IRC log of svg on 2016-01-14
Timestamps are in UTC.
- 20:29:18 [RRSAgent]
- RRSAgent has joined #svg
- 20:29:18 [RRSAgent]
- logging to
- 20:29:20 [trackbot]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 20:29:22 [trackbot]
- Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG
- 20:29:22 [Zakim]
- I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot
- 20:29:23 [trackbot]
- Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference
- 20:29:23 [trackbot]
- Date: 14 January 2016
- 20:29:42 [nikos]
- RRSAgent, make logs public
- 20:30:04 [nikos]
- Agenda:
- 20:30:08 [nikos]
- present+ nikos
- 20:33:03 [heycam]
- present+ heycam
- 20:34:16 [shepazu]
- present+ shepazu
- 20:34:20 [stakagi]
- present+ stakagi
- 20:34:21 [BogdanBrinza_]
- BogdanBrinza_ has joined #svg
- 20:35:01 [AmeliaBR]
- present+ AmeliaBR
- 20:35:19 [heycam]
- Scribe: Cameron
- 20:35:21 [heycam]
- ScribeNick: heycam
- 20:35:21 [nikos]
- chair: Nikos
- 20:35:36 [heycam]
- Topic: Bounding box for text
- 20:35:48 [nikos]
- 20:36:05 [heycam]
- nikos: an www-svg email was sent yesterday referring to some various browser bug reports
- 20:36:17 [heycam]
- ... it has a question about getBBox for various elements, tspan, textPath and text
- 20:36:28 [heycam]
- ... getBBox on textPath is new in SVG 2, but we don't have text on how behaviour should be
- 20:36:34 [nikos]
- 20:36:39 [heycam]
- ... Chrome and WebKit currently support getBBox on textPath, here's a test file
- 20:36:45 [heycam]
- ... they return the bbox of the ancestor text element
- 20:36:52 [heycam]
- ... I think that's not the behaviour we'd be going for
- 20:37:18 [heycam]
- AmeliaBR: one of the complications is that when it comes to stuff like paint servers it is very clearly said that on a tspan the reference bounding box is the entire text element's bbox
- 20:37:29 [heycam]
- ... that might be where the problem came in in implementations
- 20:37:43 [heycam]
- ... as you say that's not what user's expect when they're doing getBBox on a tspan or textPath
- 20:38:13 [heycam]
- nikos: for the Chrome and WebKit implementations, I'm not sure they're new, so they might be nonconforming from a while ago
- 20:38:46 [heycam]
- BogdanBrinza_: I haven't looked into this issue but am trying now
- 20:39:12 [heycam]
- AmeliaBR: right now we don't have specific text related to bbox in the Text chapter, it's just in coords and interfaces
- 20:39:26 [heycam]
- nikos: I thought the existing description should imply that the union of the glyph cells for the text path should be returned
- 20:39:30 [heycam]
- ... but it might be unclear
- 20:40:00 [heycam]
- AmeliaBR: there are the new getBBox parameters, so that's one option: add parameters that are text specific, whether you get the local bbox or the entire element's bbox
- 20:40:08 [heycam]
- ... but there's nothing text-specific in the general definition
- 20:40:27 [heycam]
- BogdanBrinza_: in Edge we don't have getBBox on <textPath>
- 20:40:36 [AmeliaBR]
- Current SVG 2 text for getBBox:
- 20:40:48 [heycam]
- nikos: do implementors see any difficulties in returning a box just for glyphs in the textPath?
- 20:40:56 [heycam]
- heycam: no it should be straightforward
- 20:41:10 [heycam]
- BogdanBrinza_: I think it makes sense
- 20:41:23 [heycam]
- nikos: I propose we resolve on that then
- 20:42:27 [AmeliaBR]
- Bounding Box for painting text:
- 20:42:42 [heycam]
- AmeliaBR: I think that is old text in that link there
- 20:43:03 [heycam]
- AmeliaBR: [quotes text regarding objectBoundingBox calculations]
- 20:43:20 [heycam]
- 20:44:37 [heycam]
- heycam: that section I added, which defines how getBBox return values are computed
- 20:45:47 [heycam]
- heycam: I don't think we want to change how objectBoundingBox for paint servers is interpreted
- 20:46:02 [heycam]
- AmeliaBR: we perhaps should allow specifying which bbox should be used for objectBoundingBox
- 20:46:19 [heycam]
- ... so perhaps you could have text-specific things in there (choose the "tspan" box for example)
- 20:46:29 [heycam]
- ... I don't think it would be confusing to stick with the current behaviour for now, though
- 20:47:25 [heycam]
- AmeliaBR: there are two sections of text that need clarification
- 20:47:39 [heycam]
- ... in the Text chapter, this paragraph about object bounding boxes it would be good to clarify that that doesn't affect the result of getBBox
- 20:48:00 [heycam]
- ... and then in the Coords chapter, when it's giving the default of getBBox calculations, to have a sentence specifically about tspans and textPaths
- 20:48:04 [heycam]
- 20:48:24 [heycam]
- "a shape that includes each of the glyph cells corresponding to the text within the elements"
- 20:48:56 [heycam]
- AmeliaBR: I think as far as a normative definition we don't have to change anything, but it would be worth having a short informative note pointing out the difference between getBBox and objectBoundingBox
- 20:49:03 [heycam]
- ... cross-linked to the Text chapter
- 20:49:10 [heycam]
- ... because it is a logical inconsistency
- 20:49:11 [Tav]
- present+ Tav
- 20:50:15 [heycam]
- RESOLUTION: Only the glyphs included within a tspan or textPath are included in the calculations for getBBox
- 20:50:27 [heycam]
- ACTION: Nikos to clarify that getBBox on tspan/textPath includes only that element's glyphs, but that objectBoundingBox values still are computed relative to the entire text element
- 20:50:28 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-3829 - Clarify that getbbox on tspan/textpath includes only that element's glyphs, but that objectboundingbox values still are computed relative to the entire text element [on Nikos Andronikos - due 2016-01-21].
