20:29:57 RRSAgent has joined #svg 20:29:57 logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/01/07-svg-irc 20:29:59 RRSAgent, make logs public 20:30:01 Zakim, this will be GA_SVGWG 20:30:01 I do not see a conference matching that name scheduled within the next hour, trackbot 20:30:02 Meeting: SVG Working Group Teleconference 20:30:02 Date: 07 January 2016 20:30:12 present+ Cameron 20:30:41 present+ nikos 20:31:05 Chair: nikos 20:31:28 Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-svg/2016Jan/0000.html 20:31:38 AmeliaBR has joined #svg 20:32:18 present+ stakagi 20:32:39 present+ tav 20:38:29 Scribe: Cameron 20:38:31 ScribeNick: heycam 20:38:35 Topic: Sydney F2F and meetup 20:38:38 http://www.meetup.com/SVG-AU/pages/Feb-Meet-Plan/ 20:38:48 nikos: this is mark's initial plan for the event to run while we're in town 20:38:52 ... this for the Thursday night 20:38:55 ... the first night of the SVG meeting 20:39:07 ... there's also a CSS event on the Wednesday night hosted at Google 20:39:20 ... Alex is speaking for a long talk. he's looking for another long talk, and some lightning talks. 20:39:31 ... if people aren't keen for a long talk, we could offer an alternative such as a panel session 20:39:42 ... the other would be to do a collobrative talk, or use a previously written talk 20:39:57 ... if anyone is initially keen to give a 35 minute talk (already prepared or a new one) 20:40:04 shepazu: I would be up for doing a lightning talk on SVG Accessibility 20:40:13 nikos: I'm happy to do one on diffusion curves too 20:40:39 Tav: I could talk on some of the exciting SVG 2 stuff, which might make a 35 minute talk 20:41:03 shepazu: pretty pictures plus here's the syntax would make a good lightning talk too 20:41:40 s/might make/might not make/ 20:41:58 nikos: how about a lightning talk from Tav, and then a panel session 20:42:08 shepazu: we can just split up that 35 min thing into more lightning talks and a panel session 20:42:24 shepazu: I'll talk to Mark and say that's what we're happy to plan for 20:42:45 s/shepazu/nikos/ 20:43:18 nikos: at the CSS meetup on Wednesday they are also happy to have SVG talks 20:44:42 nikos: I'll let the CSS folks know that you (Tav) will give a short talk on SVG 2 upcoming features 20:44:51 nikos: also don't forget to register for our F2F 20:44:59 https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/19480/Sydney2016/ 20:45:33 Topic: SVG 2 chapter progress and planning 20:45:37 https://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/WG/wiki/SVG2_Chapter_Assessment 20:45:49 heycam: I think the main thing there is the Text chapter 20:45:57 s/heycam/nikos/ 20:46:10 nikos: Tav can you repeat what needs doing before the F2F for Cameron? 20:46:20 Tav: I haven't looked at it in the last month, but I need Cameron to finish the algorithm section 20:46:25 ... if he's still planning on doing that 20:46:49 heycam: how much work is gated on that that you want to get done before the F2F? 20:46:53 Tav: as much as possible 20:47:11 ... my plan is to move the baseline stuff into the properties section 20:47:16 ... (that's something I'll talk about at the meetup) 20:47:27 ... then I'll start working on looking at the Shapes 2 spec and what needs to be done there 20:47:57 heycam: do you think we'll be able to proceed with SVG 2 as CR before the Shapes 2 work is done? 20:48:13 Tav: I've been told there has been work done on it, but I haven't been following closely, so I need to catch up on that 20:48:23 ... what we need is very small 20:48:46 nikos: so we'll talk about this on the FX day? 20:48:51 Tav: yes. by then I should have a list of things to discuss. 20:48:59 nikos: it would be good if I could pass them an agenda a bit ahead of time 20:49:03 ... so if you have a list send it to me 20:49:21 Tav: the biggest problem I can see is defining where you begin line flow 20:49:35 ... suppose you have a circle, and you're trying to fill a circle with text, how do you position the first line 20:49:53 nikos: let's talk about it some more once you've had a look at that spec 20:50:26 nikos: I have the Coords chapter, which I haven't done much on; I've sent a mail to Dirk to see what he's got up to 20:50:38 ... there are a couple of open issues in the spec which I'll try to get done by the F2F (or ready for discussion) 20:50:45 ... I was also going to try applying the new TR style sheet 20:50:52 ... which is rolling out Feb 1? 20:50:59 shepazu: as far as we know right now we are still on track 20:51:18 ... there may actually be a small amount of JS in it 20:51:27 nikos: is that to keep a pointer in the index for where you're up to or something? 20:51:35 shepazu: I think it might be related to the ToC sidebar, turning it on or off I think? 20:52:03 nikos: Cameron? 20:53:59 heycam: there are two red issues in the Painting chapter; one relates to the new non-scaling features, but I think those should move into the Coords chapter 20:54:19 ... the second is a maker positioning issue and some rewording tweaks for old wording 20:54:25 ... that's all there's left in that chapter 20:55:05 heycam: I will prioritise the Text stuff 20:57:32 trackbot: end telcon 20:57:32 Zakim, list attendees 20:57:32 As of this point the attendees have been nikos, ed, heycam, AmeliaBR, fesch, BogdanBrinza, Tav, stakagi, shepazu, Cameron 20:57:41 RRSAgent, please draft minutes 20:57:41 I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/01/07-svg-minutes.html trackbot 20:57:42 RRSAgent, bye 20:57:42 I see no action items