WoT Comm

17 Feb 2016


See also: IRC log


Soumya, Kaz, Dave, Joerg, Reynier, Yingying, Johannes
kaz, dsr


<kaz> scribenick: kaz

IoT World USA, Feb 2016

yingying: Dave's action to contact Molly?

dsr: had a chat

<dsr> https://www.w3.org/2008/pr-firm/wiki/MCStrategy_2016/wot

dsr: at the bottom of the above wiki
... there are links to the sales sheet and banner

-> https://www.w3.org/2008/pr-firm/wiki/images/a/a9/Wot_sell_sheet.pdf draft sales sheet

-> https://www.w3.org/2008/pr-firm/wiki/images/a/a7/WOT_banner_sticker_DRAFT.pdf draft banner

dsr: Kevin Hughes working with Molly for the logo of WoT

reynier: just joined the audio

dsr: one follow up
... Georg from the German office for

<dsr> IoTW Berlin 19-20 Sep 2016

<dsr> We hope to have a stand and talk at the Berlin event

<dsr> I would then fly to Lisbon to TPAC plenary day

any other events

soumya: have one idea
... IEEE IoT conference in Western Virginia on 12-14 Dec. 2016
... one of the big events

<Soumya> http://wfiot2016.ieee-wf-iot.org/

dsr: opportunity for us to speak there?

soumya: yes

dsr: possible to have Jeff Jaffe, the W3C CEO

soumya: good
... special session or tutorial may be possible
... good to have a session

<dsr> Soumya is on the program committee

soumya: having pc calls every 2 weeks

<dsr> ACTION: Soumya to introduce Dave to the IEEE IoT conference committee [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/02/17-wot-comm-minutes.html#action01]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-29 - Introduce dave to the ieee iot conference committee [on Soumya Kanti Datta - due 2016-02-24].

soumya: normally run a special session

-> http://www.interop.jp/ Interop Tokyo event

kaz: an event in Japan in June
... kind of like a CES in Japan
... June 8-10
... in Makuhari
... we can get a booth

<Soumya> Kaz - WF-IoT 2016 is in Reston, VA - http://wfiot2016.ieee-wf-iot.org/

kaz: also a meeting room for a mini f2f or mini plugfest

s/West Virginia/Reston, VA/

yingying: should we add these event to the list?

dsr: yes
... and I have another one

<dsr> WWW 2016 W3C Track https://www.w3.org/2016/04/w3c-track.html

<dsr> Thursday 14 April in Montreal

dsr: Marie is organizing the W3C track
... sending a message to the list to collect ideas
... people giving talks can get one-day pass

joerg: can do demo?

dsr: could do
... but how easy to do demos is to be considered

joerg: more communication style would be better

<dsr> A session can either host 4 talks (20' each + 10' questions total) or hosts 5 talks (15' each + 15' questions total). If you feel that you have enough "meat" to fill in 2 sessions of 90' each, then I will be happy to give you these 2 slots:

<dsr> - Thu. 14 -- 13:30 - 15:00

<dsr> - Thu. 14 -- 15:30 - 17:00

dsr: could get the above slots instead of the morning one
... would like a short title list
... first question is how many people are interested
... so far, myself about the abstract
... and Louay, Frank
... and Soumya on connected vehicles
... Sebasitian
... Mike Paciello

kaz: there is no slot for Automotive itself...

johannes: some talk on plugfest?

dsr: we can expand the slot

johannes: can send a proposal

soumya: already finalized the visa letter?

dsr: Yingying is in charge of invitation letters

soumya: ok

<Soumya> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/F2F_meeting_2016,_April,_12th_-_14th,_Montreal,_Canada

dsr: above is the Montreal f2f meeting page

reynier: next f2f meeting in Montoreal?

dsr: yes

reynier: relevant conferences on the wiki
... how to make decision where to go?
... what is the criteria?
... kind of big list

dsr: we have a long list
... the staff can attend a few
... but the Members potentially can attend
... and we welcome that
... this TF could help

kaz: Soumya, are you thinking about the W3C Vehicle API as well for the W3C Track?

soumya: yes, that is the part of the talk

kaz: great

yingying: for these events/conferences, would be better to add the info to the W3C event calendar

dsr: we should let the Comm Team about that

kaz: +1

yingying: Montreal and all?

dsr: staff and Members representing W3C
... e.g., if Soumya is presenting some work on W3C, we can add it

Liaison Statement from OMA CD to W3C on GotAPI and DWAPI

<Yingying> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-comms/2016Feb/0000.html

yingying: liaison letter from OMA

dsr: Bryan made a presentation on GotAPI in Sunnyvale
... not sure about the next step

kaz: we already have liaison with OMA

https: //www.w3.org/2001/11/StdLiaison
... so we can use that path
... and we might want to start with Bryan

dsr: would be the best

kaz: and if needed, we can extend the liaison with OMA for the WoT topic

<dsr> ACTION: Dave to contact Bryan to ask for his advice on OMA liaison re WoT [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/02/17-wot-comm-minutes.html#action02]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-30 - Contact bryan to ask for his advice on oma liaison re wot [on Dave Raggett - due 2016-02-24].

