 fjh: we have fast WD publication for this one, so the question is when to go to CR 15:26:56 anssik: behind flag in chromium? 15:26:58 Andrey_Logvinov: yues 15:27:05 s/yues/yes/ 15:27:15 anssik: other implementations? 15:27:23 Andrey_Logvinov: not yet 15:28:52 anssik: can we go to CR 15:29:10 fjh: can, since call for implementation, but better to have more implementation experience first, or confidence 15:29:21 fjh: what about Mozilla, Marcos is involved 15:29:30 Andrey_Logvinov: not sure what they are doing 15:30:09 anssik: key use case was Firefox OS, but now be refocused, so no longer under development, so could be lower priority 15:30:16 … use case is for mobile 15:30:30 fjh: need two implementations at least to progress 15:30:58 anssik: what about iOS, apple 15:31:08 … mobile feature, so that leaves Android and iOS 15:31:22 … maybe Firefox for Android, another question for Marcos 15:31:44 Andrey_Logvinov: not just mobile, can be for any platform 15:32:07 anssik: high value is for mobile, delay differences 15:32:56 fjh: who to ask? 15:33:04 … people in second screen group? 15:33:49 anssik: probably not right people 15:34:07 fjh: who in apple would be right person to ask, having reason to be interested 15:34:19 anssik: they tend to follow, not doing early implementations 15:34:57 … start with Marcos and Mozilla 15:36:29 Topic: Charter 15:38:12 proposed charter in review: https://www.w3.org/2015/11/DeviceSensorsCharter.html 15:39:03 anssik: we’ve been extended to end of march 15:40:11 fjh: I think we will be ok, haven’t seen issue, can work with Dom when he is back 16:01:25 mats has joined #dap 16:17:45 Topic: Other Business 16:17:47 none 16:17:55 Topic: Adjourn 16:17:59 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:17:59 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/18-dap-minutes.html fjh 16:29:23 s/not a too slow to publish/once we have that not too difficult or slow to publish WD/ 16:29:46 s/before deciding/before deciding on specifics/ 16:30:18 s/remain - does/remain, however that should not block publishing WD as we can publish early and often/ 16:31:09 s/see discussion/see the github discussion/ 16:31:26 s/awaiting/approval is awaiting/ 16:32:07 rrsagent, generate minutes 16:32:07 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/02/18-dap-minutes.html fjh 17:06:23 Zakim has left #dap