- 20:51:10 [heycam]
- Topic: position and accuracy of spatial data
- 20:51:13 [nikos]
- 20:51:18 [heycam]
- nikos: an email from Chris Little
- 20:51:26 [heycam]
- ... I haven't done a lot of background research into this
- 20:52:42 [AmeliaBR]
- This is current text on precision in SVG:
- 20:53:43 [stakagi]
- 20:54:21 [heycam]
- AmeliaBR: it's the issue of being able to maintain precise differences between numbers while also having an overall magnitude -- when you're talking about mapping neighbourhoods, 110.003 vs 110.004 for example
- 20:54:27 [stakagi]
- > The viewer must use at least single-precision floating point for intermediate ....
- 20:54:29 [heycam]
- ... and that can be problematic when using single precision floats
- 20:54:53 [heycam]
- nikos: I was thrown off by his mention of the mapping data itself being out by a certain amount
- 20:56:16 [heycam]
- heycam: we get bug reports about these kinds of precision issues
- 20:56:25 [heycam]
- ... we usually tell users to transform the coords into a smaller range so it can work
- 20:56:54 [heycam]
- AmeliaBR: performing those calculations normalising those coords wouldn't be feasible for the implementation to do
- 20:56:59 [heycam]
- nikos: yes that's not likely to be specced
- 20:57:32 [heycam]
- AmeliaBR: we can encourage the SDW WG to consider ways of clearly defining precision/accuracy so that a certain graphic could declare the transforms that would be necessary to maintain accuracy and precision, I don't know
- 20:57:39 [heycam]
- ... but we'd need a specific request from them
- 20:58:00 [heycam]
- nikos: should we resolve to have a short informative text pointing out this issue?
- 20:58:47 [nikos]
- 20:58:50 [heycam]
- ACTION: Cameron to draft a couple of sentences describing lat/long map data accuracy issue
- 20:58:50 [trackbot]
- Created ACTION-3830 - Draft a couple of sentences describing lat/long map data accuracy issue [on Cameron McCormack - due 2016-01-21].
- 21:00:19 [heycam]
- Topic: SVG 2 Chapters
- 21:00:49 [nikos]
- 21:01:30 [heycam]
- nikos: for me, I was going to look at Coords chapter, I haven't done a lot on that yet. my plan is to take a solid week before the F2F to work on that.
- 21:02:01 [heycam]
- ... I'll tidy up what I can, resolve the two issues in there, and a couple of other actions about stroking
- 21:03:20 [heycam]
- heycam: I am focussing on the text layout algorithm before the F2F
- 21:05:37 [heycam]
- ... in Painting there is really just the marker orientation issue, I'll coordinate with Bogdan so he take it from me to investigate
- 21:06:18 [AmeliaBR]
- 21:06:33 [heycam]
- AmeliaBR: Interactivity currently listed as 4
- 21:07:19 [heycam]
- ... that's related to focus and tabindex. I can see if the SVG Accessibility TF can look over it.
- 21:07:54 [heycam]
- nikos: struct.html has three issues for discussion; I'll mail Erik to see if he will have a chance, otherwise we can talk about them next week
- 21:08:29 [AmeliaBR]
- s/listed as 4/issue 4 is listed as needing discussion/
- 21:09:25 [heycam]
- heycam: Styling has two issues both just about pointing to css-text-4 for the new white-space value
- 21:09:35 [heycam]
- ... I'll check if that spec has been published
- 21:10:21 [heycam]
- RRSAgent: make minutes
- 21:10:21 [RRSAgent]
- I have made the request to generate heycam
- 21:26:22 [stakagi]
- stakagi has joined #svg
- 23:17:00 [jdaggett]
- jdaggett has joined #svg