-> http://w3c.github.io/wot/landscape.html TF-AP landscape

kaz: fyi, Mohammed from Orange was assigned to contact Bryan for OMA liaison
... so maybe we can CC Mohammed when we contact Bryan

dsr: good idea
... we should add one more topic on ISO/IEC
... we've got a request for comments
... review of reference architecture

<dsr> https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-ig/2016Feb/0051.html

<dsr> use cases request: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-wot-ig/2016Feb/0053.html

joerg: what is your expectation?
... not really clear

dsr: could discuss the architecture

kaz: btw, there is no attached liaison letter with the message

dsr: maybe due to the ML setting...
... would take an action item to update the attachment

<dsr> ACTION: Dave to upload ISO/IEC attachments to the wiki and provide a link [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/02/17-wot-comm-minutes.html#action03]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-31 - Upload iso/iec attachments to the wiki and provide a link [on Dave Raggett - due 2016-02-24].

<dsr> (the attachments were stripped from the archive)

kaz: should one of the TFs work on that?
... or the whole IG?

dsr: IG has not been working on architecture

joerg: that's why wondering
... would see their domain model which was the basis of the architecture
... what would be the good reaction to them?

dsr: would look into possibility with other groups as well

joerg: activities in Asia?

dsr: one of our Members in Korea may be involved

kaz: thought Mr. Matsukura from Fujitsu was working on some architecture idea
... also we're generating some basic architecture

joerg: yeah
... but what is done by ISO/IEC might be more abstract architecture

dsr: work item within the draft charter on architecture
... so would discuss architecture during upcoming calls

kaz: part of the TF calls?

dsr: maybe a separate topic

joerg: Kajimoto-san may have some opinion
... we should ask him for opinion about possible relationship with the ISO/IEC work

reynier: who would contact Kajimoto-san?

kaz: can talk with him after Dave's uploading the attachment

reynier: good

WoT F2F meeting plan (April, July)

joerg: would go back to the first item
... one sentence on WoT

dsr: proposed a text with Molly
... not final version, though

reynier: would suggest the number of magnitude for IoT
... in 2020 there will be 50 billion of IoT devices
... that kind of number

kaz: for the sales sheet?

reynier: would check it again, but the sales sheet doesn't mention concrete number
... would help if we add concrete number

-> https://www.w3.org/2008/pr-firm/wiki/images/a/a9/Wot_sell_sheet.pdf draft sales sheet

joerg: also references?

reynier: one of the people from Taiwan
... mentioned the nature of the commercial value of IoT
... huge amount of values

<dsr> Re ISO/IEC liaison, Jonathan Jeon (ETRI) has previously posted emails and should be in the loop

reynier: is that ok?

joerg: please send the information by email
... and our colleague can add that to the sheet
... would see current draft sales sheet

<dsr> scribenick: dsr

<kaz> (kaz needs to move to another call)

Dave: will work with UQAM on registration & payment for the F2F

Dave to send details of host contact to task force leads

Joerg: can we arrange for 10-20 people to meet on Sunday to work on the plugfest preparations

Dave: that’s something we can discuss with Roger @ UQAM

If that doesn’t work out we can arrange a room e.g. in a hotel

Yingying: please keep me in the loop on the logistics planning as this will be helpful for Beijing F2F


Yingying: so far I’ve received two submissions and will add those to the web site

Joerg: suggest a further reminder and another week

Dave: once we have some testimonials showing, that should encourage others

Joerg: we want to start with some commercial testimonials

Yingying: what about testimonials from IoT industry alliances and SDO’s?

Joerg: we should include this in our outreach to those organisations
... this is related to the next agenda item on liaisons

<Yingying> https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Tracking_and_collaborating_with_IoT_industry_alliances_and_standards_development_organizations

Dave will work with Yingying on inviting testimonials from external orgs.

Joerg: this will depend on the prior collaboration agreements we have

improve/add liaison organizations of W3C in liaison page

Dave is working with Stefan Hoppe on a draft collaboration with OPC Foundation and an entry for our liaison page

<scribe> ACTION: Joerg to reach out to OIC for the WoT IG Montreal F2F [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/02/17-wot-comm-minutes.html#action04]

<trackbot> Created ACTION-32 - Reach out to oic for the wot ig montreal f2f [on Joerg Heuer - due 2016-02-24].

Re OPC, the idea we’re discussing is a common framework in respect to semantic interoperability and security


<Soumya> Consumer Electronics Magazine, IEEE - http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=5962380

Soumya I am interested in providing WoT related articles.

This magazine is aimed at consumers

Any comments?

Soumya: I will circulate the draft within a week or so. The publication date is in July

Joerg: could this be done within our task forces?

Soumya: I can first circulate the draft to the task force leaders, and to Joerg and Dave

Reynier thanks Yingying for chairing.

next meeting will be March 16 (3rd Wednesday of every month)

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Dave to contact Bryan to ask for his advice on OMA liaison re WoT [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/02/17-wot-comm-minutes.html#action02]
[NEW] ACTION: Dave to upload ISO/IEC attachments to the wiki and provide a link [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/02/17-wot-comm-minutes.html#action03]
[NEW] ACTION: Joerg to reach out to OIC for the WoT IG Montreal F2F [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/02/17-wot-comm-minutes.html#action04]
[NEW] ACTION: Soumya to introduce Dave to the IEEE IoT conference committee [recorded in http://www.w3.org/2016/02/17-wot-comm-minutes.html#action01]

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]
[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.128 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/02/18 09:17:25 $